To cancel a checkout from Visual Studio

About this task

The undo checkout operation cancels a checkout for one or more elements, and, by default, deletes the checked-out version. In a snapshot view, each of these files is updated. A dynamic view reverts to selecting a checked-in version of each element.

From Visual Basic

About this task

To cancel a checkout from Visual Basic, perform the following steps:


  1. Click Tools > VersionVault > Undo Check Out.

    The Undo Check Out from VersionVault window displays all files that are currently checked out.

  2. Select files whose checkout you want to cancel.

    By default, a copy of these files is saved with a .keep extension. If you do not want to save a copy, click Advanced and clear the Save copy of file with .keep extensions check box. Then click OK.

  3. Click OK.

From Visual J++ and Visual C++

About this task

To cancel a checkout from Visual J++ and Visual C++, perform the following steps:


  1. Select one or more files in Project Explorer or FileView. (If you set up Visual Studio to present files, you can skip this step.)
  2. Click Project > Source Control > Undo Checkout.

    The Undo Checkout window opens, with the files you chose in Step 1 selected. (If you set up Visual Studio to present files, the window displays all files in the project whose checkouts can be canceled. You may select additional files from the list.)

  3. By default, a copy of these files is saved with a .keep extension. If you do not want to save a copy, click Advanced and clear the Save copy of file with .keep extensions check box. Then click OK.
  4. Click OK.