Directory conventions for HCL VersionVault web server deployments
References in product information to WebSphere Application Server_root_dir, and other directories imply specific default directory locations. This topic describes the conventions in use for WebSphere® Application Server and, IBM® HTTP Server and HCL VersionVault web application.
Default installation directory locations
The following table lists the default installation locations. You can install the product and other components or create profiles in any directory where you have write access. Multiple installations of WebSphere® Application Server products or components require multiple locations. For information on finding directory locations and other information about profiles, see Quick reference for managing profiles, IBM WebSphere Application Server, and IBM HTTP Server.
Directory | Default location on Windows | Default location on UNIX/Linux |
was_root_dir | C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere | /opt/IBM/WebSphere |
was_install_dir | C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer | /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer |
was_profiles_dir | C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer\profiles | /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/profiles |
ihs_install_dir | C:\Program Files\IBM\HTTPServer | /opt/IBM/HTTPServer |
ccrc_profile_dir | C:\Program Files\HCL\CCM\common\ccrcprofile | /opt/hcl/ccm/common/ccrcprofile |
versionvault-home-dir | C:\Program Files\HCL\CCM\VersionVault | /opt/hcl/ccm/versionvault |
cqweb_profile_dir | C:\Program Files\HCL\CCM\Compass\cqweb\cqwebprofile | /opt/HCL/CCM/Compass/cqweb/cqwebprofile |
hcl_common | C:\Program Files\HCL\CCM\Common | /opt/HCL/CCM/common |
profile_dir | See Identifying the root directory of a WebSphere® Application Server. |