Creating a global type
When administrative VOBs are in use, most type-creation operations create global types.
About this task
Most cleartool type-creation commands (see Predefined and user-defined type objects) support a –global option, which creates a global type object.
The following command creates a global label type in VOB \admin:
cleartool mklbtype –c "final label for REL6" –global REL6@\admin
Created label type "REL6".
Unless you use the –acquire option to the appropriate type-creation command, you cannot create a global type if any VOB in the hierarchy defines a type object with the same name. Before you create a new global type, check for potentially eclipsing local types and use the –acquire option to convert these to local copies of the global type.
For example:
cleartool describe –fmt "%n\t%[type_scope]p\n" lbtype:V3.2@\dev
V3.2 ordinary
cleartool mklbtype –c "Release 3.2" –global –acquire V3.2@\admin
Created label type "V3.2".
cleartool describe –local –fmt "%n\t%[type_scope]p\n" lbtype:V3.2@\dev
If the types are not identical, the –acquire operation prints a warning and fails. If a type is identical but locked, it is reported as not acquirable, and the operation continues with other types. To correct this problem, remove the lock and enter the appropriate type-creation command again with the –replace, –global, and –acquire options, or use the checkvob –global command.
You can also use the –replace, –global, and –acquire options to convert an existing ordinary type to a global type.