Adding a VOB to an administrative VOB hierarchy
Adding a VOB to an administrative VOB hierarchy gives it access to global types defined in the administrative VOB.
About this task
You can add a VOB to an existing administrative VOB hierarchy by removing an existing AdminVOB hyperlink and adding two new ones. This operation does not disrupt existing type definitions, because the hyperlink between a local copy and its associated global type remains intact.
To add a VOB to an administrative VOB hierarchy, use the following procedure.
- Remove the AdminVOB hyperlink
at the point where you want to add the new VOB. For example, if you want to add a VOB between \admin and \admin_re as illustrated in Administrative VOB hierarchies and global types, use cleartool describe to list the AdminVOB hyperlink and cleartool rmhlink to remove it.
cleartool describe –l vob:\admin
AdminVOB@40@\admin_re <- vob:\admin_re
cleartool rmhlink –c "insert admin VOB" AdminVOB@40@\admin_re
Removed hyperlink "AdminVOB@40@\admin_re" - Link the new VOB to its superior in the hierarchy.
The following command creates an AdminVOB hyperlink from the VOB \admin_lb to the VOB \admin
cleartool mkhlink –c "link admin_lb to admin" AdminVOB vob:\admin_lb vob:\admin
Created hyperlink "AdminVOB@40@\admin_lb". - Link the VOB you removed from the hierarchy in Step 1 back
into the hierarchy.
cleartool mkhlink –c "link re to admin_lb" AdminVOB vob:\re vob:\admin_lb
Created hyperlink "AdminVOB@40@\re".This also reconnects the VOB \re with the hierarchy, because its link to \admin_re is still intact.