Listing the history of a global type
By default, the lshistory command lists the history of the global type for the object selector you specify, even if there is no local copy of the type in the specified VOB.
About this task
To list the history of a local copy, use the –local option. Specifying –all or –avobs implicitly specifies –local.
The following command lists the history of a global label type:
cleartool lshistory –minor lbtype:REL6@\dev
28-Jul.14:00 smg make hyperlink "GlobalDefinition" on label type "REL6"
"Attached hyperlink "GlobalDefinition@47@\dev".
Automatically created label type from global definition in VOB "\admin"."
28-Jul.13:57 smg create label type "REL6"
The following command lists the history of a local copy of a global label type:
cleartool lshistory –local –minor lbtype:REL6@\dev
28-Jul.14:00 smg make hyperlink "GlobalDefinition" on label type "REL6"
"Attached hyperlink "GlobalDefinition@47@\dev".
Automatically created label type from global definition in VOB "\admin"."
28-Jul.14:00 smg create label type "REL6"
"Automatically created label type from global definition in VOB "\admin"."