Shown on the right hand side of the screen is a VOB tag. A view tag is under it. The VOB tag and the view tag are in the Windows® region, under the title Tags (Windows® region). Under the VOB tag and the view tag in the Windows® region is a title Tags (UNIX® region). Under this title are a VOB tag and a view tag in the UNIX® region. The VOB and view tags are represented by the same tag-shaped polygons as in figure 1. On the left hand side of the screen is the title VOB objects. A VOB object registry entry is underneath it, represented by the same rectangle with rounded corners as in figure 1. Under the VOB object registry entry is the title View objects. Under this title is a view object registry entry, represented by the same rectangle with rounded corners as in figure 1. Arrows point from the VOB tag in the Windows® region and the VOB tag in the UNIX® region to the VOB object registry entry. Arrows point from the view tag in the Windows® region and the view tag in the UNIX® region to the view object registry entry. End of Figure 2.