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To change defaults for the integration with Visual J++
- In Visual J++, click .
- On the left side of the Options window, click and
change any of the following options:
- Get everything when opening the solution
- Check in everything when closing the solution
- Perform background status updates
- Add new projects to source control
- When checked in items are edited
- After item add, remove or rename
- Show pull reminders and Show push reminders
- Detail dialogs
- Include only selected items
- Click Advanced.
In the VersionVault Options window, click
the General tab and select any of the following options:
- Search for new project files
- Enable the Get Latest Version command on the Source Control
- Click the Operations tab and
select any of the following options:
- Reserved
- Save copy of file with a .keep extension
Always prompt for an activity when working in a view of a VersionVault project
In the VersionVault Options window, click
- Then click OK in the Source
Code Control Options window.