About using the modified graphic user interface

For the modified graphic user interface, there are two integration interfaces possible. One interface is based on a Perl trigger. The Association window displays the result set of a standard HCL Compass query, usually showing all open change request IDs that are currently assigned to you. If local policies allow, you can select to run alternative site-specific queries or queries that are supplied with the HCL Compass schema.

In the Perl interface, select an entry in the result set and click Associate to create an association between the versions you are checking out and the change request. If multiple selections are allowed on your project, select multiple entries. With at least one association, click OK to continue the checkout. To close the window without making a change, click Cancel. For more information, click Help.

Some Windows® systems use an alternative integration based on a Visual Basic trigger to provide a graphic user interface. (This interface lacks the Database and Record Type buttons that the Perl-based interface has.) You use the Associate Change Requests window to associate a HCL VersionVault version with one or more HCL Compass change requests and to remove existing associations. To change your stored user name, password, or HCL Compass user database name, use the Registry Editor to delete the key similar to the following:


The integration prompts you for the information the next time that you check in or check out a version.