Global types and mastership
Restrictions on the creation of global types prevent creation of conflicting types at multiple sites.
About this task
You can create a local copy of a global type only if the global type is mastered by a replica at the current site. If the global type is not mastered at the current site, you can create instances of the type in a local replica only if the replica already contains a local copy of the type. This restriction applies even if your current replica masters the object to which you are attaching the instance of the type.
- Create a local copy at the site that masters the type.
- Export an update packet from the replica at the mastering site to the replica at your site.
- Import the packet at your site.
For example (see Replication requirements of administrative VOB hierarchies), an engineer at your site (San Francisco) tries to apply the RELEASE-2.1 label to a version in the \dev VOB. The command fails because the label type is a global type mastered at a different site and no local copy exists in \dev.
cleartool mklabel –nc RELEASE-2.1 \dev\file.txt
cleartool: Error: Type must be mastered in original replica "SFO" to use copy type.
cleartool: Error: Unable to create label "RELEASE-2.1" on
"\dev\file.txt" version "/main/3".
To create a local copy of the type in the replica at your site, use the following procedure.
After the packet is imported, you can create the label:
cleartool mklabel –nc RELEASE-2.1 \dev\file.txt
Created label "RELEASE-2.1" on "\dev\file.txt" version "/main/3".