The parent project is called $/payroll. It has three child projects: /progs, /bugfix, and /queries. /progs contains two versions of the element mod_empl.c. Versions are represented as circles with integers inside of them indicating their version number; for example, in /progs, versions 1 and 2 of mod_empl.c are displayed as two circles with the numbers 1 and 2 inside of them, respectively. A successive version is connected to the previous version with a solid straight line. /progs/mod_empl.c shares its versions with /bugfix/mod_empl.c. The share, which is similar to a hardlink, is represented by dotted lines connecting versions of /progs/mod_empl.c to /bugfix/mod_empl.c. The label REL1 is attached to version 2 of /progs/mod_empl.c and version 2 of /bugfix/mod_empl.c. /bugfix/mod_empl.c has two more versions on its branch than has /progs/mod_empl.c. These two additional versions of /bugfix/mod_empl.c are not shared.
By default, Visual SourceSafe uses the latest version on a given branch, which is version 4 for for /bugfix/mod_empl.c. However, Visual SourceSafe is currently using version 3 of /bugfix/mod_empl.c using a Pin. This is shown by the word Pin next to version 3 of /bugfix/mod_empl.c.
The element /bugfix/add.sql contains a share to /queries/add.sql. Add.sql has four versions in both /bugfix and /queries. The Label REL1 is attached to versions 2 of /progs/mod_empl.c and /bugfix/mod_empl.c, version 4 of /bugfix/add.sql, and version 1 of /queries/add.sql, showing that these versions were used to build the first version of the Payroll application. End of Figure 7.