The figure shows two squares placed next to one another horizontally. The left square has two bars within it, one above the other. The bars have black backgrounds and white text. The text in the top bar reads Vob objects and the text in the bottom bar reads View objects. Above the bar that says VOB objects is text that reads lsvob. This indicates that the lsvob command neither adds nor removes information from the VOB object registry. Below the bar that says View objects is text that reads lsview. This indicates that the lsview command neither adds nor removes information from the view object registry.

The box on the right is identical, but its bars read VOB tags and View tags. Above the bar that says VOB tags is text that reads lsvob. This indicates that the lsvob command neither adds nor removes information from the VOB tag registry. Below the bar that says View tags is text that reads lsview. This indicates that the lsview command neither adds nor removes information from the view tag registry.

Cleartool commands that add or replace data to the object or tag registries are connected to the object registry and tag boxes by lines ending with black ovals within the boxes. Cleartool commands that remove data from the object or tag registries are connected to the object registry and tag boxes by lines ending with white ovals within the boxes.

The cleartool reformatvob and register –vob commands add or replace data in the VOB object registry only. The cleartool register –view command adds or replaces data in the view object registry only. The cleartool mktag –vob and mktag –view commands add or replace data in the VOB tag or view tag registries only. The cleartool unregister –vob and –view commands add or replace data in the VOB object or view object registries only. The cleartool mkvob and mkview commands add or replace data in both the VOB and view tag and the VOB and view object registries. The cleartool rmvob and rmview commands remove data in both the VOB and view tag and the VOB and view object registries. End of Figure 3.