A box on the right hand side of the screen is titled Tags (default region). A VOB tag is shown under the title, and a view tag is shown under the VOB tag. Both the view and the VOB tag are represented by tag-shaped polygons. Both the VOB and the view tags contain information about the VOB or view name, UUID, host name, and global path. The VOB object registry entry corresponding to the VOB tag is on the left hand side of the screen under the title VOB objects. The VOB object registry entry is represented by a rectangle with rounded corners. The VOB object registry entry contains information about the VOB's host name, hpath, replica UUID, and family UUID. An arrow points from the VOB tag to the VOB object registry entry. The view object registry entry corresponding to the view tag is under the title view objects. The view object registry entry is positioned under the VOB object registry entry. The view object registry entry is represented by a rectangle with rounded corners. The view object registry entry contains information about the view's host name, UUID, hpath, and owner. An arrow points from the view tag to the view object registry entry. End of Figure 1.