About Segment Central As the name suggests Segment Central is centralized application to create and manage strategic segments. In Segment Central we can create strategic segments based on audiences having base tables. Using base table mapping you can create rules, based on these rules the set of ids present inside each base table forms a segment. Segments will select records from the existing base table based on the defined rule. Segments can also be created using existing segments.
Prerequisites for creating strategic segments Before you create a strategic segment, you must meet the following prerequisites.
Creating strategic segments To create strategic segments, complete the following steps:
Viewing segment listing Segment present on All Segments page will display the number of records present in that segment and also the last run date. For published segments, the date on which the segment was published will be displayed.
Viewing strategic segments Editing a strategic segment Moving a segment Deleting strategic segments Organizing strategic segments You can organize your strategic segments by creating a folder or series of folders. You can then move strategic segments from one folder to another within the folder structure you have created.
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