Guidelines for deploying Unica Platform on Apache Tomcat®
You must follow a set of guidelines when you deploy Unica Platform on Apache Tomcat. For Contact Central, the steps to deploy Tomcat remain same.
Make sure that the version of Apache Tomcat meets the requirements that are described in the Recommended Software Environments and Minimum System Requirements document. Use the following guidelines when you deploy Unica Platform on Apache Tomcat:
- Deploy the HCL unica.war file as an enterprise application on Tomcat Apache
server.Note: Deployment of HCL EAR file is not supported in Tomcat.
- Edit the file for the respective product instances script in
the bin directory under your Tomcat instances directory to add the
following Java options:
- Dfile.encoding=UTF-8
In case you are deploying a non-production setup, add
In case of a production setup, this Java option must be removed or set to false.
- Restart Tomcat.
- Edit the file for the respective product instances script in
the bin directory under your Tomcat instances directory to add the
following Java options:
- If deploying in a production environment, you can add JVM heap setting for that
tomcat instance in app-one/bin/ file respectively for all the
For DB2, set
progressiveStreaming = 2
in the UnicaPlatformDSdatasource configuration. - When Unica war is deployed on Tomcat, complete the following configuration in
server.xml, where unica.war is deployed.Add relaxedQueryChars under unica server.xml as mentioned below.
<Connector port="8080" protocol="HTTP/1.1" connectionTimeout="20000" redirectPort="8443" relaxedQueryChars="|,[,],\,`,{,},^" />
- You must add Unica Platform data source in unica.xml along with the path of
unica.war to the Unica Platform Tomcat instance. For example
<Context docBase="<Platform_Install_Path>/Platform/unica.war">
<Resource name="UnicaPlatformDS" factory="com.unica.manager.tomcat.utils.TomcatDSFactory" auth="Application" type="javax.sql.DataSource"
maxActive="30" maxIdle="10" maxWait="10000" username="<db user for Platform schema>" password="<db password>" driverClassName= "<db specific class name>" url="<db specific jdbc url>"/>
Note: This is the sample xml configuration.