Giving reports users read-only permissions in public folders
Make users with the Unica Platform ReportSystem and ReportUser roles members of the EMM_Report_Access_All_Users group. Give members of this group read-only access for the public folders in Cognos.
About this task
Note: The EMM_Report_System_Admin_User group has system administrator permissions in Cognos. To
grant an Unica user this level of permissions in Cognos, make that user a member of the
EMM_Report_System_Admin_User group.
To give reports users read-only permissions in public folders, complete the following steps.
- In Cognos Connection, click the Set properties for Public Folders icon.
- On the Permissions tab, click Add, click your namespace, and click Groups.
- Add the EMM_Report_Access_All_Users group from your namespace.
- Remove all other roles and groups from the permissions.
- Grant Read, Execute, and Traverse permissions.
- Deny Write and Set Policy permissions.
- Click OK.