Changing the degree of parallel execution for the Interact Event Pattern report

The degree of parallel execution value is configurable. Increase the degree of parallel execution for the Interact Event Pattern report aggregation process to reduce the elapse time. If the degree is set to a higher value, hardware resource requirements also increase proportionally

About this task

Configure the degree at which the aggregation process runs so that the Interact Event Pattern report can render faster.

To configure database jobs for a degree value of 3, complete one of the following steps, depending on your database:


  • For Oracle: Run the execute SP_POPULATE_PATTERN_LOCK(3) command against the Interact ETL database.
  • For IBM® DB2®: Run the call SP_POPULATE_PATTERN_LOCK(3) command against the Interact ETL database.
  • For SQL Server: Run the default acir_jobs_sqlserver.sql script to create database jobs for degree value 1 and 2. The patterns with degree values 1 and 2 are aggregated in the UARI_PROCESSED_PATTERNS table.

    To modify the degree to 3 for the Match All Pattern, copy the sample code for degree 1 and complete the following steps:

    1. Set the value of @job_name to JOB_MA_3.
    2. Set the value of @p_parallel_degree to 3.

    Run the following command against the Interact ETL database:

    @jobId BINARY(16),
    @status int,
    @schedule_name varchar(16),
    @dbname varchar(100)
    set @dbname= (SELECT DB_NAME());
    EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_add_job @job_name=N'JOB_MA_3',
    		 @job_id = @jobId OUTPUT;
    EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_add_jobstep @job_id=@jobId, @step_name=N'first',
    	@command=N'EXEC [dbo].[SP_POPULATE_PATTERN_MATCHALL]@p_parallel_degree = 3',
    EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_add_jobserver @job_id=@jobId, @server_name=N'(local)';

    You can create the degree for the Counter Pattern and the Weighted Counter Pattern and run the commands against the ETL database.

    To modify the degree to 3 for the Counter Pattern, copy the sample code for degree 1 and complete the following steps:

    1. Set the value of @job_name to JOB_C_3.
    2. Set the value of @p_parallel_degree to 3.

    To modify the degree to 3 for the Weighted Counter Pattern, copy the sample code for degree 1 and complete the following steps:

    1. Set the value of @job_name to JOB_WC_3.
    2. Set the value of @p_parallel_degree to 3.