Creating the Unica Platform data sources

You must create Unica Platform data sources before you can install Unica Platform.


Complete the following steps to prepare the data sources for Unica Platform:
  1. Create a database or a database schema for the Unica Platform system tables.
    The following table provides information about vendor-specific guidelines for creating a database or a database schema for the Unica Platform system tables.
    Table 1. Guidelines for creating data sources

    This two-columned table provides information about the database vendor in one column, and the guidelines in the second column.

    Note: These guidelines are also applicable for Contact Central, if user selects Contact Central as a component during installation . Contact Central only supports Oracle and OneDB database.
    Database vendor Guideline
    Oracle Enable the auto commit feature for the environment open. See the Oracle documentation for instructions.
    DB2® Set the database page size to at least 16k (32k if you need to support Unicode). See the DB2® documentation for instructions.
    MariaDB Lower_case_table_names is 1 so that table names are considered case insensitive. Set wait_timeout=<Time in seconds that the server waits for a connection to become active before closing it. The session value is initialized when a thread starts up from either the global value, if the connection is non-interactive, or from the interactive_timeout value, if the connection is interactive.> e.g. Set this to 25,92,000 (seconds) in case the set up can be inactive for 30days max_connections=<The maximum number of simultaneous client connections.>
    SQL Server Use either SQL Server authentication only, or both SQL Server and Windows authentication, because the Platform requires SQL Server authentication. If required, change the database configuration so that your database authentication includes SQL Server. Also be sure that TCP/IP is enabled in your SQL Server.
    Note: If you plan to enable locales that use multi-byte characters (for example, Chinese, Korean, and Japanese), ensure that the database is created to support them.
  2. Create a system user account.
    The system user account must have the following rights:
    • CREATE VIEWS (for reporting)
    • CREATE SEQUENCE (Oracle only)
    • INSERT
    • UPDATE
    • DELETE
  3. Create ODBC or native connections.
  4. Configure the web application server for your JDBC driver.
  5. Create JDBC connections in the web application server.