REST API for Unica Plan
APIs for objects - Projects, Project Requests, Programs, Tasks / Workflow, Approvals, Project Budgets, Marketing Objects, Attachments, Grid Rows, Assets, Accounts, Invoices, Teams, Users, Offers etc. in Plan.
put: /V1/addInvoiceLineItem
addInvoiceLineItem API to add new line item in invoice.
API to add new line item in invoice. After successful execution, it returns the handle of the created invoice line item.
executionContextToken (optional)
Form Parameter — The client execution context token. For regular API calls, this parameter should be null, for API calls related to Triggered events, the execution context token provided by a triggered event should be provided here.
moObjectHandleExternal (required)
Form Parameter — Must be a valid invoice handle.
multiTypeAttributeMap (required)
Form Parameter — *) Attribute map must contain following parameters 'uapinvoice_line_item_description': Value for this key must be array of String and should not be blank 'uapinvoice_line_item_source_plan_object_id': Value for this key must be valid id for project or program in Integer array format *) attributeMap can contain following optional parameters: 'uapinvoice_line_item_source_account': Value for this key must be valid account handle array 'uapinvoice_line_item_cost_category': Value for this key will be code of the cost category 'uapinvoice_line_item_cost_per_unit': Value for this key must be valid double array 'uapinvoice_line_item_quantity':Value for this key must be valid integer array 'uapinvoice_line_item_cost': Value for this key must be valid double array
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
\n "value" : ""
put: /V1/addProjectBudgetLineItem
addProjectBudgetLineItem Use this API to add new project budget line item.
Use this API to add new project budget line item. It returns the Handle of created project line item.
executionContextToken (optional)
Form Parameter — The client execution context token. For regular API calls, this parameter should be null, for API calls related to Triggered events, the execution context token provided by a triggered event should be provided here.
moObjectHandleExternal (required)
Form Parameter — Must be a valid project handle.
multiTypeAttributeMap (required)
Form Parameter — *) Attribute map must contain following parameters: 'uapProjectBudgetLineItemDescription': Value for this key must be String and should not be blank 'uapProjectBudgetLineItemExpenditureDate': Value for this key must be Date *) AttributeMap can contain following optional parameters : 'ProjectBudgetLineItemSourceAccount': Value for this key will be Handle to Account 'uapProjectBudgetLineItemCostCategory': Value for this key will be code of the cost category 'uapProjectBudgetLineItemCommittedAmount': Value for this key will be Committed amount in double format 'uapProjectBudgetLineItemForecastAmount': Value for this key will be forecast amount in double format Please note - Available @since UMO 8.5.0 , 'finalizeProjectBudgetChanges()' must be called explicitely to finalize changes done by this API. Earlier finalize API was getting called through addProjectBudgetLineItems() and updateAttributes(ProjectLineItemHandle) API which may not be desired in case if rollback to original version is required.
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
\n "value" : ""
put: /V1/addProjectRequestRecepients
addProjectRequestRecepients Add new project request recipients to a project request.
Add new project request recipients to a project request.
executionContextToken (optional)
Form Parameter — The client execution context token. For regular API calls, this parameter should be null, for API calls related to Triggered events, the execution context token provided by a triggered event should be provided here.
moObjectHandleExternal (required)
Form Parameter — Handle to an existing project request.
multiTypeMapArray (required)
Form Parameter — *)Attribute map must contain the following attributes of recipients: 'uapProjectRequestRecipientRole': Value for this key must be a string array with single value. It is the role ID key from the
datbase which represents the appropriate role used for the request template. This is an optional parameter. If the value for this
key is not defined, then by default, the recipient role is set as Unassigned. 'uapProjectRequestRecipientUser': Value for this key must be a string array with single value. It is the login ID of the user. This
user will be assigned as a recipient in project request. This is a required parameter. 'uapProjectRequestRecipientDuration': Value for this key must be a string array with single value in 00D-00H-00M format, where
value for D (days) must be between 01 and 99, value for H (hours) must be between beginningOfDay and beginningOfDay +
numberOfHoursPerDay parameters configured in Platform. This is a required parameter. If the value for this key is not defined, then
the default duration is set as 01D-00H-00M. 'uapProjectRequestRecipientSequence': Value for this key must be a string array with single value and must a numeric value between
1 and 99. This is a required parameter. 'uapProjectRequestRecipientOwner': Value for this key must be a string array with single value and must be a boolean (true or
false) value. If the value for this parameter is set as true, then the value for the respective attribute for key
uapProjectRequestRecipientIsRequired must be true. This is an optional parameter. There can be only one project
owner in the recipients. 'uapProjectRequestRecipientIsRequired': Value for this key must be a string array with single value and must be a boolean (true or
false) value. This is an optional parameter. If value for this key is not defined then, by default, the value is set as false. 'uapProjectRequestRecipientInstructions': Value for this key must be a string array with single value and should not be greater
than 1024 characters. This is an optional parameter.
Return type
put: /V1/appendAttachment
appendAttachment Append a new attachment to the specified object.
Append a new attachment to the specified object, applying the supplied attachment attributes. The parent object (a project or a marketing object) must already exist. (Available @since Plan 7.4). It returns the handle of the created attachment. *Currently this supports only URL attachments.
executionContextToken (optional)
Form Parameter — The client execution context token. For regular API calls, this parameter should be null, for API calls related to Triggered events, the execution context token provided by a triggered event should be provided here.
moObjectHandleExternal (required)
Form Parameter — Handle to an existing project or marketing object to be updated.
multiTypeAttributeMap (required)
Form Parameter — Map of attributes to update and/or add to the new attachment.
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
\n "value" : ""
appendGridRow Append a new grid row to the specified object.
Append a new grid row to the specified object, applying the supplied grid row attributes. The parent grid must already exist. It returns the handle of created grid row.
executionContextToken (optional)
Form Parameter — The client execution context token. For regular API calls, this parameter should be null, for API calls related to Triggered events, the execution context token provided by a triggered event should be provided here.
moObjectHandleExternal (required)
Form Parameter — Handle to an existing grid object to be updated.
multiTypeAttributeMap (required)
Form Parameter — Map of attributes (columns) to update and/or add to the new grid row. These attributes will overwrite any default values derived from the grid's template. Note, there are no standard grid row attributes-- it's the clients responsibility to determine which attributes are required, proper date types, etc.
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
\n "value" : ""
copyProject Use this API to copy existing project instance and to create new project.
Use this API to copy existing project instance and to create new project. Returns the Handle of the copied new project object.
executionContextToken (optional)
Form Parameter — The client execution context token. For regular API calls, this parameter should be null, for API calls related to Triggered events, the execution context token provided by a triggered event should be provided here.
moObjectHandleExternal (required)
Form Parameter — Must be a valid project handle.
multiTypeValueSingle (required)
Form Parameter — Type of metrics to copy project: 'COPY_USING_PROJECT_METRICS' : Give this value to copy project from 'Copy using the Metrics from project'. 'COPY_USING_ TEMMPLATE_METRICS': Give this value to copy project from 'Copy using the Metrics from project template'.
boolean (required)
Form Parameter — If true and if source project has parent then link to parent will be copied.
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
\n "value" : ""
put: /V1/copyProjectResources
copyProjectResources API to copy resource (People tab of project) from source project to destination project.
API to copy resource (People tab of project) from source project to destination project. Template for source and destination project must be same. Following rules will be applied while doing resource copy : API call to copy resource API will not remove existing resources in destination project, new resources will be appended in destination project If User1 is the owner in source project and User2 is the owner in destination project then after API call User1 and User2 both will become owner in destination project. If User1 is the owner in source project and same user is Participant in destination project then after API call User1 will remain as participant in destination project. If User1 is Participant in source project and same user is in Owner role in destination project then after API call User1 will remain owner in destination project If User1 is present in Role1 in Source Project and same user is present in Role2 in destination project then after API call User1 will be in both Role1 and Role2 in destination project If disabled Team is assigned as participant in Source project then copy operation will throw Error code 1719 and no resources will be copied to the destination project. If User1 is requester in source project and User1 is not available in destination project then User1 will be copied as requester in destination project. If User1 is requester in source project and User1 is participant in destination project then User1 will be copied as participant in destination project.
executionContextToken (optional)
Form Parameter — The client execution context token. For regular API calls, this parameter should be null, for API calls related to Triggered events, the execution context token provided by a triggered event should be provided here.
moHandleExternalSrc (required)
Form Parameter — Must be a valid project handle and source project.
moHandleExternalDest (required)
Form Parameter — Must be a valid project handle and destination project.
Return type
createApproval Create a new approval component with specified attributes and user information from the execution context.
Create a new approval component with specified attributes and user information from the execution context. The minimal required attributes are approval owner, approval subject and approvers. After successful execution it returns the handle of the created approval. This method does not add the approval items. To add approval items, please use updateApprovalItems(IExecutionContext, Handle, Object [], String [])
executionContextToken (optional)
Form Parameter — The client execution context token. For regular API calls, this parameter should be null, for API calls related to Triggered events, the execution context token provided by a triggered event should be provided here.
multiTypeAttributeMap (optional)
Form Parameter — Optional map of attributes to update and/or add. Any supplied attributes will overwrite the default values derived from the approvals template; others are left untouched. Its up to the client to determine the attributes required by the approval, their types, etc.
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
\n "value" : ""
createAsset Create a new Asset object within an Asset Library.
Create a new Asset object within an Asset Library, applying the specified attributes and user information from the execution context.(Available @since Plan 7.5) It returns the Handle of the created asset object. *Currently this supports only URL assets.
executionContextToken (optional)
Form Parameter — The client execution context token. For regular API calls, this parameter should be null, for API calls related to Triggered events, the execution context token provided by a triggered event should be provided here.
moObjectHandleExternal (required)
Form Parameter — A handle of an asset library or an asset folder. A new Asset will be created within the asset library.
multiTypeAttributeMap (required)
Form Parameter — A map of attributes to update and/or add. Any supplied attributes will overwrite the default values; others are left untouched. Its up to the client to determine the attributes.
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
\n "value" : ""
post: /V1/createAssetFolder
createAssetFolder Create a new Asset Folder object.
Create a new Asset Folder object, applying the specified attributes and user information from the execution context.(Available @since Plan 7.4) It returns the Handle of the created asset folder object.
executionContextToken (optional)
Form Parameter — The client execution context token. For regular API calls, this parameter should be null, for API calls related to Triggered events, the execution context token provided by a triggered event should be provided here.
moObjectHandleExternal (required)
Form Parameter — The folder's parent handle. It could be an @link AssetLibraryHandle or @link AssetFolderHandle.
multiTypeAttributeMap (required)
Form Parameter — A map of attributes to update and/or add. Any supplied attributes will overwrite the default values; others are left untouched. Its up to the client to determine the attributes.
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
\n "value" : ""
post: /V1/createFinancialAccount
createFinancialAccount API to create new financial account.
API to create new financial account. This API creates account without budget information. Use updateFinancialAccountBudget API to update budget information for account. (Available @since It returns the handle of newly created financial account.
executionContextToken (optional)
Form Parameter — The client execution context token. For regular API calls, this parameter should be null, for API calls related to Triggered events, the execution context token provided by a triggered event should be provided here.
multiTypeAttributeMap (required)
Form Parameter — *) An attributeMap must contain following key value pair : 'uapaccount_name': name of the account, array of one String value 'uapaccount_tem_members': Array of user handles 'uapaccount_number': number of the account, array of one String value 'uapaccount_security_policy': name of the security policy assigned to this account, array of one String value *) An attributeMap can contain following optional key value pair : 'uapaccount_description': Description for account, array of one String value 'uapaccount_source_account': Source account, if specified then newly created account will be child account of the source account otherwise newly created account will be top level account, array of one financial account handle.
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
\n "value" : ""
createFolder Create a new folder applying the specified attributes and user information from the execution context.
Create a new folder applying the specified attributes and user information from the execution context. This method returns the handle of the created folder.
executionContextToken (optional)
Form Parameter — The client execution context token. For regular API calls, this parameter should be null, for API calls related to Triggered events, the execution context token provided by a triggered event should be provided here.
multiTypeAttributeMap (required)
Form Parameter — The map of attributes to update and/or add. Any supplied attributes will overwrite the default values for folders; others are left untouched. Its up to the client to determine the required attributes, their types, etc.
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
\n "value" : ""
createInvoice API to create new Invoice in Plan.
API to create new Invoice in Plan.It returns the handle of the created invoice.
executionContextToken (optional)
Form Parameter — The client execution context token. For regular API calls, this parameter should be null, for API calls related to Triggered events, the execution context token provided by a triggered event should be provided here.
multiTypeAttributeMap (required)
Form Parameter — *) An attribute map must contain following parameters : 'uapInvoice_Number': Value for this key must be string array and should not be blank 'uapInvoice_Vendor_Code': Value for this key must be code of the valid vendor defined in plan, if specified vender does not exist in plan then Error code 1717 will be thrown as described in Throws section 'uapInvoice_Owner': Value for this key must be valid plan user handle 'uapInvoice_Security_Policy': Value for this key must be name of the valid security policy defined in plan, if specified security policy does not exist in plan then Error code 1717 will be thrown as described in Throws section *) An attributeMap can contain following optional parameters: 'uapInvoice_Purchase_Order_Number': Value for this key must be String array 'uapInvoice_Date': Value for this key must be Date array 'uapInvoice_Due_Date': Value for this key must be Date array 'uapInvoice_Notes': Value for this key must be String array 'uapInvoice_Payment_Terms': Value for this key must be String array. An attributeMap can also contain attributes defined in custom tabs.
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
\n "value" : ""
post: /V1/createMarketingObject
createMarketingObject API to create a new marketing object component from the named template.
Create a new marketing object component from the named template, applying the specified attributes and user information from the execution context. One or more default grids will be created implicitly if defined by the specified template.It returns the Handle of the created marketing object.
executionContextToken (optional)
Form Parameter — The client execution context token. For regular API calls, this parameter should be null, for API calls related to Triggered events, the execution context token provided by a triggered event should be provided here.
templateType (required)
Form Parameter — The name of the template type to use to create this marketing object.
templateName (required)
Form Parameter — The name of the template to use to create this marketing object. The named template must exist on the server and the client must have read permissions for that instance. The template provides, among other things, the definition of required and optional attributes. Throws Error code 1740 if the named template could not be found.
multiTypeAttributeMap (required)
Form Parameter — A map of attributes to update and/or add. Any supplied attributes will overwrite the default values derived from the marketing objects template; others are left untouched. Its up to the client to determine the attributes required by the template, their types, etc.
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
\n "value" : ""
createOffer Create a new offer component from the named template, applying the specified attributes and user information from the execution context.
One or more default grids will be created implicitly if defined by the specified template. Note - offer is a type of marketing object and hence all the required marketing object attributes are required for offer. This method returns the handle of the created offer (marketing object).
executionContextToken (optional)
Form Parameter — The client execution context token. For regular API calls, this parameter should be null, for API calls related to Triggered events, the execution context token provided by a triggered event should be provided here.
templateName (required)
Form Parameter — The name of the template to use to create this offer (marketing object). The named template must exist on the server and the client must have read permissions for that instance. The template provides, among other things, the definition of the required and optional attributes.
multiTypeAttributeMap (optional)
Form Parameter — The map of attributes to update and/or add. Any supplied attributes will overwrite the default values derived from the offer (marketing objects) template; others are left untouched. Its up to the client to determine the attributes required by the template, their types, etc.
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
\n "value" : ""
createProgram Create a new program component from the named template, applying the specified attributes and user information from the execution context.
Default workflow and grid components will be created implicitly if defined by the specified program template.Child projects can be linked to the created parent project as needed; see 'linkProjectChildren()'. This method returns the handle of the created program.
executionContextToken (optional)
Form Parameter — The client execution context token. For regular API calls, this parameter should be null, for API calls related to Triggered events, the execution context token provided by a triggered event should be provided here.
templateName (required)
Form Parameter — The name of the template to use to create this program. The named template must exist on the server and the client must have read permissions for that instance. The template provides, among other things, the definition of the required and optional attributes.
multiTypeAttributeMap (optional)
Form Parameter — The map of attributes to update and/or add. Any supplied attributes will overwrite the default values derived from the programs template; others are left untouched. Its up to the client to determine the attributes required by the template, their types, etc.
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
\n "value" : ""
createProject Create a new project component from the named template, applying the specified attributes and user information from the execution context.
Create a new project component from the named template, applying the specified attributes and user information from the execution context. Default workflow and grid components will be created implicitly if defined by the specified project template. Child projects can be linked to the created parent project as needed; see 'linkProjectChildren()'.After successful execution, it returns the Handle of created project instance.
executionContextToken (optional)
Form Parameter — The client execution context token. For regular API calls, this parameter should be null, for API calls related to Triggered events, the execution context token provided by a triggered event should be provided here.
templateName (required)
Form Parameter — The name of the template to use to create this project. The named template must exist on the Plan server and the client must have read permissions for that instance. The template provides, among other things, the definition of required and optional attributes, default values, etc.
multiTypeAttributeMap (optional)
Form Parameter — Optional map of attributes to update and/or add. Any supplied attributes will overwrite the default values derived from the projects template; others are left untouched. Its up to the client to determine the attributes required by the project, their types, etc.
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
\n "value" : ""
post: /V1/createProjectRequest
createProjectRequest Create a new project request instance from the named template.
Create a new project request instance from the named template, applying the specified attributes and user information from the execution context. After successful execution, it returns the handle of the created project request instance.
executionContextToken (optional)
Form Parameter — The client execution context token. For regular API calls, this parameter should be null, for API calls related to Triggered events, the execution context token provided by a triggered event should be provided here.
templateName (required)
Form Parameter — The name of the template to use to create this project request. The named template must exist on the Plan server and the client must have read permissions for that instance. The template provides, among other things, the definition of required and optional attributes, default values, etc.
multiTypeAttributeMap (required)
Form Parameter — *)Attribute map must contain following parameters: 'uapName' : Value for this key must be string and this would be name of project request. This is required parameter. 'uapDescription' : Value for this key must be string and would be the description of project request. This is optional parameter. 'uapStartDate' : Value for this key must be java.util.Date object. This represents start date of project which will get created using project request. This is optional parameter. 'uapEndDate' : Value for this key must be java.util.Date object. This represents end date of project which will get created using project request. This is an optional parameter 'uapProjectRequestRecipients' : Value for this key must be array of AttributeMap. *)Attribute map of recipient ('uapProjectRequestRecipients') contain following parameters: 'uapProjectRequestRecipientRole' : Value for this key must be a string array with single value. Value of string must be role id key from DB which represents appropriate role used for request template. This is optional parameter. If value for this key is not defined then it will take default value for recipient role i.e. Unassigned. 'uapProjectRequestRecipientUser' : Value for this key must be a string array with single value. Value of string must be login id of user. This user will be assigned as a recipient in project request. This is required parameter. 'uapProjectRequestRecipientDuration' : Value for this key must be a string array with single value. Value of string must be in 00D-00H-00M format. Where value for D (days) must be between 01 and 99. Value for H (hours) must be between beginningOfDay and beginningOfDay + numberOfHoursPerDay parameters configured in Platform. This is required parameter. If value for this key is not defined then it will take default duration i.e. 01D-00H-00M. 'uapProjectRequestRecipientSequence' : Value for this key must be a string array with single ;value. Value of string must a numeric value between 1 and 99. This is required parameter. 'uapProjectRequestRecipientOwner' : Value for this key must be a string array with single value. Value of string must be a boolean (true or false) value. This is optional parameter. But in recipients there must be only one project owner. If value for this parameter is set as true then value for respective attribute for key 'uapProjectRequestRecipientIsRequired' must be true (boolean). 'uapProjectRequestRecipientIsRequired' : Value for this key must be a string array with single value. Value of string must be a boolean (true or false) value. This is optional parameter. If value for this key is not defined then it will take default value i.e. false. 'uapProjectRequestRecipientInstructions' : Value for this key must be a string array with single value. Value of string should not be greater than 1024 characters. This is optional parameter. User can also add custom attributes with appropriate key and value.
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
\n "value" : ""
put: /V1/dateRipplingForWorkflowTasks
dateRipplingForWorkflowTasks API to do date rippling for the Project Workflow.
Do date rippling for the Project Workflow. Either actual or forecast of all tasks in the given Project Workflow will be updated based on the second argument, a Workflow Task handle. In all cases, the attribute update is subject to the usual security constraints and validation. Its the clients responsibility to determine which standard and custom attributes are required by a particular object instance, the correct types, etc.
executionContextToken (optional)
Form Parameter — The client execution context token. For regular API calls, this parameter should be null, for API calls related to Triggered events, the execution context token provided by a triggered event should be provided here.
moObjectHandleExternal (required)
Form Parameter — Handle of a Workflow Task.
multiTypeAttributeMap (required)
Form Parameter — A map of attributes to be updated.
Return type
delete: /V1/deleteApprovalItemByName
deleteApprovalItemByName Delete a single approval item within an Approval process.
Delete a single approval item within an Approval process. If the desired item is not found, Error code 1732 is thrown. If the two or more approval items have the duplicated name, the earlier item is deleted. Also see API's - #getApprovalItems and #updateApprovalItems.
executionContextToken (optional)
Query Parameter — The client execution context token. For regular API calls, this parameter should be null, for API calls related to Triggered events, the execution context token provided by a triggered event should be provided here.
moObjectHandleExternal (required)
Query Parameter — The handle of existing approval that is desired to delete its approval items.
itemName (required)
Query Parameter — That name of an approval item that is desired to be deleted. If the item is Marketing object, it is the name of the Marketing Object. If the item is a file, it is the name of the file include the file extension name.
Return type
deleteAsset API to delete an existing asset.
Delete an existing asset. (Available @since Plan 7.4) .
executionContextToken (optional)
Query Parameter — The client execution context token. For regular API calls, this parameter should be null, for API calls related to Triggered events, the execution context token provided by a triggered event should be provided here.
moObjectHandleExternal (required)
Query Parameter — Handle to an existing asset to be deleted.
Return type
delete: /V1/deleteGridRow
deleteGridRow Delete an existing grid row.
Delete an existing grid row.
executionContextToken (optional)
Query Parameter — The client execution context token. For regular API calls, this parameter should be null, for API calls related to Triggered events, the execution context token provided by a triggered event should be provided here.
moObjectHandleExternal (required)
Query Parameter — Handle to an existing grid row to be updated.
Return type
delete: /V1/deleteInvoiceLineItem
deleteInvoiceLineItem Use this API to delete a invoice line item.
Use this API to delete a invoice line item.
executionContextToken (optional)
Query Parameter — The client execution context token. For regular API calls, this parameter should be null, for API calls related to Triggered events, the execution context token provided by a triggered event should be provided here.
moObjectHandleExternal (required)
Query Parameter — Must be a valid invoice line item handle.
Return type
delete: /V1/deleteProjectLineItem
deleteProjectLineItem Use this API to delete a project line item.
Use this API to delete a project line item.
executionContextToken (optional)
Query Parameter — The client execution context token. For regular API calls, this parameter should be null, for API calls related to Triggered events, the execution context token provided by a triggered event should be provided here.
moObjectHandleExternal (required)
Query Parameter — Must be a valid project line item handle.
Return type
put: /V1/disableFinancialAccount
disableFinancialAccount API to disable financial account.
API to disable financial account.
executionContextToken (optional)
Form Parameter — The client execution context token. For regular API calls, this parameter should be null, for API calls related to Triggered events, the execution context token provided by a triggered event should be provided here.
moObjectHandleExternal (required)
Form Parameter — Must be a valid account handle.
Return type
put: /V1/discardProjectBudgetChanges
discardProjectBudgetChanges Use this API to discard changes done in project budget.
Use this API to discard changes done in project budget.
executionContextToken (optional)
Form Parameter — The client execution context token. For regular API calls, this parameter should be null, for API calls related to Triggered events, the execution context token provided by a triggered event should be provided here.
moObjectHandleExternal (required)
Form Parameter — Must be a valid project handle.
Return type
put: /V1/enableFinancialAccount
enableFinancialAccount API to enable financial account.
API to enable financial account.
executionContextToken (optional)
Form Parameter — The client execution context token. For regular API calls, this parameter should be null, for API calls related to Triggered events, the execution context token provided by a triggered event should be provided here.
moObjectHandleExternal (required)
Form Parameter — Must be a valid account handle.
Return type
put: /V1/executeProcedure
executeProcedure Run a procedure.
This API can be used to run a pre-existing procedure. ExecuteProcedure is designed to be compatible with ExecuteProcedure in SOAP solution. The parameters and the return types of this call have a one-to-one mapping with the SOAP ExecuteProcedure call. The parameter types and sequence, and the return values are identical. The only difference that can be seen is in the format of the parameters (JSON) when done directly with HTTP and almost identical when done with the Java client stub. This returns the ProcedureResponse which comprises of the status code and message(s), if any.
procedureName (required)
Form Parameter — The name of the procedure which is to be run.
jobId (required)
Form Parameter — The job ID for the current execution of the procedure.
procedureParams (required)
Form Parameter — Parameters to be passed to the procedure in the form of arrays of the data types boolean, String, Integer, BigInteger, Decimal, BigDecimal, Date, and Currency.
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
\n "status" : 123,
\n "messages" : [ {
\n "logDetail" : "aeiou",
\n "localizedText" : "aeiou",
\n "code" : "aeiou",
\n "type" : {
\n "value" : "aeiou"
\n }
\n } ]
put: /V1/finalizeProjectBudgetChanges
finalizeProjectBudgetChanges Use this API to finalize changes done in project budget.
Use this API to finalize changes done in project budget.
executionContextToken (optional)
Form Parameter — The client execution context token. For regular API calls, this parameter should be null, for API calls related to Triggered events, the execution context token provided by a triggered event should be provided here.
moObjectHandleExternal (required)
Form Parameter — Must be a valid project handle.
multiTypeAttributeMap (required)
Form Parameter — Should have target due date ('uapTargetDueDate') and optional description ('uapApprovalDescription') attributes if approval is required for finalization.
Return type
get: /V1/findApprovalByAttribute
findApprovalByAttribute Find the Approval object that matches the supplied attributes.
Find the Approval object that matches the supplied attributes. Convenience API; similar to listApprovals() using a single attribute whose name and value are the same as the parameters above, except only one marketing object is returned.It retruns the Handle of the matched approvals or null if no object matched. If more than one object matches, i.e., the attribute is not unique, a Error 1736 is thrown. Use listApprovals() if this policy doesn't suit your needs.
executionContextToken (optional)
Query Parameter — The client execution context token. For regular API calls, this parameter should be null, for API calls related to Triggered events, the execution context token provided by a triggered event should be provided here.
attributeName (required)
Query Parameter — Name of approval attribute to match against.
attributeValues (required)
Query Parameter — Array of approval attribute values to match against (all must match).
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
\n "value" : ""
get: /V1/findAssetByAttribute
findAssetByAttribute Finds an asset that matches the supplied attribute.
Finds an asset that matches the supplied attribute. Convenience API; similar to listAssets(), using a single attribute whose name and value are the same as the parameters above, except only one asset is returned. (Available @since Plan 7.4 ). It returns the handle of the matched asset or null if no asset matched. If more than one asset matches, i.e., the attribute is not unique, Error code 1736 is thrown. Use listAssets() if this policy doesn't suit your needs.See also API 'listAssets'.
executionContextToken (optional)
Query Parameter — The client execution context token. For regular API calls, this parameter should be null, for API calls related to Triggered events, the execution context token provided by a triggered event should be provided here.
moObjectHandleExternal (required)
Query Parameter — Handle of valid asset Library.
attributeName (required)
Query Parameter — Name of attribute to match against.
attributeValue (required)
Query Parameter — An array of attribute values to match against (all specified values must match).
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
\n "value" : ""
get: /V1/findAssetLibraryByAttribute
findAssetLibraryByAttribute Finds an asset library that matches the supplied attribute.
Finds an asset library that matches the supplied attribute. Convenience API; similar to listAssetLibraries(), using a single attribute whose name and value are the same as the parameters above, except only one asset is returned. It returns the handle of the matched asset library or null if no asset library matched. If more than one asset library matches, i.e., the attribute is not unique, Error code 1736 is thrown. Use listAssetLibraries() if this policy doesn't suit your needs. See also API listAssetLibraries' .
executionContextToken (optional)
Query Parameter — The client execution context token. For regular API calls, this parameter should be null, for API calls related to Triggered events, the execution context token provided by a triggered event should be provided here.
attributeName (required)
Query Parameter — Name of attribute to match against.
attributeValue (required)
Query Parameter — An array of attribute values to match against (all specified values must match).
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
\n "value" : ""
get: /V1/findFinancialAccountByNumber
findFinancialAccountByNumber API to find financial account by account number.
API to find financial account by account number. It returns the handle of the account if found else Null.
executionContextToken (optional)
Query Parameter — The client execution context token. For regular API calls, this parameter should be null, for API calls related to Triggered events, the execution context token provided by a triggered event should be provided here.
accountNumber (required)
Query Parameter — An account number
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
\n "value" : ""
get: /V1/findFolderByAttributes
findFolderByAttributes Finds the folder that matches the either of supplied folder name/description.
This is a convenience API similar to 'listFolders()', using a single attribute whose name and value are the same as the parameters above, except only one folder is returned.This method returns the handle of the matched folder or null if no folder matched. If more than one folder matches, i.e., the attribute is not unique, an error is thrown. Use 'listFolders()' if this policy doesn't suit your needs.
executionContextToken (optional)
Query Parameter — The client execution context token. For regular API calls, this parameter should be null, for API calls related to Triggered events, the execution context token provided by a triggered event should be provided here.
attributeName (required)
Query Parameter — Name of attribute to match against.
attributeValues (required)
Query Parameter — Array of attribute values to match against (all specified values must match).
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
\n "value" : ""
get: /V1/findInvoiceByNumberAndVendor
findInvoiceByNumberAndVendor API to find invoice by number and vendor code.
API to find invoice by number and vendor code. It returns handle of Invoice if found else null.
executionContextToken (optional)
Query Parameter — The client execution context token. For regular API calls, this parameter should be null, for API calls related to Triggered events, the execution context token provided by a triggered event should be provided here. Avaliable @since .
invoiceNumber (required)
Query Parameter — Invoice number to find
vendorCode (required)
Query Parameter — Vendor Code to find
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
\n "value" : ""
get: /V1/findMarketingObjectByAttribute
findMarketingObjectByAttribute Finds the marketing object that matches the supplied attribute.
Finds the marketing object that matches the supplied attribute. Convenience API; similar to listMarketingObjects() using a single attribute whose name and value are the same as the parameters above, except only one marketing object is returned.It returns the Handle of the matched marketing object or null if no object matched. If more than one object matches, i.e., the attribute is not unique, a Error code 1736 is thrown. Use listMarketingObjects() if this policy doesn't suit your needs. See also API 'listMarketingObjects' .
executionContextToken (optional)
Query Parameter — The client execution context token. For regular API calls, this parameter should be null, for API calls related to Triggered events, the execution context token provided by a triggered event should be provided here.
type (required)
Query Parameter — A string defining the type of marketing object, e.g., 'creatives'
attributeName (required)
Query Parameter — Name of marketing object attribute to match against
attributeValues (required)
Query Parameter — An array of marketing object attribute values to match against (all must match).
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
\n "value" : ""
get: /V1/findOfferOrOfferListByAttributes
findOfferOrOfferListByAttributes Finds the offer or offer list that matches the supplied attribute.
This is a convenience API similar to 'listOffersAndOfferLists()', using a single attribute whose name and value are the same as the parameters above, except only one offer is returned.This method returns the handle of the matched offer or null if no offer matched. If more than one offer matches, i.e., the attribute is not unique, an error is thrown. Use 'listOffersAndOfferLists()' if this policy doesn't suit your needs.
executionContextToken (optional)
Query Parameter — The client execution context token. For regular API calls, this parameter should be null, for API calls related to Triggered events, the execution context token provided by a triggered event should be provided here.
attributeName (required)
Query Parameter — Name of attribute to match against.
attributeValues (required)
Query Parameter — Array of attribute values to match against (all specified values must match).
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
\n "value" : ""
get: /V1/findProgramByAttribute
findProgramByAttribute Find a single programs whose attributes match those specified.
Only programs that the client has read permissions for are considered. Once retrieved, the handle can be used to interrogate the programs further, e.g., read or update its attributes via the attribute APIs, link or unlink children, link Marketing Objects, etc..This method returns the handle of the matched program or null if no program matched.
executionContextToken (optional)
Query Parameter — The client execution context token. For regular API calls, this parameter should be null, for API calls related to Triggered events, the execution context token provided by a triggered event should be provided here.
attributeName (required)
Query Parameter — Name of attribute to match against.
attributeValues (required)
Query Parameter — Array of attribute values to match against (all specified values must match).
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
\n "value" : ""
get: /V1/findProjectByAttribute
findProjectByAttribute Finds the project that matches the supplied attribute.
Finds the project that matches the supplied attribute. Convenience API; similar to listProjects(), using a single attribute whose name and value are the same as the parameters above, except only one project is returned.It returns the The handle of the matched project or null if no project matched. If more than one project matches, i.e., the attribute is not unique, Error code 1736 is thrown. Use listProjects() if this policy doesn't suit your needs. See also API 'listProjects' .
executionContextToken (optional)
Query Parameter — The client execution context token. For regular API calls, this parameter should be null, for API calls related to Triggered events, the execution context token provided by a triggered event should be provided here.
attributeName (required)
Query Parameter — Name of attribute to match against
attributeValues (required)
Query Parameter — An array of attribute values to match against (all specified values must match).
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
\n "value" : ""
get: /V1/findProjectRequestByAttribute
findProjectRequestByAttribute Finds the project request that matches the supplied attribute.
Finds the project request that matches the supplied attribute.It returns the handle of the matched project request or null if no project matched. If more than one project request matches, i.e., the attribute is not unique, Error code 1736 is thrown. Use listProjectRequests() if this policy doesn't suit your needs.
executionContextToken (optional)
Query Parameter — The client execution context token. For regular API calls, this parameter should be null, for API calls related to Triggered events, the execution context token provided by a triggered event should be provided here.
attributeName (required)
Query Parameter — Name of attribute to match against.
attributeValues (required)
Query Parameter — An array of attribute values to match against (all specified values must match).
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
\n "value" : ""
get: /V1/findSubProjectParent
findSubProjectParent Find the parent project of an existing project.
Find the parent project of an existing project, if defined. Only the direct parent of the project is listed. There will be one and only one parent returned, if defined. Use API 'findSubProjectRoot' if a user would like to find the root project.It returns a Handle of zero or one parent projects; It will be of type Handle. Null value will be returned if the existing project is the root/top level project or it's not linked.Also see API 'linkProjectChildren' and 'findSubProjectRoot'
executionContextToken (optional)
Query Parameter — The client execution context token. For regular API calls, this parameter should be null, for API calls related to Triggered events, the execution context token provided by a triggered event should be provided here.
moObjectHandleExternal (required)
Query Parameter — Handle of an existing project. Throws Error code 1719 if the project does not exist.
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
\n "value" : ""
get: /V1/findSubProjectRoot
findSubProjectRoot Find the root project of an existing project.
Find the root project of an existing project, if defined. Only the direct root of the project is listed. There will be one and only one root returned, if defined. If the project is the root or standalone, itself will be returned. The same function can be achieved by 'linkProjectChildren' but for better performance, use 'findSubProjectRoot'. It returns the Handle of the root projects; It will be of type Handle.
executionContextToken (optional)
Query Parameter — The client execution context token. For regular API calls, this parameter should be null, for API calls related to Triggered events, the execution context token provided by a triggered event should be provided here.
moObjectHandleExternal (required)
Query Parameter — handle of an existing project. Throws Error code 1719 if the project does not exist.
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
\n "value" : ""
get: /V1/findTeamByAttribute
findTeamByAttribute Finds a Team that matches the supplied attribute.
Finds a Team that matches the supplied attribute. Convenience API; similar to listTeams(), using a single attribute whose name and value are the same as the parameters above, except only one team is returned. (Available @since Plan 7.4 ). It returns the handle of the matched team or null if no team matched. If more than one team matches, i.e., the attribute is not unique, Error code 1736 is thrown. Use listTeams() if this policy doesn't suit your needs. See also the API 'listTeams'.
executionContextToken (optional)
Query Parameter — The client execution context token. For regular API calls, this parameter should be null, for API calls related to Triggered events, the execution context token provided by a triggered event should be provided here.
attributeName (required)
Query Parameter — The name of attribute to match against.
attributeValue (required)
Query Parameter — An array of attribute values to match against (all specified values must match)
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
\n "value" : ""
get: /V1/findUserByAttribute
findUserByAttribute Finds an user that matches the supplied attribute.
Finds an user that matches the supplied attribute. Convenience API; similar to listUsers(), using a single attribute whose name and value are the same as the parameters above, except only one user is returned.(Available @since Plan 7.4 ). It returns the handle of the matched user or null if no user matched. If more than one user matches, i.e., the attribute is not unique, Error code 1736 is thrown. Use listTeams() if this policy doesn't suit your needs.See alos 'listUsers' API.
executionContextToken (optional)
Query Parameter — The client execution context token. For regular API calls, this parameter should be null, for API calls related to Triggered events, the execution context token provided by a triggered event should be provided here.
attributeName (required)
Query Parameter — The name of attribute to match against.
attributeValues (required)
Query Parameter — An array of attribute values to match against (all specified values must match).
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
\n "value" : ""
get: /V1/findWorkflowTaskByAttribute
findWorkflowTaskByAttribute Finds the workflow task that matches the supplied attribute.
Finds the workflow task that matches the supplied attribute. Convenience API; similar to listWorkflowTasks() using a single attribute whose name and value are the same as the parameters above, except only one task is returned. It Returns the handle of the matched task or null if no task matched. If more than one task matches, i.e., the attribute is not unique, Error code 1736 is thrown. Use API 'listWorkflowTasks' if this policy doesn't suit your needs. See Also the API 'listWorkflowTasks'.
executionContextToken (optional)
Query Parameter — The client execution context token. For regular API calls, this parameter should be null, for API calls related to Triggered events, the execution context token provided by a triggered event should be provided here.
moObjectHandleExternal (required)
Query Parameter — The handle of the parent project. Throws Error code 1719 if the handle doesn't refer to a project or the project does not exist.
attributeName (required)
Query Parameter — The name of task attribute to match against.
attributeValues (required)
Query Parameter — An array of task attribute values to match against (all must match).
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
\n "value" : ""
get: /V1/getApprovalItems
getApprovalItems Get all of the ordered approval items within an Approval object.
Get all of the ordered approval items within an Approval object. The return is an object array of type 'MultiTypeValueArray' which holds any combination of the two types, Marketing Object handle or object representaion. If the return is null, it means the Approval object doesn't have any items. After successful execution, it returns all approval items within an Approval object. If no items are found, null is returned.See also API - 'updateApprovalItems' and 'deleteApprovalItemByName' .
executionContextToken (optional)
Query Parameter — The client execution context token. For regular API calls, this parameter should be null, for API calls related to Triggered events, the execution context token provided by a triggered event should be provided here.
moObjectHandleExternal (required)
Query Parameter — The handle the handle of existing approval that is desired to delete its approval items.
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
\n "valueArray" : [ {
\n "multiTypeValue" : "",
\n "valueType" : "aeiou"
\n } ]
getAttributes Fetches the attribute map of the object instance given by the specified handle.
Fetches the attribute map of the object instance given by the specified handle. i.e. returns AttributeMap of zero or more attributes. Does not support parameters that set offer suppression rules.
executionContextToken (optional)
Query Parameter — The client execution context token. For regular API calls, this parameter should be null, for API calls related to Triggered events, the execution context token provided by a triggered event should be provided here.
moObjectHandleExternal (required)
Query Parameter — Handle of the object instance containing the desired attributes.
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
\n "multiTypeMap" : ""
get: /V1/getCampaignSecurityPolicies
getCampaignSecurityPolicies Utility API to get information about Campaign security policies.
Utility API to get information about Campaign security policies. This method returns an 'AttributeMap' which contains Campaign Security Policy ID - Name as key value pair
executionContextToken (optional)
Query Parameter — The client execution context token. For regular API calls, this parameter should be null, for API calls related to Triggered events, the execution context token provided by a triggered event should be provided here.
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
\n "multiTypeMap" : ""
get: /V1/getFinancialAccountBudget
getFinancialAccountBudget Use this API to get financial account budget information.
Use this API to get financial account budget information. Depending on which budget type was selected while calling this API (for e.g.- 'uapfinancial_account_budget_allotted' , 'uapfinancial_account_budget_forecast', 'uapfinancial_account_budget_available', 'uapfinancial_account_budget_committed', 'uapfinancial_account_budget_uncommitted', 'uapfinancial_account_budget_actual' and 'uapfinancial_account_budget_remaining' ), then returned attributeMap will contain that passed budget type as key and attributemap as value. AttributeMap returned in value will have following keys with values in double format representing allotted budget: uapaccount_budget_jan uapaccount_budget_feb uapaccount_budget_mar uapaccount_budget_apr uapaccount_budget_may uapaccount_budget_jun uapaccount_budget_jul uapaccount_budget_aug uapaccount_budget_sep uapaccount_budget_oct uapaccount_budget_nov uapaccount_budget_dec uapfinancial_account_budget_q1 uapfinancial_account_budget_q2 uapfinancial_account_budget_q3 uapfinancial_account_budget_q4 uapfinancial_account_budget_total If 'uapfinancial_account_budget_all' was selected while calling this API then, returned attributeMap will contain all the keys defined above with attributemap as value.
executionContextToken (optional)
Query Parameter — The client execution context token. For regular API calls, this parameter should be null, for API calls related to Triggered events, the execution context token provided by a triggered event should be provided here.
moObjectHandleExternal (required)
Query Parameter — The handle of financial account.
multiTypeAttributeMap (required)
Query Parameter — The attribute Map must contain following key values: *) 'uapfinancial_account_budget_year' : value for this key must be valid year (format yyyy) for which budget information is required *) 'uapfinancial_account_budget_type' : Following are the valid values for this key: 'uapfinancial_account_budget_allotted': To get allotted Budget 'uapfinancial_account_budget_forecast': To get forecast budget 'uapfinancial_account_budget_available': To get available budget 'uapfinancial_account_budget_committed': To get committed budget 'uapfinancial_account_budget_uncommitted': To get un-committed budget 'uapfinancial_account_budget_actual': To get actual budget 'uapfinancial_account_budget_remaining': To get remaining budget 'uapfinancial_account_budget_all': To get all budget information i.e. Budget allotted, Forecast, Available, Committed, Uncommitted, Actual and Remaining
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
\n "multiTypeMap" : ""
getMemberRoles Find the member roles for an existing project, if defined. Member roles are defined in project xml.
Find the member roles for an existing project, if defined. Member roles are defined in project xml. This method returns a list of the member roles; of type 'String'. Return an empty list if the project does not exist.
executionContextToken (optional)
Query Parameter — The client execution context token. For regular API calls, this parameter should be null, for API calls related to Triggered events, the execution context token provided by a triggered event should be provided here.
moObjectHandleExternal (required)
Query Parameter — The handle of an existing project.
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
[ "aeiou" ]
get: /V1/getMembersByParticipationLevel
getMembersByParticipationLevel Return members for a specific participation level for an existing project.
Return members for a specific participation level for an existing project. It returns List of 'MultiTypeValueSingle' objects which holds either 'PlanUserHandle' or 'PlanTeamHandle' handle
executionContextToken (optional)
Query Parameter — The client execution context token. For regular API calls, this parameter should be null, for API calls related to Triggered events, the execution context token provided by a triggered event should be provided here.
moObjectHandleExternal (required)
Query Parameter — The handle of an existing project.
projectParticipantLevel (required)
Query Parameter — A string representaion of an enum indicates different participation levels.
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
[ {
\n "value" : ""
\n} ]
get: /V1/getMembersByRole
getMembersByRole Return a list of members for a specific member role for an existing object.
Return a list of members for a specific member role for an existing object. The return data type is of type 'MultiTypeValueSingle' which holds either PlanUserHandle or PlanTeamHandle. Supported Plan objects: 1. Project - work roles of the Project people tab. Possible roles: 'uapMemberRole', 'uapReviewerRole', 'uapProjectRequestRecipientRole' etc. 2. Asset (Asset owners) Possible roles: 'uapOwnerRole' .
executionContextToken (optional)
Query Parameter — The client execution context token. For regular API calls, this parameter should be null, for API calls related to Triggered events, the execution context token provided by a triggered event should be provided here.
moObjectHandleExternal (required)
Query Parameter — The handle of an existing Plan object. Throws Error code 1719 if the Plan object does not exist.
roleName (required)
Query Parameter — A role name. Throws Error code 1717 if the role does not exist.
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
[ {
\n "value" : ""
\n} ]
get: /V1/getMembersByRoleType
getMembersByRoleType Fetches the members by given role type.
Fetches the members by given role type. This will be implemented in following modules: Team, Project and Marketing Objects.(Available @since Plan 7.4 ). A list of PlanUserHandle or PlanTeamHandle handles will be return if the object instance has members associated with it. Each list element will be of type Handle.
executionContextToken (optional)
Query Parameter — The client execution context token. For regular API calls, this parameter should be null, for API calls related to Triggered events, the execution context token provided by a triggered event should be provided here.
moObjectHandleExternal (required)
Query Parameter — The handle of the object instance.
roleType (required)
Query Parameter — A role type for the given object instance.
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
[ {
\n "value" : ""
\n} ]
getParentHandle Returns the parent handle for a particular child handle.
Returns the parent handle for a particular child handle. Supported modules: Tasks, Project Grids, Project Grid Rows, Marketing Object Grids, Marketing Object Grid Rows, Project Attachments, and Marketing Object Attachments. Returns the handle of the parent For Tasks, this API returns a Project Handle For Project Grids/Grid Rows, this API returns a Project Handle For Marketing Object Grids/Grid Rows, this API returns a Marketing Object Handle For Project Attachment, this API returns a Project Handle For Marketing Object Attachment, this API returns a Marketing Object Handle.
executionContextToken (optional)
Query Parameter — The client execution context token. For regular API calls, this parameter should be null, for API calls related to Triggered events, the execution context token provided by a triggered event should be provided here.
moObjectHandleExternal (required)
Query Parameter — The handle of the child object
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
\n "value" : ""
get: /V1/getProjectBudget
getProjectBudget Use this API function to extract Project Budget Total.
Use this API function to extract Project Budget Total. Type of total (total, forecast, committed, actual) returned is determined by the parameters passed in attributeMap Parameter.(Available @since Plan 7.5). Returned AttributeMap will contain one entry with key Provided BudgetTypeEnum name { 'Total' or 'Forecast' or 'Committed' or 'Actual' or 'Allocated' }.Provided BudgetPeriodEnum key {'Quarterly' or 'Monthly' or 'Weekly' or 'Yearly' or 'All'}.'uapProject_Budget_Total' and value in double format for BudgetPeriodEnum key 'All' and BudgetPeriodEnum key 'Yearly' or if appropriate period value (quarter, month or week) is specified for other budget periods. For budget period 'Quarterly' , 'Monthly' or 'Weekly' - , if no appropriate period value is specified then returned attribute map will contain all entries as applicable for specified budget period with key as follows : {Provided BudgetTypeEnum key name ( 'Total' or 'Forecast' or 'Committed' or 'Actual' or 'Allocated').{Provided QuarterEnum name ('Q1' or 'Q2' or 'Q3' or 'Q4')}.uapProject_Budget_Total' for project with quarterly budget granularity {Provided BudgetTypeEnum key name ( 'Total' or 'Forecast' or 'Committed' or 'Actual' or 'Allocated').{Provided MonthEnum name ('January' or 'February' or 'March' etc. ).uapProject_Budget_Total' for project with monthly budget granularity {Provided BudgetTypeEnum key name ( 'Total' or 'Forecast' or 'Committed' or 'Actual' or 'Allocated').{Provided WeekEnum name ('WEEK_1' or 'WEEK_2' or WEEK_3 or ... 'WEEK_53' ).uapProject_Budget_Total' for project with weekly budget granularity
executionContextToken (optional)
Query Parameter — The client execution context token. For regular API calls, this parameter should be null, for API calls related to Triggered events, the execution context token provided by a triggered event should be provided here.
moObjectHandleExternal (required)
Query Parameter — Must be a valid project handle.
multiTypeAttributeMap (required)
Query Parameter — *) Parameter to determine type of budget attributeMap must contain key 'uapProject_Budget_Type'. Value for this key should be one of the following: 'Total' : Give this value if project total is required 'Forecast': Give this value if project forecast total is required 'Committed': Give this value if life of project committed total is required 'Actual': Give this value if life of project actual total is required 'Allocated': Give this value if life of project allocations total is required*) attributeMap must contain key 'uapProject_Budget_Period' Parameter to determine period of budget total. Value for this key should be one of the following: 'All' : Give this value if life of object total is required i.e. total displayed in total view of budget tab 'Yearly': Give this value if year total is required i.e. total displayed in detailed view of budget tab 'Quarterly': Give this value if quarterly total is required i.e. total displayed in detailed view of budget tab 'Monthly': Give this value if monthly total is required i.e. total displayed in detailed view of budget tab 'Weekly': Give this value if weekly total is required i.e. total displayed in detailed view of budget tab For budget period other than 'All' user need to provide year in attributeMap with key 'uapProject_Budget_Year' For budget period 'Quarterly', user may provide optional quarter value with 'uapProject_Budget_Quarter' key in attributeMap and QuarterEnum instance for required quarter as the value. e.g. 'Q1', 'Q2', etc. If 'uapProject_Budget_Quarter' is not specified then returned attribute map will contain all four quarter's information as specified in Returns section. For budget period 'Monthly', user may provide optional month value with 'uapProject_Budget_Month' key in attributeMap and MonthEnum instance for required month as the value. e.g. 'January', 'February', etc. If 'uapProject_Budget_Month' is not specified then returned attribute map will contain all twelve month's information as specified in Returns section. For budget period 'Weekly', user may provide optional week value with 'uapProject_Budget_Week' key in attributeMap and WeekEnum instance for required week as the value. e.g. 'WEEK_1', 'WEEK_2', etc. If 'uapProject_Budget_Week' is not specified then returned attribute map will contain all 53 week's information as specified in Returns section.
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
\n "multiTypeMap" : ""
get: /V1/getProjectBudgetLineItemAllocation
getProjectBudgetLineItemAllocation Allocations (total, yearly, quarterly) of project line items is returned by the parameters passed in attributeMap Parameter.
Allocations (total, yearly, quarterly) of project line items is returned by the parameters passed in attributeMap Parameter. Returned AttributeMap -- If budget allocation period is specified as 'All' or 'Yearly' then returned attribute map will contain 'uapProjectBudgetLineItemAllocation' as key and budget information in double format. For other allocation periods ('Quarterly', 'Monthly' and 'Weekly') returned attribute map will contain 'uapProjectBudgetLineItemAllocation' as key and attribute map as value. Value attribute map will contain entries according to budget period (4 for QUARTERLY, 12 for MONTHLY and 53 for WEEKLY) with budget value for each entry in double format.
executionContextToken (optional)
Query Parameter — The client execution context token. For regular API calls, this parameter should be null, for API calls related to Triggered events, the execution context token provided by a triggered event should be provided here.
moObjectHandleExternal (required)
Query Parameter — Must be a valid project handle.
multiTypeAttributeMap (required)
Query Parameter — Parameters to determine period of allocation attributeMap must contain key 'uapProjectBudgetAllocationPeriod'. Value for this key should be one of the following: 'All': Give this value if life of object total allocation is required i.e. total displayed in total view of budget tab 'Yearly': Give this value if year total is required i.e. total displayed in detailed view of budget tab. 'Quarterly': Give this value if quarterly total is required i.e. total displayed in detailed view of budget tab. 'Monthly': Give this value if monthly total is required i.e. total displayed in detailed view of budget tab. 'Weekly' : Give this value if weekly total is required i.e. total displayed in detailed view of budget tab. For budget period other than 'All' , user need to provide year in attributeMap with key 'uapProjectBudgetPeriodAllocationYear' .
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
\n "multiTypeMap" : ""
get: /V1/getProjectBudgetLineItemSummary
getProjectBudgetLineItemSummary Use this API to get project line item summary information.
Use this API to get project line item summary information i.e. Actual Spent, Total Committed Amount, Total Forecast Amount. Returned AttributeMap. AttributeMap will contain following keys and double as value: 'uapProjectBudgetActualSpent' 'uapProjectBudgetTotalCommitted' 'uapProjectBudgetTotalForecast'
executionContextToken (optional)
Query Parameter — The client execution context token. For regular API calls, this parameter should be null, for API calls related to Triggered events, the execution context token provided by a triggered event should be provided here.
moObjectHandleExternal (required)
Query Parameter — Must be valid project handle.
multiTypeAttributeMap (required)
Query Parameter — if specified as true then return values will be last version otherwise values returned will be current values. If specified as true and last version is not available then API will return current values.
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
\n "multiTypeMap" : ""
get: /V1/getRequestRecipients
getRequestRecipients Get all the request recipients for a project request.
Get all the request recipients for a project request. Returns an array of recipients available in the project request.
executionContextToken (optional)
Query Parameter — The client execution context token. For regular API calls, this parameter should be null, for API calls related to Triggered events, the execution context token provided by a triggered event should be provided here.
moObjectHandleExternal (required)
Query Parameter — Must be a valid project request handle.
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
\n "mapArray" : [ {
\n "values" : "",
\n "entrySet" : "",
\n "empty" : true,
\n "keySet" : [ "" ],
\n "size" : 123
\n } ]
get: /V1/getReviewerRoles
getReviewerRoles Find the reviewer roles for an existing project, if defined.
Find the reviewer roles for an existing project, if defined. Reviewer roles are defined in project xml.Return an empty list if the project does not exist.
executionContextToken (optional)
Query Parameter — The client execution context token. For regular API calls, this parameter should be null, for API calls related to Triggered events, the execution context token provided by a triggered event should be provided here.
moObjectHandleExternal (required)
Query Parameter — The handle of an existing project.
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
[ "aeiou" ]
get: /V1/getReviewersByRole
getReviewersByRole Return a list of reviewers for a specific reviewer role for an existing project.
Return a list of reviewers for a specific reviewer role for an existing project. The return data type 'MultiTypeValueSingle' holds either PlanUserHandle or PlanTeamHandle.
executionContextToken (optional)
Query Parameter — The client execution context token. For regular API calls, this parameter should be null, for API calls related to Triggered events, the execution context token provided by a triggered event should be provided here.
moObjectHandleExternal (required)
Query Parameter — The handle of an existing project. Throws Error code 1719 if the project does not exist.
roleName (required)
Query Parameter — A role name from API 'getReviewersByRole'. Throws Error code 1717 if the role does not exist.
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
[ {
\n "value" : ""
\n} ]
get: /V1/getSubProjectAllocation
getSubProjectAllocation Allocations (total, yearly, quarterly) of sub project is returned by the parameters passed in attributeMap parameter.
If budget allocation period is specified as 'All' or 'Yearly', then returned attribute map will contain handle of sub project as key and budget information in double format for each sub project handle. For other allocation periods ('Quarterly', 'Monthly' and 'Weekly'), returned attribute map will contain sub project handle as key and attribute map as value. Value attribute map will contain entries according to budget period (4 for QUARTERLY, 12 for MONTHLY and 53 for WEEKLY), with budget value for each entry in double format.
executionContextToken (optional)
Query Parameter — The client execution context token. For regular API calls,this parameter should be null, for API calls related Triggered events, the execution context token provided by triggered event should be provided here.
moObjectHandleExternal (required)
Query Parameter — Must be a valid parent project handle
multiTypeAttributeMap (required)
Query Parameter — Parameters to determine period of allocation attributeMap must contain key 'uapProjectBudgetAllocationPeriod'. Value for this key should be one of the following: 'All': Give this value if life of object total allocation is required i.e. total displayed in total view of budget tab 'Yearly':Give this value if year total is required i.e. total display in detailed view of budget tab. 'Quarterly': Give this value if quarterly total is required i.e. total displayed in detailed view of budget tab. 'Monthly': Give this value if monthly total is required i.e. total displayin detailed view of budget tab. 'Weekly': Give this value if weekly total is required i.e. total displayed in detailed view of budget tab.
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
\n "multiTypeMap" : ""
get: /V1/getSubProjectBudgetSummary
getSubProjectBudgetSummary Use this API function to extract Sub Project Budget information.
Type of total (total, forecast, committed, actual) returned is determined by the parameters passed in attributeMap Parameter. Returned AttributeMap will contain one entry with key as name of provided budget Type and value in double format.
executionContextToken (optional)
Query Parameter — The client execution context token. For regular API calls, this parameter should be null, for API calls related to Triggered events, the execution context token provided by a triggered event should be provided here.
moObjectHandleExternal (required)
Query Parameter — Must be a valid parent project handle
multiTypeAttributeMap (required)
Query Parameter — Parameter to determine type of budget attributeMap must contain key 'uapProjectBudgetType'. Value for this key should be one of the following: 'Forecast': Give this value if project forecast total is required. 'Committed': Give this value if life of project committed total is required 'Actual': Give this value if life of project actual total is requir 'Allocated': Give this value if life of project allocations total is required 'Total': Give this value if life of project total is required
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
\n "multiTypeMap" : ""
get: /V1/getWorkflowTaskParentProject
getWorkflowTaskParentProject Returns the parent project for a particular task.
Returns the parent project for a particular task.
executionContextToken (optional)
Query Parameter — The client execution context token. For regular API calls this parameter should be null, for API calls related Triggered events, the execution context token provided by a triggered event should be provided here.
moObjectHandleExternal (required)
Query Parameter — Handle of the task
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
\n "value" : ""
put: /V1/linkProgramChildren
linkProgramChildren Links (adds) one or more projects to a common parent program; all projects must already exist.
Child projects may in turn have their own children--or have this done by later use of this API. The API will detect circular references, i.e., 'A => B => C => A', and return an exception
executionContextToken (optional)
Form Parameter — The client execution context token. For regular API calls, this parameter should be null, for API calls related to Triggered events, the execution context token provided by a triggered event should be provided here.
moObjectHandleExternal (required)
Form Parameter — Handle of an existing program to link children to.
handleArray (required)
Form Parameter — An array of one or more handles of existing projects to link as children.
Return type
linkProgramPlan Link existing Plan object with Program.
This API is used to link Plan to Program.
executionContextToken (optional)
Form Parameter — The client execution context token. For regular API calls, this parameter should be null, for API calls related to Triggered events, the execution context token provided by a triggered event should be provided here.
moObjectHandleExternal (required)
Form Parameter — Handle of the Program.
planID (required)
Form Parameter — ID of the Plan to link to.
programArea (required)
Form Parameter — Program area to link.
Return type
put: /V1/linkProjectChildren
linkProjectChildren Links (adds) one or more projects to a common parent project; all projects must already exist.
Child projects may in turn have their own children--or have this done by later use of this API. The API will detect circular references, i.e. 'A => B => C => A', and return an an Error code 1727.
executionContextToken (optional)
Form Parameter — The client execution context token. For regular API calls this parameter should be null, for API calls related Triggered events, the execution context token provided by a triggered event should be provided here.
moObjectHandleExternal (required)
Form Parameter — Handle of an existing parent project to link children to. Throws Error code 1719 if the parent project does not exist or throws Error code 1737 if the client does not hold an edit lock for the referenced project.
handleArray (required)
Form Parameter — An array of one or more handles of existing projects to link as children. Throws Error code 1719 if one or more of the child projects do not exist OR Error code 1727 if the server cannot process the number of children specified in one request (because of circularity detection). In this case, the client should break up the request into multiple calls, e.g., less than 500.
Return type
get: /V1/listAllProjectChildren
listAllProjectChildren Lists the all child projects of an existing parent project, if defined.
No matter how the tree is, all children of the parent are listed so there may be performance impact if this API invokes inappropriatly. Return A List of zero or more child projects; each list element will be of type Handle. Also see the API- 'listProjectChildren', 'linkProjectChildren' and 'getAttributes'.
executionContextToken (optional)
Query Parameter — The client execution context token. For regular API calls this parameter should be null, for API calls related Triggered events, the execution context token provided by a triggered event should be provided here.
moObjectHandleExternal (required)
Query Parameter — Handle of an existing parent project containing desired children. Throws Error code 1719 if the parent project does not exist.
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
[ {
\n "value" : ""
\n} ]
listApprovals Lists all approvals whose attributes match those specified.
Only approvals that the client has read permissions are considered. Once retrieved, each handle can be used to interrogate the approvals further, e.g., state transition update its attributes via the attribute. Note - This API is intended as a simple way for a client to use server-side discovery to identify approvals of interest; more complicated discovery can be done by combining this API with client-side attribute processing. Returns a list of zero or more matched approvals; each list element will be of type Handle. Also see the API's- 'getAttributes', 'updateAttributes', 'findApprovalByAttribute'.
executionContextToken (optional)
Query Parameter — The client execution context token. For regular API calls this parameter should be null, for API calls related Triggered events, the execution context token provided by a triggered event should be provided here.
multiTypeAttributeMap (required)
Query Parameter — Map of attributes to match. The implied boolean operator is AND. The match algorithm works as follows: *)Determine the list of all approvals. *)For each approval, evaluate if all query attributes match: For each supplied query attribute: If the query attribute is equal to an approval attribute,continue to next attribute (Equal in this context means name & typeEnum are identical and contents of values fields are type equivalent. else no match (including attribute doesn't exist) => skip to next approvals If all query attributes matched, add approvals handle to match list. *)Return array of handles of matched assets.If the attributeMap parameter is not specified, all current approvals that the client has read security permissions for are returned. Throws Error code 1717 if one or more of the query attributes is invalid (e.g., empty map, an attribute has the wrong type, etc.).
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
[ {
\n "value" : ""
\n} ]
get: /V1/listAssetFolders
listAssetFolders Lists all assets whose attributes match those specified.
Only assets that the client has read permissions for considered. Once retrieved, each handle can be used to interrogate the asset further, e.g., read or update its attributes via the attribute APIs, attach an asset to a project etc. Note - , this API is intended as a simple way for a client to use server-side discovery to identify asset of interest; more complicated discovery can be done by combining this API with client-side attribute processing.Returns a list of zero or more matched assets; each list element will be of type Handle.Also see the API's - 'getAttributes', 'updateAttributes' and 'findAssetByAttribute' .
executionContextToken (optional)
Query Parameter — The client execution context token. For regular API calls this parameter should be null, for API calls related Triggered events, the execution context token provided by a triggered event should be provided here.
moObjectHandleExternal (required)
Query Parameter — Handle of an asset library or an asset folder. All returning assets will be within the asset library.
multiTypeAttributeMap (optional)
Query Parameter — Map of attributes to match. The implied boolean operator is AND. The match algorithm works as follows: *)Determine the list of all assets within a given asset library. *)For each asset, evaluate if all query attributes match: For each supplied query attribute: If the query attribute is equal to an asset attribute,continue to next attribute (Equal in this context means name & typeEnum are identical and contents of values fields are type equivalent. else no match (including attribute doesn't exist) => skip to next asset If all query attributes matched, add asset handle to match list. *)Return array of handles of matched assets.If this parameter is not specified, all current assets that are in the given asset library and the client has read security permissions for are returned. Throws Error code 1717 if one or more of the query attributes is invalid (e.g., empty map, an attribute has the wrong type, etc)
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
[ {
\n "value" : ""
\n} ]
get: /V1/listAssetLibraries
listAssetLibraries Lists all asset libraries whose attributes match those specified.
Only asset libraries that the client has read permissions are considered. Once retrieved, each handle can be used to interrogate the asset library further, e.g., read or update its attributes via the attribute APIs, create an asset, update an asset, etc. Note, this API is intended as a simple way for a client to use server-side discovery to identify asset library of interest; more complicated discovery can be done by combining this API with client-side attribute processing. Returns a list of zero or more matched asset libraries; each list element will be of type HandleAlso see API's - 'getAttributes', 'updateAttributes', and 'findAssetLibraryByAttribute' .
executionContextToken (optional)
Query Parameter — The client execution context token. For regular API calls this parameter should be null, for API calls related Triggered events, the execution context token provided by a triggered event should be provided here.
multiTypeAttributeMap (optional)
Query Parameter — Map of attributes to match. The implied boolean operator is AND. The match algorithm works as follows: *)Determine the list of all asset libraries. *)For each library, evaluate if all query attributes match: For each supplied query attribute: If the query attribute is equal to an asset library attribute,continue to next attribute (Equal in this context means name & typeEnum are identical and contents of values fields are type equivalent. else no match (including attribute doesn't exist) => skip to next asset library If all query attributes matched, add asset library handle to match list. *)Return array of handles of matched asset libraries.If the attributeMap parameter is not specified, all current asset libraries that have read security permissions for are returned. Throws Error code 1717 if one or more of the query attributes is invalid (e.g., empty map, an attribute has the wrong type, etc.).
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
[ {
\n "value" : ""
\n} ]
listAssets Lists all assets whose attributes match those specified.
Only assets that the client has read permissions for considered. Once retrieved, each handle can be used to interrogate the asset further, e.g., read or update its attributes via the attribute APIs, attach an asset to a project etc. Note - , this API is intended as a simple way for a client to use server-side discovery to identify asset of interest; more complicated discovery can be done by combining this API with client-side attribute processing.Returns a list of zero or more matched assets; each list element will be of type Handle.Also see API's - 'getAttributes', 'updateAttributes' and 'findAssetByAttribute' .
executionContextToken (optional)
Query Parameter — The client execution context token. For regular API calls this parameter should be null, for API calls related Triggered events, the execution context token provided by a triggered event should be provided here.
moObjectHandleExternal (required)
Query Parameter — Handle of an asset library or an asset folder. All returning assets will be within the asset library.
multiTypeAttributeMap (optional)
Query Parameter — Map of attributes to match. The implied boolean operator is AND. The match algorithm works as follows: *)Determine the list of all assets within a given asset library. *)For each asset, evaluate if all query attributes match: For each supplied query attribute: If the query attribute is equal to an asset attribute,continue to next attribute (Equal in this context means name & typeEnum are identical and contents of values fields are type equivalent. else no match (including attribute doesn't exist) => skip to next asset If all query attributes matched, add asset handle to match list. *)Return array of handles of matched assets.If this parameter is not specified, all current assets that are in the given asset library and the client has read security permissions for are returned. Throws Error code 1717 if one or more of the query attributes is invalid (e.g., empty map, an attribute has the wrong type, etc)
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
[ {
\n "value" : ""
\n} ]
get: /V1/listFinancialAccounts
listFinancialAccounts API to list financial accounts.
Returns a list of account handles, if found none then list size will be zero. Available @since .
executionContextToken (optional)
Query Parameter — The client execution context token. For regular API calls this parameter should be null, for API calls related Triggered events, the execution context token provided by a triggered event should be provided here.
boolean (required)
Query Parameter — Set this flag to get disabled accounts in list.
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
[ {
\n "value" : ""
\n} ]
listFolders Lists all the folders matching to either folder name/description specified. Only folders that the client has read permissions for are considered.
Once retrieved, each handle can be used to interrogate the folders further, e.g., read or update its attributes via the attribute APIs, etc. Note - this API is intended as a simple way for a client to use server-side discovery to identify folders (marketing objects) of interest; more complicated discovery can be done by combining this API with client-side attribute processing. This method returns a list of zero or more matched folders (marketing objects); each list element will be of type 'Handle'
executionContextToken (optional)
Query Parameter — The client execution context token. For regular API calls, this parameter should be null, for API calls related to Triggered events, the execution context token provided by a triggered event should be provided here.
multiTypeAttributeMap (optional)
Query Parameter — A map of attributes to match. If the attributeMap parameter is not specified, all current folders are returned. WARNING: this list could be very large.
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
[ {
\n "value" : ""
\n} ]
listGridRows Lists all the grid rows whose attributes match those specified for the object.
Only grids that the client has read permissions for are considered. Once retrieved, each grid row handle can be used to read or update its attributes (columns) via the attribute APIs. Note - This API is intended as a simple way for a client to use server-side discovery to identify grid data of interest; more complicated discovery can be done by combining this API with client-side attribute processing. Returns a list of zero or more matched rows; each list element will be of type Handle. Aslo see API's - 'getAttributes' and 'updateAttributes' .
executionContextToken (optional)
Query Parameter — The client execution context token. For regular API calls this parameter should be null, for API calls related Triggered events, the execution context token provided by a triggered event should be provided here.
moObjectHandleExternal (required)
Query Parameter — Handle of the parent grid object. Throws Error code 1719 if the handle doesn't refer to a grid object or the grid doesn't exist.
multiTypeAttributeMap (optional)
Query Parameter — Map of grid row attributes to match. If this parameter is not specified, all rows currently bound to the parent grid object are returned.
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
[ {
\n "value" : ""
\n} ]
get: /V1/listInvoiceLineItems
listInvoiceLineItems API to list all line items of an Invoice.
Returns a list of Invoice line item handles, if found none then list size will be zero
executionContextToken (optional)
Query Parameter — The client execution context token. For regular API calls this parameter should be null, for API calls related Triggered events, the execution context token provided by a triggered event should be provided here.
moObjectHandleExternal (required)
Query Parameter — Must be a valid invoice handle
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
[ {
\n "value" : ""
\n} ]
listInvoices API to list all available invoices.
Returns a list of invoice handles, if no invoice found then list size will be zero. Available @since .
executionContextToken (optional)
Query Parameter — The client execution context token. For regular API calls this parameter should be null, for API calls related Triggered events, the execution context token provided by a triggered event should be provided here.
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
[ {
\n "value" : ""
\n} ]
get: /V1/listMarketingObjectGrids
listMarketingObjectGrids Lists the grids bound to the specified marketing object, if defined.
This method returns a list of zero or more grids; each list element will be of type Handle. Also also API's - 'getAttributes' and 'listGridRows' .
executionContextToken (optional)
Query Parameter — The client execution context token. For regular API calls this parameter should be null, for API calls related Triggered events, the execution context token provided by a triggered event should be provided here.
moObjectHandleExternal (required)
Query Parameter — Handle of an existing marketing object containing desired grid(s). Throws Error code 1719 if the marketing object does not exist or the handle is invalid.
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
[ {
\n "value" : ""
\n} ]
get: /V1/listMarketingObjects
listMarketingObjects Lists all the marketing objects whose attributes match those specified.
Only marketing objects that the client has read permissions for, are considered. Once retrieved, each handle can be used to interrogate the marketing object further, e.g., read or update its attributes via the attribute APIs, link to a project or other marketing object, etc. Note - this API is intended as a simple way for a client to use server-side discovery to identify marketing objects of interest; more complicated discovery can be done by combining this API with client-side attribute processing. This method returns a list of zero or more matched marketing objects; each list element will be of type Handle. Also see API's - 'getAttributes', 'updateAttributes' and 'findMarketingObjectByAttribute' .
executionContextToken (optional)
Query Parameter — The client execution context token. For regular API calls this parameter should be null, for API calls related Triggered events, the execution context token provided by a triggered event should be provided here.
multiTypeAttributeMap (optional)
Query Parameter — Map of attributes to match. Match logic is similar to the listProjects() API, above. If the attributeMap parameter is not specified, all current marketing objects are returned. WARNING: this list could be very large.
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
[ {
\n "value" : ""
\n} ]
get: /V1/listOffersAndOfferLists
listOffersAndOfferLists Lists all the offers and offer lists whose attributes match those specified. Only offers that the client has read permissions for are considered.
Once retrieved, each handle can be used to interrogate the offer (marketing object) further, e.g., read or update its attributes via the attribute APIs, link to a project or other marketing object, etc. Note - this API is intended as a simple way for a client to use server-side discovery to identify offers (marketing objects) of interest; more complicated discovery can be done by combining this API with client-side attribute processing. This method returns a list of zero or more matched offers (marketing objects); each list element will be of type 'Handle'
executionContextToken (optional)
Query Parameter — The client execution context token. For regular API calls, this parameter should be null, for API calls related to Triggered events, the execution context token provided by a triggered event should be provided here.
multiTypeAttributeMap (optional)
Query Parameter — A map of attributes to match. Match logic is similar to the 'ListProjects()' API, above. If the attributeMap parameter is not specified, all current marketing objects are returned. WARNING: this list could be very large.
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
[ {
\n "value" : ""
\n} ]
get: /V1/listPossibleMemberRolesForTask
listPossibleMemberRolesForTask Lists possible member roles for tasks.
This returns a list of zero or more member roles that are associated with the parent project of the specific task. Each list element will be of type Integer. Available @since Plan 7.4 .
executionContextToken (optional)
Query Parameter — The client execution context token. For regular API calls this parameter should be null, for API calls related Triggered events, the execution context token provided by a triggered event should be provided here.
moObjectHandleExternal (required)
Query Parameter — Handle of the task. Throws Error code 1719 if the handle doesn't refer to a task or the task does not exist.
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
[ {
\n "value" : ""
\n} ]
get: /V1/listPossibleMembersForTask
listPossibleMembersForTask Lists possible members for tasks. A List of zero or more member roles; each list element will be of type Integer.
This returns a list of zero or more users and/or teams that are associated with the parent project of the specific task. Each list element will be of type PlanUserHandle or PlanTeamHandle. Available @since Plan 7.4 .
executionContextToken (optional)
Query Parameter — The client execution context token. For regular API calls this parameter should be null, for API calls related Triggered events, the execution context token provided by a triggered event should be provided here.
moObjectHandleExternal (required)
Query Parameter — Handle of the task. Throws Error code 1719 if the handle doesn't refer to a task or the task does not exist.
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
[ {
\n "value" : ""
\n} ]
get: /V1/listPossibleReviewerRolesForTask
listPossibleReviewerRolesForTask Lists possible reviewer roles for tasks.
Available @since Plan 7.4, this returns a list of reviewer roles that are associated with the parent project of the specific task. Returns a list of zero or more reviewer roles; each list element will be of type, Integer
executionContextToken (optional)
Query Parameter — The client execution context token. For regular API calls this parameter should be null, for API calls related Triggered events, the execution context token provided by a triggered event should be provided here.
moObjectHandleExternal (optional)
Query Parameter — Handle of the task. Throws Error code 1719 if the handle doesn't refer to a task or the task does not exist.
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
[ {
\n "value" : ""
\n} ]
get: /V1/listPossibleReviewersForTask
listPossibleReviewersForTask Lists possible reviewers for tasks.
This returns a list of users that are associated with the parent project of the specific task. Returns a list of zero or more users; each list element will be of type Handle.Available @since Plan 7.4
executionContextToken (optional)
Query Parameter — The client execution context token. For regular API calls this parameter should be null, for API calls related Triggered events, the execution context token provided by a triggered event should be provided here.
moObjectHandleExternal (required)
Query Parameter — Handle of the task. Throws Error code 1719 if the handle doesn't refer to a task or the task does not exist.
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
[ {
\n "value" : ""
\n} ]
listPrograms Lists all the programs whose attributes match those specified. Only programs that the client has read permissions for are considered.
Once retrieved, each handle can be used to interrogate the programs further, e.g., read or update its attributes via the attribute APIs, link or unlink children or other marketing object, etc. Note - this API is intended as a simple way for a client to use server-side discovery to identify programs of interest; more complicated discovery can be done by combining this API with client-side attribute processing.This method returns a list of zero or more matched programs; each list element will be of type 'Handle'
executionContextToken (optional)
Query Parameter — The client execution context token. For regular API calls, this parameter should be null, for API calls related to Triggered events, the execution context token provided by a triggered event should be provided here.
multiTypeAttributeMap (optional)
Query Parameter — A map of attributes to match. Match logic is similar to the 'listProjects()' API, above. If the attributeMap parameter is not specified, all current programs that the client has read security permissions for are returned. WARNING: this list could be very large.
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
[ {
\n "value" : ""
\n} ]
get: /V1/listProjectChildren
listProjectChildren Lists the child projects of an existing parent project, if defined.
Only the direct children of the parent are listed. Returns a list of zero or more child projects; each list element will be of type Handle.Also see API's - 'linkProjectChildren' and 'getAttributes'.
executionContextToken (optional)
Query Parameter — The client execution context token. For regular API calls this parameter should be null, for API calls related Triggered events, the execution context token provided by a triggered event should be provided here.
moObjectHandleExternal (required)
Query Parameter — Handle of an existing parent project containing desired children. Throws Error code 1719 if the parent project does not exist.
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
[ {
\n "value" : ""
\n} ]
get: /V1/listProjectGrids
listProjectGrids Lists the grids bound to the supplied project, if defined.
The grid API can be used to access the grid once retrieved.Returns a list of zero or more grids; each list element will be of type Handle. See also API's- 'getAttributes' and 'listGridRows' .
executionContextToken (optional)
Query Parameter — The client execution context token. For regular API calls this parameter should be null, for API calls related Triggered events, the execution context token provided by a triggered event should be provided here.
moObjectHandleExternal (required)
Query Parameter — Handle of an existing project containing desired grid(s). Throws Error code 1719 if the project does not exist or the handle is invalid.
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
[ {
\n "value" : ""
\n} ]
get: /V1/listProjectLineItems
listProjectLineItems Use this API to get list of all project line item handles.
Use this API to get list of all project line item handles.Returns the list of Project Line Item handles, if found none then list size will be zero
executionContextToken (optional)
Query Parameter — The client execution context token. For regular API calls this parameter should be null, for API calls related Triggered events, the execution context token provided by a triggered event should be provided here.
moObjectHandleExternal (required)
Query Parameter — Must be a valid project handle
boolean (required)
Query Parameter — If specified as true then return values will be last version otherwise values returned will be current values.Throws Error code 1717 if specified as true and last version is not available
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
[ {
\n "value" : ""
\n} ]
get: /V1/listProjectRequests
listProjectRequests Lists all projects request whose attributes match those specified.
Only project requests that the client has read permissions for are considered. Once retrieved, each handle can be used to interrogate the project request further.Returns A list of zero or more matched project requests; each list element will be of type project request handle.
executionContextToken (optional)
Query Parameter — The client execution context token. For regular API calls this parameter should be null, for API calls related Triggered events, the execution context token provided by a triggered event should be provided here.
multiTypeAttributeMap (optional)
Query Parameter — Map of attributes to match. This attribute map contains following parameters: 'uapProjectRequestAttriuteName' : Value for this key must be string and this would be name of project request. This is required parameter. 'uapProjectRequestAttriuteDescription': Value for this key must be string and would be the description of project request. This is optional parameter. 'uapProjectRequestAttriuteStartDate': Value for this key must be java.util.Date object. This represents start date of project which will get created using project request. This is optional parameter. 'uapProjectRequestAttriuteEndDate': Value for this key must be java.util.Date object. This represents end date of project which will get created using project request. This is optional parameter. 'uapProjectRequestAttriuteRecipients': Value for this key must be array of AttributeMap. Attribute map of recipient contain following parameters:-- 'uapProjectRequestRecipientsRole' : Value for this key must be a string array with single value. Value of string must be role id key from DB which represents appropriate role used for request template. This is optional parameter. If value for this key is not defined then it will take default for recipient role i.e. Unassigned. 'uapProjectRequestRecipientsUser : Value for this key must be a string array with single value. Value of string must be login id of user. This user will be assigned as a recipient in project request. This is required parameter. 'uapProjectRequestRecipientsDuration : Value for this key must be a string array with single value. Value of string must be in 00D-00H-00M format. Where value for D (days) must be between 01 and 99. Value for H (hours) must be between beginningOfDay and beginningOfDay + numberOfHoursPerDay parameters configured in Platform. This is required parameter. If value for this key is not defined then it will take default duration i.e. 01D-00H-00M. 'uapProjectRequestRecipientSequence' : Value for this key must be a string array with single value. Value of string must a numeric value between 1 and 99. This is required parameter. 'uapProjectRequestRecipientIsProjectOwner' : Value for this key must be a string array with single value. Value of string must be a boolean (true or false) value. This is optional parameter. But in recipients there must be only one project owner. If value for this parameter is set as true then value for respective attribute for key 'uapProjectRequestRecipientIsRequired' must be true. 'uapProjectRequestRecipientIsRequired' : Value for this key must be a string array with single value. Value of string must be a boolean (true or false) value. This is optional parameter. If value for this key is not defined then it will take default value i.e. false. 'uapProjectRequestRecipientRecipientInstructions' : Value for this key must be a string array with single value. Value of string should not be greater than 1024 characters. This is optional parameter. User can also add custom attributes with appropriate key and value.
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
[ {
\n "value" : ""
\n} ]
listProjects Returns the list of Project objects in the form of JSON data.
Lists all projects whose attributes match those specified; only projects that the client has read permissions for are considered. Once retrieved, each handle can be used to interrogate the project further, e.g., read or update its attributes via the attribute APIs, link or unlink children, link Marketing Objects, etc. Note- this API is intended as a simple way for a client to use server-side discovery to identify projects of interest; more complicated discovery can be done by combining this API with client-side attribute processing.
executionContextToken (optional)
Query Parameter — The client execution context token. For regular API calls, this parameter should be null, for API calls related to Triggered events, the execution context token provided by a triggered event should be provided here.
multiTypeAttributeMap (optional)
Query Parameter — Optional map of attributes to match. The implied boolean operator is AND. The match algorithm works as follows: *) Determine the list of all projects. -For each project, evaluate if all query attributes match:- *) For each supplied query attribute:- If the query attribute is equal to a project attribute, continue to next attribute (Equal in this context means name typeEnum are identical and contents of values fields are type equivalent. Else no match (including attribute doesn't exist) => skip to next project. *) If all query attributes matched, add project handle to match list. *) Return array of handles of matched projects. If the attributeMap parameter is not specified, all current projects that the client has read security permissions for are returned. Throws Error code 1717 if one or more of the query attributes is invalid (e.g., empty map, an attribute has the wrong type, etc.).
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
[ {
\n "value" : ""
\n} ]
get: /V1/listRequestGrids
listRequestGrids Lists the grids bound to the supplied project request, if defined.
The grid APIs can be used to access the grid once retrieved.Returns a list of zero or more grids; each list element will be of type 'Handle'. See also API - 'getAttributes' and 'listGridRows' .
executionContextToken (optional)
Query Parameter — The client execution context token. For regular API calls this parameter should be null, for API calls related Triggered events, the execution context token provided by a triggered event should be provided here.
moObjectHandleExternal (required)
Query Parameter — Handle of an existing project request containing desired grid(s). Throws Error code 1719 if the project request does not exist or the handle is invalid.
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
[ {
\n "value" : ""
\n} ]
listTeams Lists all teams whose attributes match those specified.
Once retrieved, each handle can be used to interrogate the team further, e.g., read or update its attributes via the attribute APIs, update members of a project or marketing object etc. Note - Available @since Plan 7.4, this API is intended as a simple way for a client to use server-side discovery to identify team of interest; more complicated discovery can be done by combining this API with client-side attribute processing.Returns a list of zero or more matched teams; each list element will be of type 'Handle'. See also API's- 'getAttributes', 'updateAttributes' and 'findTeamByAttribute' .
executionContextToken (optional)
Query Parameter — The client execution context token. For regular API calls this parameter should be null, for API calls related Triggered events, the execution context token provided by a triggered event should be provided here.
multiTypeAttributeMap (optional)
Query Parameter — Map of attributes to match. The implied boolean operator is AND. The match algorithm works as follows: *)Determine the list of all teams. *)For each team, evaluate if all query attributes match: For each supplied query attribute: If the query attribute is equal to a team attribute,continue to next attribute (Equal in this context means name & typeEnum are identical and contents of values fields are type equivalent. else no match (including attribute doesn't exist) => skip to next team If all query attributes matched, add team handle to match list. *)Return array of handles of matched teams. If the attributeMap parameter is not specified, all current teams that have read security permissions for are returned. Throws Error code 1717 if one or more of the query attributes is invalid (e.g., empty map, an attribute has the wrong type, etc.).
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
[ {
\n "value" : ""
\n} ]
listUsers Lists all users whose attributes match those specified.
Once retrieved, each handle can be used to interrogate the user further, e.g., read or update its attributes via members of a project or marketing object, etc.Available @since Plan 7.4, This API is intended as a simple way for a client to use server-side discovery to identify user of interest; more complicated discovery can be done by combining this API with client-side attribute processing.The only Security Policy supported is the Plan Default Global Security Policy. The search functions will NOT support other Security Policies, and will assume all operations are within the Default Security Policy.Returns a list of zero or more matched users; each list element will be of type 'Handle'. See also API's - 'getAttributes', 'updateAttributes' and 'findUserByAttribute' .
executionContextToken (optional)
Query Parameter — The client execution context token. For regular API calls this parameter should be null, for API calls related Triggered events, the execution context token provided by a triggered event should be provided here.
multiTypeAttributeMap (optional)
Query Parameter — Map of attributes to match. The implied boolean operator is AND. The match algorithm works as follows: *)Determine the list of all users. *)For each user, evaluate if all query attributes match: For each supplied query attribute: If the query attribute is equal to a user attribute,continue to next attribute (Equal in this context means name & typeEnum are identical and contents of values fields are type equivalent. else no match (including attribute doesn't exist) => skip to next user If all query attributes matched, add user handle to match list. *)Return array of handles of matched users. If the attributeMap parameter is not specified, all current users that have read security permissions for are returned. Throws Error code 1717 if one or more of the query attributes is invalid (e.g., empty map, an attribute has the wrong type, etc.).
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
[ {
\n "value" : ""
\n} ]
get: /V1/listWorkflowTasks
listWorkflowTasks Lists all the workflow tasks whose attributes match those specified.
Only tasks that the client has read permissions for are considered. Once retrieved, each task handle can be used to read or update its attributes via the attribute APIs. Note - This API is intended as a simple way for a client to use server-side discovery to identify user of interest; more complicated discovery can be done by combining this API with client-side attribute processing. Returns a list of zero or more matched tasks; each list element will be of type 'Handle'
executionContextToken (optional)
Query Parameter — The client execution context token. For regular API calls this parameter should be null, for API calls related Triggered events, the execution context token provided by a triggered event should be provided here.
moObjectHandleExternal (required)
Query Parameter — Handle of the parent project. Throws Error code 1719 if the handle doesn't refer to a project or the project does not exist.
multiTypeAttributeMap (optional)
Query Parameter — Map of task attributes to match. Match logic is similar to the listProjects() API, above.If this parameter is not specified, all current workflow tasks associated with the parent project are returned. Throws Error code 1717 if one or more of the specified attributes is invalid.
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
[ {
\n "value" : ""
\n} ]
get: /V1/listWorkflowTasksForProject
listWorkflowTasksForProject Lists all the workflow tasks whose parent project is the given project.
Once retrieved, each task handle can be used to read or update its attributes via the attribute APIs. Note - this API is intended as a simple way for a client to use server-side discovery to identify projects of interest; more complicated discovery can be done by combining this API with client-side attribute processing. This method returns a List of zero or more matched tasks; each list element will be of type 'Handle'.Available @since Plan 7.4 .
executionContextToken (optional)
Query Parameter — The client execution context token. For regular API calls, this parameter should be null, for API calls related to Triggered events, the execution context token provided by a triggered event should be provided here.
moObjectHandleExternal (required)
Query Parameter — Handle of the project. Throws Error code 1719 if the handle doesn't refer to a project or the project doesn't exist.
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
[ {
\n "value" : ""
\n} ]
get: /V1/listWorkflowTasksForUser
listWorkflowTasksForUser Lists all the workflow tasks whose owner is the given user.
Once retrieved, each task handle can be used to read or update its attributes via the attribute APIs. Note - this API is intended as a simple way for a client to use server-side discovery to identify projects of interest; more complicated discovery can be done by combining this API with client-side attribute processing. This method returns a List of zero or more matched tasks; each list element will be of type 'Handle'.Available @since Plan 7.4 .
executionContextToken (optional)
Query Parameter — The client execution context token. For regular API calls, this parameter should be null, for API calls related to Triggered events, the execution context token provided by a triggered event should be provided here.
moObjectHandleExternal (required)
Query Parameter — Handle of the user. Throws Error code 1719 if the handle doesn't refer to a user or a team.
Return type
Example data
Content-Type: application/json
[ {
\n "value" : ""
\n} ]
publishFolder Transition state of folder represented by supplied handle to PUBLISHED state. This API will publish given folder and all its parent folders if not published
Transition state of folder represented by supplied handle to PUBLISHED state. This API will publish given folder and all its parent folders if not published
executionContextToken (optional)
Form Parameter — The client execution context token. For regular API calls, this parameter should be null, for API calls related to Triggered events, the execution context token provided by a triggered event should be provided here.
moObjectHandleExternal (required)
Form Parameter — The unique handle of folder instance to match against.
Return type
publishOffer Transition state of offer represented by supplied handle to PUBLISHED state
Transition state of offer represented by supplied handle to PUBLISHED state
executionContextToken (optional)
Form Parameter — The client execution context token. For regular API calls, this parameter should be null, for API calls related to Triggered events, the execution context token provided by a triggered event should be provided here.
moObjectHandleExternal (required)
Form Parameter — The unique handle of offer instance to match against.
comments (optional)
Form Parameter — Comments for the state transition which are sent to Offer History and Notification Service
Return type
redraftOffer Transition state of offer represented by supplied handle to DRAFT state
Transition state of offer represented by supplied handle to DRAFT state
executionContextToken (optional)
Form Parameter — The client execution context token. For regular API calls, this parameter should be null, for API calls related to Triggered events, the execution context token provided by a triggered event should be provided here.
moObjectHandleExternal (required)
Form Parameter — The unique handle of offer instance to match against.
comments (optional)
Form Parameter — Comments for the state transition which are sent to Offer History and Notification Service
Return type
retireOffer Transition state of offer represented by supplied handle to RETIRED state.
Transition state of offer represented by supplied handle to RETIRED state.
executionContextToken (optional)
Form Parameter — The client execution context token. For regular API calls, this parameter should be null, for API calls related to Triggered events, the execution context token provided by a triggered event should be provided here.
moObjectHandleExternal (required)
Form Parameter — Unique handle of offer instance to match against
comments (optional)
Form Parameter — The comments for the state transition which are sent to Offer History and Notification Service
Return type
put: /V1/setMembersByParticipationLevel
setMembersByParticipationLevel Update members for a specific participation level for an existing project.
Update members for a specific participation level for an existing project.
executionContextToken (optional)
Form Parameter — The client execution context token. For regular API calls, this parameter should be null, for API calls related to Triggered events, the execution context token provided by a triggered event should be provided here.
moObjectHandleExternal (required)
Form Parameter — The handle of an existing project. Throws Error code 1719 if the project does not exist.
users (required)
Form Parameter — The users that will be appended to the member role or replace existing members with the new members. The data type 'MultiTypeValueArray' holds either PlanUserHandle or PlanTeamHandle. To delete all members for a specific member role, pass in null.
projectParticipantLevel (required)
Form Parameter — An enum indicates different participation levels.
boolean (required)
Form Parameter — true - append new members to existing members for the given role. false - replace existing members with new members.
Return type
put: /V1/setMembersByRole
setMembersByRole Update members for a specific member role for an existing Plan object.
Update members for a specific member role for an existing Plan object. Supported Plan objects are : Project - work roles of the Project people tab. Possible roles: see API 'getMemberRoles'. Asset - (Asset owners). Possible roles: 'uapOwnerRole'
executionContextToken (optional)
Form Parameter — The client execution context token. For regular API calls, this parameter should be null, for API calls related to Triggered events, the execution context token provided by a triggered event should be provided here.
moObjectHandleExternal (required)
Form Parameter — The handle of an existing Plan object. Throws Error code 1719 if the Plan object does not exist.
users (required)
Form Parameter — The users that will be appended to the member role or replace existing members with the new members. The data type 'MultiTypeValueArray' holds either PlanUserHandle or PlanTeamHandle. To delete all members for a specific member role, pass in null. Throws Error code 1717 if the role does not exist.
roleName (required)
Form Parameter — A role name from API 'getReviewersByRole' Throws Error code 1717 if the role does not exist.
boolean (required)
Form Parameter — true - append new members to existing members for the given role. false - replace existing members with new members.
Return type
put: /V1/setReviewersByRole
setReviewersByRole Update reviewers for a specific reviewer role for an existing project.
Update reviewers for a specific reviewer role for an existing project.
executionContextToken (optional)
Form Parameter — The client execution context token. For regular API calls, this parameter should be null, for API calls related to Triggered events, the execution context token provided by a triggered event should be provided here.
moObjectHandleExternal (required)
Form Parameter — The handle of an existing project. Throws Error code 1719 if the project does not exist.
users (required)
Form Parameter — The users that will be append to the reviewer role or replace existing reviewers with the new reviewers. The data type 'MultiTypeValueArray holds either 'PlanUserHandle' or 'PlanTeamHandle'. To delete all reviewers for a specific reviewer role, pass in null. Throws Error code 1723 if the role does not exist.
roleName (required)
Form Parameter — A role name from 'getReviewersByRole' . Throws Error code 1723 if the role does not exist.
boolean (required)
Form Parameter — true - append new reviewers to existing reviewers for the given role. false - replace existing reviewers with new reviewers.
Return type
put: /V1/transitionApprovalStateByHandle
transitionApprovalStateByHandle Change the approval state of an existing approval to a new state.
The handle of the existing approval is passed. The rules for the state transition of an approval should be aligned with Plan. If the state change is invalid, an error is thrown.
executionContextToken (optional)
Form Parameter — The client execution context token. For regular API calls, this parameter should be null, for API calls related to Triggered events, the execution context token provided by a triggered event should be provided here.
moObjectHandleExternal (required)
Form Parameter — Handle of an existing approval whose state is desired to be changed.
multiTypeValueSingle (required)
Form Parameter — An 'ApprovalStateEnum' enumerated type of the new approval state to transition to. An error is thrown if the state transition is not allowed.
comments (optional)
Form Parameter — The comments for the state transition which are sent by Notification Service.
Return type
put: /V1/transitionAssetStateByCode
transitionAssetStateByCode Finds the asset assigned the supplied unique asset code and transition its state to the new state.
This is a convenience API; identical to making the following API calls: 'findAssetByAttribute()' using the code attribute with the same value as the code parameter. 'updateAttribute()' using the handle to the matched asset and the state parameter above.Available @since Plan v7.4 .
executionContextToken (optional)
Form Parameter — The client execution context token. For regular API calls, this parameter should be null, for API calls related to Triggered events, the execution context token provided by a triggered event should be provided here.
code (required)
Form Parameter — Unique asset code to match against (equivalent to value of code asset attribute). An error is thrown if no asset exists with that code or if more than one asset matches, i.e., the attribute is not unique.
multiTypeValueSingle (required)
Form Parameter — A 'AssetStateEnum' enumerated type of the new asset state to transition to. An error is thrown if the state transition is not allowed.
comments (optional)
Form Parameter — The comments for this transition.
Return type
put: /V1/transitionInvoiceState
transitionInvoiceState Transition a invoice state to the new state.
Transition a invoice state to the new state.
executionContextToken (optional)
Form Parameter — The client execution context token. For regular API calls, this parameter should be null, for API calls related to Triggered events, the execution context token provided by a triggered event should be provided here.
moObjectHandleExternal (required)
Form Parameter — Must be a valid invoice handle.
multiTypeValueSingle (required)
Form Parameter — InvoiceStateEnum enumerated type of the new invoice state to transition to. Throws Error code 1731 if the state transition is not allowed or the state is not a valid state.
multiTypeAttributeMap (optional)
Form Parameter — Must contain the key 'uapinvoice_state_transition_comment' with string array as value. If state is changed to PAID then attributeMap must contain key 'uapinvoice_paid_date' with Calendar array as value. Note - This API is avaialble Since UMO 8.5. If invoice has any line items, which will trigger rule driven approval then transition to PAYABLE state requires following additional attributes : 'uapTargetDueDate' .
Return type
put: /V1/transitionMarketingObjectStateByHandle
transitionMarketingObjectStateByHandle Transition a supplied Marketing Object's state to the new state.
Marketing Object state is defined in the globalstates.xml. The 'id' attribute is considered a valid state.
executionContextToken (optional)
Form Parameter — The client execution context token. For regular API calls, this parameter should be null, for API calls related to Triggered events, the execution context token provided by a triggered event should be provided here.
moObjectHandleExternal (required)
Form Parameter — Must be a valid Marketing Object handle.
state (required)
Form Parameter — The new marketing object state to transition to. Throws Error code 1731 if the state transition is not allowed or the state is not a valid state.
comments (optional)
Form Parameter — The comments for the state transition which are sent by Notification Service.
Return type
put: /V1/transitionProgramState
transitionProgramState Finds the program assigned the supplied unique program handle and transition its state to the new state.
Finds the program assigned the supplied unique program handle and transition its state to the new state.
executionContextToken (optional)
Form Parameter — The client execution context token. For regular API calls, this parameter should be null, for API calls related to Triggered events, the execution context token provided by a triggered event should be provided here.
moObjectHandleExternal (required)
Form Parameter — Must be a valid program handle.
multiTypeValueSingle (required)
Form Parameter — A 'ProgramState' enumerated type of the new program state to transition to (see 'uapStateEnum' attribute definition).
comments (optional)
Form Parameter — The comments for the state transition which are sent by Notification Service
Return type
put: /V1/transitionProjectRequestStateByHandle
transitionProjectRequestStateByHandle Finds the project request and transitions its state to the new state.
On resubmitting returned request, request 'Re-approval Rule' would be: If project request returned and then resubmitted, request is processed by all recipients again. To accept request by recipient, 'onBehalfOfUserID' user id should be valid recipinet's id.
executionContextToken (optional)
Form Parameter — The client execution context token. For regular API calls, this parameter should be null, for API calls related to Triggered events, the execution context token provided by a triggered event should be provided here.
moObjectHandleExternal (required)
Form Parameter — Must be a valid project request handle.
multiTypeValueSingle (required)
Form Parameter — A 'ProjectStateEnum' enumerated type defining the new project state request to transition to. Throws Error code 1731 if the state transition is not allowed.
comments (optional)
Form Parameter — The comments for the state transition which are sent by Notification Service.
Return type
put: /V1/transitionProjectStateByCode
transitionProjectStateByCode Finds the project assigned the supplied unique project code and transition its state to the new state.
This method is convenience API, identical to making the following API calls: 'findProjectByAttribute()' using the code attribute with the same value as the code parameter. 'updateAttribute()' using the handle to the matched project and the state parameter above.
executionContextToken (optional)
Form Parameter — The client execution context token. For regular API calls, this parameter should be null, for API calls related to Triggered events, the execution context token provided by a triggered event should be provided here.
code (optional)
Form Parameter — A unique project code to match against (equivalent to value of code project attribute). An error is thrown if no project exists with that code or if more than one project matches, i.e., the code is not unique.
multiTypeValueSingle (required)
Form Parameter — A 'ProjectStateEnum' enumerated type defining the new project state to transition to. Throws Error code 1731 if the state transition is not allowed.
Return type
put: /V1/transitionProjectStateByHandle
transitionProjectStateByHandle Finds the project assigned the supplied unique project handle and transition its state to the new state.
This method is overloaded with comments parameters.
executionContextToken (optional)
Form Parameter — The client execution context token. For regular API calls, this parameter should be null, for API calls related to Triggered events, the execution context token provided by a triggered event should be provided here.
moObjectHandleExternal (required)
Form Parameter — Must be a valid project handle.
multiTypeValueSingle (required)
Form Parameter — A 'ProjectStateEnum' enumerated type defining the new project state to transition to. Throws Error code 1731 if the state transition is not allowed.
comments (optional)
Form Parameter — The comments for the state transition which are sent by Notification Service.
Return type
put: /V1/transitionWorkflowTaskStateByHandle
transitionWorkflowTaskStateByHandle Finds the workflow task with the specified task handle and transitions its state to the new state.
This method is overloaded with comments parameters.
executionContextToken (optional)
Form Parameter — The client execution context token. For regular API calls, this parameter should be null, for API calls related to Triggered events, the execution context token provided by a triggered event should be provided here.
moObjectHandleExternal (required)
Form Parameter — Handle of the task. Throws Error code 1719 if the handle doesn't refer to a task or the task does not exist.
multiTypeValueSingle (required)
Form Parameter — A 'TaskStateEnum' enumerated type defining the new task state to transition to. Throws Error code 1731 if the state transition is not allowed by the task.
comments (optional)
Form Parameter — The comments for the state transition which are sent by Notification Service.
Return type
put: /V1/transitionWorkflowTaskStateByName
transitionWorkflowTaskStateByName Finds the workflow task that has the specified project code and task name and transitions its state to the new state.
This method is deprecated. Use 'transitionWorkflowTaskStateByHandle' instead.
executionContextToken (optional)
Form Parameter — The client execution context token. For regular API calls, this parameter should be null, for API calls related to Triggered events, the execution context token provided by a triggered event should be provided here.
projectCode (required)
Form Parameter — Unique project code to match against (equivalent to value of the code project attribute). Throws error if more than one project matched specified code.
taskName (required)
Form Parameter — The task name to match against. Throws error if more than one task matched specified name.
multiTypeValueSingle (required)
Form Parameter — A 'TaskStateEnum' enumerated type defining the new task state to transition to. Throws Error code 1731 if the state transition is not allowed by the task.
Return type
put: /V1/unlinkProgramChildren
unlinkProgramChildren Unlinks one or more child projects from their common parent program; all projects must already exist.
All children must in fact be linked to the specified parent, otherwise exception is thrown. Note - that this API does not affect nested children, i.e., if 'A => B => C', then unlinking 'B' from 'A' will not affect the 'B => C' link.
executionContextToken (optional)
Form Parameter — The client execution context token. For regular API calls, this parameter should be null, for API calls related to Triggered events, the execution context token provided by a triggered event should be provided here.
moObjectHandleExternal (required)
Form Parameter — Handle of an existing parent program.
handleArray (required)
Form Parameter — An array of handles of existing child projects to unlink from the parent.
Return type
put: /V1/unlinkProgramPlan
unlinkProgramPlan UnLink existing Plan object from Program.
This API is used to unlink Plan from Program.
executionContextToken (optional)
Form Parameter — The client execution context token. For regular API calls, this parameter should be null, for API calls related to Triggered events, the execution context token provided by a triggered event should be provided here.
moObjectHandleExternal (required)
Form Parameter — Unique handle of Program.
Return type
put: /V1/unlinkProjectChildren
unlinkProjectChildren Unlinks one or more child projects from their common parent project; all projects must already exist.
All children must in fact be linked to the specified parent, otherwise error is thrown. Note that this API does not affect nested children, i.e., if 'A => B => C', then unlinking 'B' from 'A' will not affect the 'B => C' link.
executionContextToken (optional)
Form Parameter — The client execution context token. For regular API calls, this parameter should be null, for API calls related to Triggered events, the execution context token provided by a triggered event should be provided here.
moObjectHandleExternal (optional)
Form Parameter — Handle of an existing parent project. Throws an Error code 1719 if the parent project does not exist; throws an Error code 1737 if the client does not hold an edit lock for the referenced project.
handleArray (optional)
Form Parameter — Array of handles of existing child projects to unlink from the parent.Throws Error code 1719 if one or more of the child projects is not currently linked to the specified parent.
Return type
put: /V1/updateApprovalItems
updateApprovalItems This method updates one or more approval item(s) within a single Approval object.
The approval item can be any combination of the two types, Marketing Object handle, object. Other than these two types, error is thrown. If the 'approvalItems' exist, the existing items are updated to new version. If not, the items are newly added to Approval object. The item instructions are passed as 'instructions' parameter. The order of the instructions String array is consistent with the order of 'approvalItems' Object array. 'Update the exiting items'Since each approval item within an Approval object has item sequence, if one wants to update particular approval items, one needs to put the right item in the right place of the item array. For example, there is an Approval containing 3 items and the items are ordered as 'MO1', 'MO2', 'File1'. If one only wants to update item 'File1', one needs to constructed an array as: Object [] items = Object [] {null, null, new File('myFile.txt')}; String [] instructions = new String [3]; try{ IPlanAPI.updateApprovalItems(context, hApproval, approvalItems, instructions);}catch(Exception e){ ... }The same manner applies when updating item instructions. If one wants to update particular item instructions, one needs to put right instructions in the right place of the instruction array. If there is no need to update items, one needs to provide an empty Object array with the number of items in size. For example, there is an Approval containing 3 items, one wants to update the comments of the last 2 items, one needs to construct the array as: Object [] approvalItems = new Object [3]; String [] instructions = new String [] {null, 'comment2', 'comment3'}; ... 'Append additional items' If one wants to append new items in addition to the existing approval items, one needs to provide the padding object in the item array. For example, File file1 = new File(myFile.txt); Object [] approvalItems = new Object [] {null, null, null, moHandle1, file1}; ... By doing that, moHandle1 and file1 items are appended to the end of the exiting items. 'Update existing and append additional items' If one wants to update the exiting as well as append new items, one needs to put updating items in the right order and put the new items at the end. Padding object is used if necessary. For example, there are 3 items in the Approval object. One wants to update the first items and append two new items, one needs to construct the array as: File file1 = new File(myFile.txt); File newFile = new File('newFile.txt'); Object [] approvalItems = new Object [] {newFile, null, null, moHandle, file1}; String [] instructions = new String [] {'updated file', null, null,'new MO', 'new file'};
executionContextToken (optional)
Form Parameter — The client execution context token. For regular API calls, this parameter should be null, for API calls related to Triggered events, the execution context token provided by a triggered event should be provided here.
moObjectHandleExternal (required)
Form Parameter — The handle of existing approval that is desired to update its approval items.
approvalItems (required)
Form Parameter — Any combination of Marketing Object Handle, object.
instructions (required)
Form Parameter — The items instructions that corresponding to approval items.
Return type
updateAttribute Update the attribute of the object instance given by the specified handle.
Update the attribute of the object instance given by the specified handle. Convenience API--see 'updateAttributes()' below.
executionContextToken (optional)
Form Parameter — The client execution context token. For regular API calls, this parameter should be null, for API calls related to Triggered events, the execution context token provided by a triggered event should be provided here.
moObjectHandleExternal (required)
Form Parameter — Handle of the object instance to be updated
attributeName (required)
Form Parameter — The name of the attribute to update
attributeValues (required)
Form Parameter — An array of zero or more attribute values; this array will overwrite the matched attribute's existing values
Return type
put: /V1/updateAttributes
updateAttributes Update one or more attributes of the object instance given by the specified handle.
Update one or more attributes of the object instance given by the specified handle. The update logic is as follows; for each attribute contained in the supplied attributeMap: if the attribute name matches an existing attribute, attempt to overwrite its values field with the attribute's values field. Throws Error code 1717 if the types don't match, one or more of the values is invalid, etc. else throw other error code Note, this API does not support adding new attributes. In all cases, the attribute update is subject to the usual security constraints and validation. Its the clients responsibility to determine which standard and custom attributes are required by a particular object instance, the correct types, etc.
executionContextToken (optional)
Form Parameter — The client execution context token. For regular API calls, this parameter should be null, for API calls related to Triggered events, the execution context token provided by a triggered event should be provided here.
moObjectHandleExternal (required)
Form Parameter — Handle of the object instance to be updated
multiTypeAttributeMap (required)
Form Parameter — Map of attributes to be updated
Return type
put: /V1/updateFinancialAccountBudget
updateFinancialAccountBudget This method allows user to update account budget information.
In a single call user can update the budget information for one financial year.
executionContextToken (optional)
Form Parameter — The client execution context token. For regular API calls, this parameter should be null, for API calls related to Triggered events, the execution context token provided by a triggered event should be provided here.
moObjectHandleExternal (optional)
Form Parameter — Must be a valid account handle.
fiscalYear (optional)
Form Parameter — Financial year (in yyyy format) for which budget needs to be updated.
multiTypeAttributeMap (optional)
Form Parameter — AttributeMap must contain at least one key from the following list and value must be valid double value: 'uapaccount_budget_jan' 'uapaccount_budget_feb' 'uapaccount_budget_mar' 'uapaccount_budget_apr' 'uapaccount_budget_may' 'uapaccount_budget_jun' 'uapaccount_budget_jul' 'uapaccount_budget_aug' 'uapaccount_budget_sep' 'uapaccount_budget_oct' 'uapaccount_budget_nov' 'uapaccount_budget_dec'
Return type
put: /V1/updateMembersByRoleType
updateMembersByRoleType Update the members for given role type.
This is implemented in following modules: Team, Project and Marketing Objects.
executionContextToken (optional)
Form Parameter — The client execution context token. For regular API calls, this parameter should be null, for API calls related to Triggered events, the execution context token provided by a triggered event should be provided here.
moObjectHandleExternal (required)
Form Parameter — The handle of the object instance.
roleType (required)
Form Parameter — A role type for the given object instance.
handleArray (required)
Form Parameter — A list of PlanUser or PlanTeam handles to be updated.
Return type
put: /V1/updateProjectLineItemAllocation
updateProjectLineItemAllocation Updates project line item allocation.
Updates project line item allocation.
executionContextToken (optional)
Form Parameter — The client execution context token. For regular API calls, this parameter should be null, for API calls related to Triggered events, the execution context token provided by a triggered event should be provided here.
moObjectHandleExternal (required)
Form Parameter — Must be a valid project handle for which allocation needs to be updated.
multiTypeAttributeMap (required)
Form Parameter — To update project total allocation provide following keys with allocation as value in double format:To update project line item allocation provide following keys with allocation as value in double format For project with budget granularity 'Quarterly' : keys for all quarters in the format 'Qn' For project with budget granularity 'Monthly' : keys for all months in the format e.g. 'January' For project with budget granularity 'Weekly' : keys for all weeks in the format e.g. 'Monday'
Return type
put: /V1/updateProjectRequestRecepient
updateProjectRequestRecepient Update project request recipients.
Update project request recipients.
executionContextToken (optional)
Form Parameter — The client execution context token. For regular API calls, this parameter should be null, for API calls related to Triggered events, the execution context token provided by a triggered event should be provided here.
moObjectHandleExternal (required)
Form Parameter — Must be a valid project request handle.
userHandle (required)
Form Parameter — User handle (recipient) to update recipient.
multiTypeAttributeMap (optional)
Form Parameter — Attribute map must contain attributes of recipients to update. This attribute must contain following parameters: 'uapProjectRequestRecipientRole' : Value for this key must be a string array with single value. Value of string must be role id key from DB which represents appropriate role used for request template. This is optional parameter. If value for this key is not defined then it will take default for recipient role i.e. Unassigned. 'uapProjectRequestRecipientDuration' : Value for this key must be a string array with single value. Value of string must be in 00D-00H-00M format. Where value for D (days) must be between 01 and 99. Value for H (hours) must be between beginningOfDay and beginningOfDay + numberOfHoursPerDay parameters configured in Platform. This is required parameter. If value for this key is not defined then it will take default duration i.e. 01D-00H-00M. 'uapProjectRequestRecipientSequence' : Value for this key must be a string array with single value. Value of string must a numeric value between 1 and 99. This is required parameter. 'uapProjectRequestRecipientOwner' : Value for this key must be a string array with single value. Value of string must be a boolean (true or false) value. This is optional parameter. But in recipients there must be only one project owner. If value for this parameter is set as true then value for respective attribute for key 'uapProjectRequestRecipientIsRequired' must be true. 'uapProjectRequestRecipientIsRequired' : Value for this key must be a string array with single value. Value of string must be a boolean (true or false) value. This is optional parameter. If value for this key is not defined then it will take default value i.e. false. 'uapProjectRequestRecipientInstructions' : Value for this key must be a string array with single value. Value of string should not be greater than 1024 characters.
Return type
put: /V1/updateSubProjectAllocation
updateSubProjectAllocation Updates sub project allocation.
Updates sub project allocation.
executionContextToken (optional)
Form Parameter — The client execution context token. For regular API calls, this parameter should be null, for API calls related to Triggered events, the execution context token provided by a triggered event should be provided here.
moObjectHandleExternal (required)
Form Parameter — Must be a valid parent project handle for which allocation needs to update.
moObjectChildHandleExternal (required)
Form Parameter — Must be a valid sub project handle for which allocation needs to update.
multiTypeAttributeMap (required)
Form Parameter — To update project total allocation provide following keys with allocation as value in double format: To update sub project allocation provide following keys with allocation as value in double format For project with budget granularity 'Quarterly' : keys for all quarters in the format 'Qn' For project with budget granularity 'Monthly' : keys for all months in the format e.g. 'January' For project with budget granularity 'Weekly' : keys for all weeks in the format e.g. 'Monday'
Return type
Set[$Entry<K, V>]
Appendix 1 : Unica Plan
REST API Error Codes
While using REST APIs for Unica Plan with various objects like Projects, Project Requests, Program etc., the APIs report various errors on unsucessful execution. The following is the complete list of all possible error codes:
List of possible Error Codes
Table 1. REST APIs Error Codes for Unica Plan
Error Code |
Error Message |
1601 |
1602 |
An unknown error has occured
1603 |
Invalid HTTP method. only get, post, put, and delete are supported
1604 |
This HTTP method is not supported
1605 |
Exception. Status:
1606 |
Unknown exception
1607 |
Objectmapper: could not convert from JSON String to Object
1608 |
Objectmapper: could not convert from Object to JSON String
1609 |
Could not create client
1610 |
Parse Exception
1699 |
Exception message not found
1700 |
Invalid login credentials
1701 |
Invalid login - you may not be authorized to use MO APIs
1702 |
Invalid login - this type of login is not supported
1703 |
Incorrectly formatted login token
1704 |
Invalid login token or timeout has expired
1705 |
Incorrectly formatted external form handle
1706 |
Incorrectly formatted MultiTypeMap
1707 |
Incorrectly formatted MultiTypeValueSingle
1708 |
Incorrectly formatted MultiTypeValueArray
1709 |
Incorrectly formatted MultiTypeMap : Incorrect type information
1710 |
Incorrectly formatted MultiTypeMap : Values expected as an array
1711 |
Incorrectly formatted MultiTypeMap : type of the attribute not present
1712 |
Incorrectly formatted MultiTypeMap : this type of attribute is not supported
1713 |
Incorrectly formatted MultiTypeMap : key type can only be a string or a MO Handle
1714 |
Invalid execution context
1715 |
Error creating execution context
1716 |
Incorrectly formatted execution token
1717 |
One or more specified attributes is invalid
1718 |
One of the parameters passed to this method is invalid
1719 |
The specified handle is invalid
1720 |
The specified execution context is invalid
1721 |
User not authorized
1722 |
Problems encountered accessing data
1723 |
Attribute not found
1724 |
Template not found
1725 |
Approval not found
1726 |
Asset not found
1727 |
1728 |
Illegal execution context
1729 |
Invalid item
1730 |
Invalid lock
1731 |
Invalid state transition
1732 |
Item not found
1733 |
List too large
1734 |
Lock in use
1735 |
Marketing object not found
1736 |
Multiple items found
1737 |
Not locked
1738 |
Project not found
1739 |
Task not found
1740 |
Template type not found
1741 |
Incorrectly formatted TriggerReturnObject
1742 |
Incorrectly formatted TriggerSubscriptionObject
1743 |
Incorrectly formatted MultiTypeMap inside MultiTypeMap