Things to know before switching to Unica Centralized Offer Management
Only published templates, published folders, published offers, and published offer lists will be available in Centralized Offer Management. Even in case of attributes, only the attributes associated with published templates will be available in Centralized Offer Management. Only the last published state of data from Plan will be available in Centralized Offer Management. Unpublished updates made in published data will not be availabe in Centralized Offer Management.
Differences between Plan and Centralized Offer Management as of
After switching the offer management capabilities to Centralized Offer Management, only the capabilities offered by Centralized Offer Management are applicable. Some of the capabilities that differ in Centralized Offer Management are as follows:
- In Centralized Offer Management, you cannot delete offers. You can only retire offers.
Centralized Offer Management does not
support feature of enabling and disabling offer templates. You can only retire
offer templates. Additionally, offer templates that are already disabled in
Plan, will appear as
. - Centralized Offer Management does not support Triggers and Procedures.
- Till release, Centralized Offer Management did not support the state transition capability of
offers and offer lists (like
). From release onwards, this capability has been introduced in Centralized Offer Management. However, Plan will migrate onlyPUBLISHED
offers. - Centralized Offer Management's
Creative URL
does not integrate with Plan's DAM. If you have already associated theCreative URL
attribute with Plan's asset, you will only see the reference string in theCreative URL
of Centralized Offer Management. - Centralized Offer Management does not support message board capabilities.
- Centralized Offer Management does not support tracking of offer changes in the Analysis tab.
- Centralized Offer Management does not support folder management capability at offer template level. All offer templates from Plan will appear at root level in Centralized Offer Management, and if required, you can reorder the templates.
- Centralized Offer Management does not support forms and form groups. The attributes at offer level will appear without tabs and form groups.
- Centralized Offer Management does not support
Select box
options at template level unlike the Manage form capability in Plan. - Centralized Offer Management does not support attachments.
- Centralized Offer Management does not support Plan's form attributes as they are not available in Centralized Offer Management. Only offer attributes will be available in Centralized Offer Management.
- Centralized Offer Management does not support custom links capability.
- Centralized Offer Management does not support Plan's icons for offer template.
- Till release, Centralized Offer Management did not support attribute visibility rules to show or hide attributes. From onwards, the support has been introduced. However, you must create visibility rules, in Centralized Offer Management, at template level. The visibility rules will not be migrated from Plan.
- Centralized Offer Management does not support Plan's multi-line attributes. They will be converted to normal text attribute.
- Centralized Offer Management does not support Plan's calculated field attribute, they will be converted to numeric attribute in Centralized Offer Management and the value of the offer attribute will be as calculated when the offer was published.
- Since Centralized Offer Management does not support forms, if you have modified a single attribute's definition in multiple forms in Plan, only a single definition (of the last published form) will be available in Centralized Offer Management.
There may be a few other minor differences. We recommend that you evaluate Unica Centralized Offer Management before opting to switch the offer management capabilities of Unica Plan to Unica Centralized Offer Management. Some minor differences are as follows:
- Till the release, you could update Retired offers in Centralized Offer Management, that was not possible in Plan. However, from release onwards, you can update the Retired offers only after changing the state to Draft.
- In Centralized Offer Management, the Select box attribute does not show invalid values (a value which is not part of options list). However, Plan used to show such invalid values.