Runtime REST API server missing in Design Server
The Runtime REST API server is configured during connector installation only if the
HIP_REST_SERVER_ADDRESS environment variable exists in
hip-server-native.env (native installation).
- Open the Link Design Server in your browser. The default configuration will be available with https://<LINK_IP>:443]
- Open the Servers page from the Deploy menu.
- Click on the plus icon in the upper right corner of the page to add a new server.
- Configure the server details:
- Name: “HCH Runtime”
- Type: “Web”
- Base URL: https://localhost:8443/hip-rest (native) or https://hip-rest:8443/hip-rest” (docker).
- Test the connection by clicking the Test button. Go to the UNABLE TO PING RUNTIME REST API FROM DESIGN SERVER troubleshooting section if the connection fails.