You can check to see if your Runtime REST API is licensing by executing this request through Swagger.
- In your browser, navigate to this location: https://<RUNTIME_REST_API_IP>:<PORT>/hip-rest/api-docs?url=openapi.json#/V2_Map_and_Flow_Deployment_API/listPackages
- Click on the 'unlocked /lock icon in the upper right corner of the page to specify a username and password for your request. Use the credentials that work for Link Design Server. Click Authorize then Close. The lock icon will show locked.
- Click on Try it out.
- Click on Execute.
- Check the Response Code:
200=Valid license
401 = with Response Body “This Link instance is not licensed to execute the REST requests.”
Invalid license. Check <Link_Install>/tomcat-context/apps/ Check entitlements through the Platform.
- 401 with empty Response Body.- Invalid credentials. Repeat step