Journey Installation Guide
Installation overview An installation of HCL Unica products is complete when you install, configure, and deploy the HCL Unica products . The Installation Guide provides detailed information about installing, configuring, and deploying the products.
Planning the Unica Journey installation When you plan your Unica Journey , you must ensure that you have set up your system correctly, and that you have configured your environment to deal with any failures.
Creating the Unica Journey Data Sources You must create Unica Journey data sources before you can install Unica Journey. Complete the following steps to prepare the data sources for Unica Journey:
Installing Unica Journey You must run the Unica installer to start the installation of Unica Journey . The Unica installer starts the product installer during the installation process. Make sure that the Unica installer and the product installer are saved at the same location.
Configuring Unica Journey Before you deploy Unica Journey , you must set up the Unica Journey system user, set Unica Journey configuration properties, and verify the Unica Journey installation.
Deploying Unica Journey application You can deploy the Unica Journey web application by using a WAR file or you can deploy the individual WAR files.
Uninstalling Unica Journey Run the Unica Journey uninstaller to uninstall Unica Journey . When you run the uninstaller, the files that were created during the installation process are removed. For example, files such as configuration files, installer registry information, and user data are removed from the computer. Stop the processes that are related to Unica Journey before uninstallation.
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