Integrating Unica Interact with your website through IBM Digital Data Exchange
Use these steps to integrate Unica Interact with your website through Digital Data Exchange.
- Specify the location of the Interactapi.js file.
- Navigate to Digital Data Exchange. in
- Select Unica Interact from the Vendor drop-down.
- In Library Path, enter the URL where you hosted the Interactapi.js. Do not include the protocol (http or https) in this URL.
- In Path To Public Rest Servlet, add the path to the Rest Servlet.
- Navigate to Digital Data Exchange to specify the object name to use as the page identifier in Unique Page Identifier. For example, you can set the object name to digitalData.pageInstanceID. in
- Include the eluminate.js file and
an identifier on the web page where you want Digital Data Exchange to insert the tags. You should give each web page a unique identifier
so Digital Data Exchange can distinguish between various pages.
For example, you can add the following script to your home page.
<!-- Setting Page Identifier --> <script> digitalData={pageInstanceID:"INTERACT_HomePage"}; </script> <!-- Including eluminate script --> <script type="text/javascript" src="http://libs."> </script> <script type="text/javascript"> cmSetClientID("51310000|INTERACTTEST",false,"data.",document.domain); </script>
- In Digital Data Exchange create tags, code segments, functions, and other items you want to add to your web page.
- Create page groups to define what you want filed on each page.