Cache management

In a large-volume Unica Interact environment where you are using a large number of runtime servers, you can use cache management software to share the runtime load among the servers and improve the real-time performance of the runtime server group as a whole. When you enable cache management solution comes with Unica Interact you can use multiple run time servers fronted by a load balancer. The load balancer balances the workload across the runtime servers in the group, and helps to maintain something called session affinity, which means that when an incoming session is handled by runtime server A, then when the same user issues additional requests, those requests are fulfilled by the session on server A. This method of balancing connections among the runtime servers in the group can improve performance considerably, but has some limitations because all of the session information is maintained in memory, and the memory limits of each Java™ virtual machine (JVM) restrict how much session information can be maintained. Unica Interact supports below cache management solutions by default:

  • Ignite: It is a memory-centric distributed caching solution comes with Interact. For more details about Ignite please see

  • Ehcache - It is an open source caching solution that is included with every installation of Interact. To read more about the Ehcache software, see
  • Redis - Redis is an open-source, in-memory data structure store used as a database, cache, message broker, and streaming engine. To read more about the Redis, see