Interact run time

The following are the JVM parameters for Interact run time.


This property can be defined to specify the Interact installation directory in the system. The path must point to the directory of the system where Interact is installed.

For example: -DINTERACT_HOME=” D:\HCL_12.1.1\Interact”


Mapping for the outbound gateways can be defined in the Gateway tab under Interactive channel. This property can be used if the user wants to continue using the property files based mapping. If there are more than one gateway, user must add comma separated gateway names.



Mapping for the outbound gateways can be defined in the Gateway tab under Interactive channel. This property can be used if the user wants to continue using the property files based mapping. f there are more than one gateway, user must add comma separated gateway names.



This property can be used to specify the protocol to connect to the proxy server.

For example: -Dcom.hcl.interact.http.proxyProtocol=https


This property can be used to specify the IP address of the proxy server.

For example: -Dcom.hcl.interact.http.proxyHost=<IP address of server>


This property can be used to specify the listening port of the proxy server.

For example: -Dcom.hcl.interact.http.proxyPort=8080


This property can be used to specify the username to connect to proxy server. It is not used if no authentication is required.

For example: -Dcom.hcl.interact.http.proxyUsername=<Username of proxy server>


This property can be used to specify the password to connect to proxy server. It is not used if no authentication is required.

For example: -Dcom.hcl.interact.http.proxyPassword=<Password of proxy server>


This property is used to configure the JMX Monitoring port for Interact. User can also configure this port in Unica Interact | monitoring | port under configuration.

For example -Dinteract.jmx.monitoring.port=<port number>

This property is used to define the runtime instance directory. It can be added to the web application server startup script.

For example:


This property is used to define the maximum size of the pool of offers that Unica Interact can keep in memory. This can also be defined from runtime configuration Interact | offerserving | Constraints | maxOfferAllocationInMemoryPerInstance.

For example: -Dinteract.offerserving.maxOfferAllocationInMemoryPerInstance = 100


This property is used to define the constraint percentage for a given offer allocation to support the distribution across runtime servers. This can also be defined from configuration Interact | offerserving | Constraints | maxDistributionPerIntervalPerInstanceFactor. It can be between 0 and 100.

For example: -Dinteract.offerserving.maxDistributionPerIntervalPerInstanceFactor=70


This property is used to define the ignite port used for communication.

For example: -Dinteract.ignitePort=<valid Ignite Port>


This property is used to define the maximum number of records to be held for enabling duplicate checking of contacts.

For example: -Dcom.unicacorp.interact.chDupeCheckLimit=<max records>


This property is used to define the maximum number of records to be held for enabling duplicate checking of responses and cross-session responses.

For example: -Dcom.unicacorp.interact.rhDupeCheckLimit=<max records>


This property is used to enable suppression of duplicate contacts.

For example: -Dcom.unicacorp.interact.chSuppressDupe=<true | false>


This property is used to enable suppression of duplicate responses and cross-session responses.

For example: -Dcom.unicacorp.interact.rhSuppressDupe=<true | false>


The value defined in this property is treated as NULL when it is passed as a parameter in the Interact API request.

For example: -Dcom.unicacorp.interact.testclient.nullValue=<parameter value>


This property defines the ehcache configuration file path. The reference is present in the following location: $INTERACT_HOME/samples.

For example: Dinteract.ehcache.config=<configuration file path>


This property is used to specify the date format to be used for date type values. The default format is “MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss”.

For example: -Dinteract.api.dateFormat=<Date format>


This property can be used to specify the number of records to perform test run on an interactive flowchart.

For example: -Dcom.hcl.interact.testrun.rowlimit=<Number of rows>


This property is used to specify whether exception is thrown while evaluating macros.

For example: -DInteract.DisableExceptionStackTraceInMacros=<true | false>


This property is used to enable the performance and monitoring statistics for specific beans.

For multiple beans, the names must be separated by commas.

For example: -Dcom.unicacorp.interact.enableDetailStats=<Bean name>


This property is used to specify the deployment timeout in secs. The default value is 180 seconds.

For example: -Dcom.unica.interact.deployment.timeoutInSecs=180

This property is used to specify the Interact runtime instance name.

For example:<instance name>


This property can be used to specify the invalid paths to load external files. The files from these paths are not picked for processing. Multiple paths can be provided separated by commas.

For example: -Dcom.unicacorp.interact.invalidPaths=<File path>


This property, when set to true, processes only a single record for xsession data.

For example: -Dinteract.XSessResponseConsumerManager.generateOnlyOneResponse=<true|false>


This property can be used for preserving original custom numeric offer attribute value.

This parameter can be enabled if the getOffers call does not accurately display numeric offer attributes value specified as decimals.

For example: -DtryToPreserveInexactFloatValues=<true | false>


This property can be used to specify the time (in seconds) for property files refresh.

The default value is 60 seconds.

For example: -Dcom.unicacorp.interact.propertyRefreshInterval=<duration in seconds>


This property can be used to specify the sleep time (in milliseconds) for scheduled processing of event and event pattern actions.

The default value is 60 seconds.

For example: -Dcom.unicacorp.scheduledTasksProcessInterval=<duration in milliseconds>


This property specifies the number of parallel executions for event pattern processing. The default value is 5

For example: -Dcom.unicacorp.interact.eventpatterns.parallelism=<parallelism>


This property specifies the number of retry attempts made by the job for event pattern processing.The default value is 5.

For example: -Dcom.unicacorp.interact.eventpatterns.restartRetries=<Number of retries>


This property specifies the timeout in milliseconds for event pattern processing. The default value is 1 second.

For example: -Dcom.unicacorp.interact.eventpatterns.evaluateTimeoutMilli=<timeout in millis>


This property specifies the duration (in seconds) between each retry while processing event patterns. The default value is 5 seconds

For example: -Dcom.unicacorp.interact.eventpatterns.restartRetryDelayInSec =<delay in sec


This property allows the encoding of the given locale in Western instead of Unicode. This parameter can be used in case message strings of certain locales (like Japanese) are not properly displayed due to incorrect encoding.

For example: -DInteract.advisoryMessageEncodingOverrides=ja


This property is used to place the sessionID as a cookie for API calls. By default, the sessionID is placed into the http header.

For example: -Dcom.unica.interact.api.insertSessionIDAsCookie =<true | false>


This property is used to provide the name of the cookie which stores the sessionID. This cookie is sent to all APIs which takes sessionID as argument.

For example: -Dcom.unica.interact.api.SessionIDCookieName =<Name of the cookie>


This property can be used to override the status code returned by the API for a particular advisory message code. Each value is of the format "<api_call>,<message_code>,<status_code>" separated by semicolons.

For example: -DInteractMsgCode=postEvent,18,2

This property can be used to enable the JMS consumer for triggered messages.

For example:<true | false>


This property can be used in FORMAT macro to override the maximum width for Text type input. Default value of this parameter is 255.

For example: -Dcom.unicacorp.interact.maxStringLengthInFormatMacro=300


This allows a user to specify a list of exception messages separated by the caret character (ˆ) without spaces. If any exception containing part of any of the messages specified is encountered in the evaluation of a decision process box or treatment advanced options expression, the exception is not thrown and other branches continue to be processed.

For example:-DcontinueEvaluatingBranchAndAdvOptTreatmentLogicDespiteExMessageList

Note: Spaces in the message must be specified with tilde characters. Semicolons separate each message snippet to match.


This parameter allows the user to disable all error logging in the DecisionProcessBox class and the TreatmentManager.filterRecommendList method.

For example: -DDisableDecisionProcessBoxAndAdvOptTreatmentLogging=<true | false>


This parameter allows the user to set the range for interpreting two digit years. The default value is 1/1/1920, which means that dates after 1920 and before 2019 will be interpreted correctly.

For example: -DTwoDigitYearStartDate=”1/1/1920”


This parameter allows the user to enable 4-digit year processing for dates. This can be used if DATE macro is evaluating year values incorrectly.

For example: -DInteract.enableTwoDigitYearFix =<true | false>

This property defines the path of the configuration file for running Pattern State ETL

For example:<ETL config file path>


This property defines the minimum number of treatment rules to process per thread. The default value is 10.

For example: -Dcom.unicacorp.interact.minTreatmentsPerThread=<Number of treatments>


This property defines the maximum treatment thread pool size.

For example: -Dcom.unicacorp.interact.maxTreatmentPoolSize =<Number of threads>


This property defines the timeout in milliseconds for communication through gateways.

For example: -DCircuitBreaker.processTimeoutMillis=<timeout in milliseconds>


This property defines the timeout in milliseconds for asynchronous handling of events. The default value is 1 second.

For example: -Dcom.unicacorp.interact.event.asyncTimeoutMSec=<timeout in milliseconds>


This property defines the timeout in milliseconds for processing event actions. The default value is 10 seconds.

For example: -Dcom.unicacorp.interact.eventActionTimeout=<timeout in milliseconds>


This property helps the user to enable performance APIs for monitoring each client API thread. This helps to find the root cause in case of unusual transaction times.

For example: -DInteract.HTMI.Enabled=<true | false>


This property can be defined by the user to set the time (in milliseconds) exceeding which the request timestamp and information is logged to LOG4J by the Performance API. The default value is 1.5 seconds.

For example: -DInteract.HTMI.MaxRequestDurationInMs =<time in milliseconds>


This property, when enabled logs individual APIs (within batch requests) that take longer than the specified duration of time. The default value is false.

For example: -DInteract.HTMI.RecordIndividualAPIs=<true | false>


This property defines the maximum duration (in milliseconds) exceeding which the StartSession API information is logged by the Performance API. The default value is 300 milliseconds.

For example: -DInteract.HTMI.MaxStartSessionDurationInMs=<time in milliseconds>


This property defines the maximum duration (in milliseconds) exceeding which the GetOffers API information is logged by the Performance API. The default value is 750 milliseconds.

For example: -DInteract.HTMI.MaxGetOffersDurationInMs=<time in milliseconds>


This property defines the maximum duration (in milliseconds) exceeding which the PostEvent API information is logged by the Performance API. The default value is 750 milliseconds.

For example: -DInteract.HTMI.MaxPostEventDurationInMs=<time in milliseconds>


This property defines the maximum duration (in milliseconds) exceeding which the GetProfile API information is logged by the Performance API. The default value is 300 milliseconds.

For example: -DInteract.HTMI.MaxGetProfileDurationInMs=<time in milliseconds>


This property can be used to define N after which the errors or exceptions generated by performance API are logged.

For example: -DInteract.HTMI.LogErrorsEveryNthTime =<N>


This property can be set to enable timer in milliseconds internally for performance API. This can be used for some Windows servers, where timer in milliseconds is faster than nanoseconds.

For example: -DInteract.HTMI.UseMillisecondTimers =<true | false>


This property can be set to enable maximum debugging for internal HTMI issues.

For example: -DInteract.HTMI.Debug =<true | false>


This property can be used to suppress the warnings when audience ID is not found in profile table.

For example: -Dcom.unicacorp.interact.suppressWarningOnAnonymousUser=<true | false>


This property can be set to enable logging when the pattern states for an audience ID are written to Interact cache.

For example: -Dcom.hcl.interact.eventpatterns.printPatternAction =<true | false>


This property, when enabled, eagerly writes the changed event pattern details to Interact cache.

For example: -Dcom.hcl.interact.eventpatterns.eagerPersist =<true | false>

This property is used to enable the performance metrics for triggered messages.

For example:<true | false>


This property is used to disable the learning aggregation of offer stats.

For example: -Dcom.unicacorp.interact.learning.disableAggregator =<true | false>


This property is used to enable or disable the cleanup for learning tables.

For example: -Dcom.unicacorp.interact.learning.disableDeletion=<true | false>


This property when set is used to force the aggregation of learning data.

For example: -Dcom.unicacorp.interact.learning.ignoreInterval=<true | false>

This property is used to save the loader files after loading the data using external loader. The default value is false

For example:<true | false>


This property is used to specify whether to use a special value when the variable value is null while evaluating an expression. The default value is false.

For example: -DConvertEveryNULLAttributeToAJEPNullConstant=<true | false>


This parameter is used to specify whether to keep the relationship between the join key and the values in the dimensional tables while loading profile data. The default value is true.

For example: -DincludeJoinInfo=<true | false>


The maximum time Interact waits for a new deployment to be reloaded. It is used only when automatic deployment reload notification is used. The default value is 5000.

For example: -Dcom.unicacorp.interact.deployment.reloadTimeou=<timeout in milliseconds>

This property is used to log a warning if the processing of a session took more than this value. The default value is 5000.

For example: =<time in milliseconds>


This property is used to specify the maximum time process waits to get a lock. The default value is 2000 milliseconds.

For example: -Dcom.unicacorp.interact.cache.maxWaitTime =<time in milliseconds>


This property is used for controlling coverage running timeout. If you run into coverage time out, the status code will be REQUESTED.

For example: -Dcom.unicacorp.interact.simulation.timeout =< time in seconds>


This property is used to override the PersistenceProvider for WAS 8.5.5.x. The default value is true which uses AppServer specified provider.

If IBM WebSphere is used as the application server hosting Interact run time instance, ensure that you set this parameter to false.

For example: -DDEFAULT_PERSISTENCE_PROVIDER =<true | false>


Thread interval for persisting log data into the database table.

Default value: 15 minutes

For example: -Dcom.unicacorp.interact.triggeredMessage.logging.maxDelayInMin=<time-in-min>


Maximum batch size to maintain in queue.

Default value: 1000

For example: -Dcom.unicacorp.interact.triggeredMessage.logging.maxBatchSize =<positive-number>


Maximum retries if operation fails

Default value: 3

For example: -Dcom.unicacorp.interact.triggeredMessage.logging.maxNumberOfFailures =<positive-number>


Thread interval for persisting log data into the database table.

Default value: 15 minutes

For example: -Dcom.unicacorp.interact.triggeredMessage.logging.maxDelayInMin=<time-in-min>


Maximum batch size to maintain in queue.

Default value: 1000

For example: -Dcom.unicacorp.interact.triggeredMessage.logging.maxBatchSize =<positive-number>


Maximum retries if operation fails.

Default value: 3

For example: -Dcom.unicacorp.interact.triggeredMessage.logging.maxNumberOfFailures =<positive-number>


Number of database transactions that the Playback purge batch should process at once.

Default value: 10000

For example: com.unicacorp.interact.playback.purgeBatchSize=10000


This property can be used to specify the protocol to connect to the proxy server for Deliver gateway.

The value can be HTTP or SOCKS.

For example:

  • -Dcom.hcl.interact.tms.proxyProtocol=SOCKS
  • -Dcom.hcl.interact.tms.proxyProtocol=HTTPS


This property can be used to specify the IP address of the proxy server for Deliver gateway.

The value for proxyProtocol can be HTTP or SOCKS.

For example: -Dcom.hcl.interact.tms.socks.proxyHost=<IP address of server>


This property can be used to specify the listening port of the proxy server for Deliver gateway.

The value for proxyProtocol can be HTTP or SOCKS.

For example: -Dcom.hcl.interact.tms.socks.proxyPort=<Port of server>


This property can be used to specify the username to connect to proxy server for Deliver gateway. It is not used if no authentication is required.

The value for proxyProtocol can be HTTP or SOCKS.

For example: -Dcom.hcl.interact.tms.socks.proxyUsername=<Username for proxy server>


This property can be used to specify the password to connect to proxy server for Deliver gateway. It is not used if no authentication is required.

The value for proxyProtocol can be HTTP or SOCKS.

For example: -Dcom.hcl.interact.tms.socks.proxyPassword=<Password for proxy server>


This property is used for handling invalid offer attribute values.

ERROR An error message is logged, and the offer is skipped, which is the default and current behavior.
WARN A warning message is logged, and the offer is still processed, while the value of this attribute is set to null.
DEBUG A debug message is logged, and the offer is still processed, while the value of this attribute is set to null.
IGNORE A trace message is logged, and the offer is still processed, while the value of this attribute will remain as it is, and the data type will be overridden.

Default value: ERROR

Example: -Dcom.unicacorp.interact.treatment.IncompatibleAttributeValueHandling=WARN