Unica Interact server ports and network security
Configure Unica Interact t to secure your server ports.
Unica Interact runtime ports
Some of these ports can be closed, or are not required by all Unica Interact installations, depending on your configuration.
- Unica Interact application server port for HTTP
- The default port where Unica Interact requests are handled.
- Unica Interact application server port for HTTPS
- The default SSL port where Unica Interact requests are handled.
- Unica Interact systemTablesDataSource port
- See the datasource's JDBC configuration in Unica Platform.
- Unica Interact learningTablesDataSource port
- See the datasource's JDBC configuration in Unica Platform.
- Unica Interact contactAndResponseHistoryDataSource port
- See the datasource's JDBC configuration in Unica Platform.
- Unica Interact prodUserDataSource port
- See the datasource's JDBC configuration in Unica Platform.
- Unica Interact testRunDataSource port
- See the datasource's JDBC configuration in Unica Platform.
- ETL communication port
- Configure this port in Unica Interact | ETL | patternStateETL | communicationPort in the configuration properties.
- EHCache multicast port
- Configure this port in Unica Interact | cacheManagement | Cache | Managers | EHCache | Parameter Data | multicastPort in configuration properties when cache mode is distributed.
- Unica Interact JMX Monitoring port
- Configure this port in Unica Interact
| monitoring | port under configuration properties or run
. - Unica Interact WebConnector port
This port is usually the same as the Unica Interact server port, but it is modifiable in jsconnector.xml.
For the ports for any Unica Interact integrated products, see the documentation for those products.
JMX monitoring is not required for typical Unica Interact functionality. However, it is used for diagnostics and monitoring.
JMX port access can be disabled in the Unica Interact configuration or limited to specific IP address through firewall configurations. This is recommended due to the JMX vulnerability recently found in the third party Apache Commons Library.
The JMX remoting functionality in Apache Geronimo 3.x before 3.0.1, as used in IBM WebSphere Application Server (WAS) Community Edition and other products, does not properly implement the RMI classloader, which allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code by using the JMX connector to send a crafted serialized object.
Unica Interact design ports
Some of these ports can be closed, or are not required by all Unica Interact installations, depending on your configuration.
- Unica Campaign application server port for HTTP
- The default port where Unica Interact requests are handled.
- Unica Campaign application server port for HTTPS
- The default SSL port where Unica Interact requests are handled.
- Unica Campaign listener port
- The port that Unica Campaign uses internally to accept connections from the web client.
- Other Unica Campaign design ports
- See the Campaign documentation for more information on these ports.
- Unica Campaign JMX Connector port
- Configure this port in Unica Campaign | monitoring | port in configuration properties for contact response history monitorying only.
- Unica Campaign operational monitoring server port
- Configure this port in Unica Campaign | monitoring | serverURL in configuration properties.