InteractDT | partitions | partition[n] | Interact | contactAndResponseHistTracking

These configuration properties define settings for the Unica Interact contact and response history module.



If set to yes, enables the Unica Interact contact and response history module which copies the Unica Interact contact and response history from staging tables in the Unica Interact runtime to the Unica Campaign contact and response history tables. The property interactInstalled must also be set to yes.

Default value


Valid Values

yes | no


This property is applicable only if you have installed Unica Interact.



Specifies whether to run the Contact and Response History ETL once a day. If you set this property to Yes, the ETL runs during the scheduled interval specified by preferredStartTime and preferredEndTime.

If ETL takes more than 24 hours to execute, and thus misses the start time for the next day, it will skip that day and run at the scheduled time the following day. For example, if ETL is configured to run between 1AM to 3AM, and the process starts at 1AM on Monday and completes at 2AM on Tuesday, the next run, originally scheduled for 1AM on Tuesday, will be skipped, and the next ETL will start at 1AM on Wednesday.

ETL scheduling does not account for Daylight Savings Time changes. For example, if ETL scheduled to run between 1AM and 3AM, it could run at 12AM or 2AM when the DST change occurs.

Default value



This property is applicable only if you have installed Unica Interact.



The number of minutes the Unica Interact contact and response history module waits between copying data from the Unica Interact runtime staging tables to the Unica Campaign contact and response history tables.

Default value


Valid Values

Any integer greater than zero.


This property is applicable only if you have installed Unica Interact.



The preferred time to start the daily ETL process. This property, when used in conjunction with the preferredEndTime property, sets up the preferred time interval during which you want the ETL to run. The ETL will start during the specified time interval and will process at most the number of records specified using maxJDBCFetchBatchSize. The format is HH:mm:ss AM or PM, using a 12-hour clock.

Default value

12:00:00 AM


This property is applicable only if you have installed Unica Interact.



The preferred time to complete the daily ETL process. This property, when used in conjunction with the preferredStartTime property, sets up the preferred time interval during which you want the ETL to run. The ETL will start during the specified time interval and will process at most the number of records specified using maxJDBCFetchBatchSize. The format is HH:mm:ss AM or PM, using a 12-hour clock.

Default value

2:00:00 AM


This property is applicable only if you have installed Unica Interact.



The number of minutes the Unica Interact contact and response history module waits before purging responses with no corresponding contact. This prevents logging responses without logging contacts.

Default value


Valid Values

Any integer greater than zero.


This property is applicable only if you have installed Unica Interact.



The maximum number of records of a JDBC batch before committing the query. This is not the max number of records that the Unica Interact contact and response history module processes in one iteration. During each iteration, the Unica Interact contact and response history module processes all available records from the staging tables. However, all those records are broken into maxJDBCInsertSize chunks.

Default value


Valid Values

Any integer greater than zero.


This property is applicable only if you have installed Unica Interact.



The maximum number of records of a JDBC batch to fetch from the staging database. You may need to increase this value to tune the performance of the contact and response history module.

For example, to process 2.5 million contact history records a day, you should set maxJDBCFetchBatchSize to a number greater than 2.5M so that all records for one day will be processed.

You could then set maxJDBCFetchChunkSize and maxJDBCInsertBatchSize to smaller values (in this example, perhaps to 50,000 and 10,000, respectively). Some records from the next day may be processed as well, but would then be retained until the next day.

Default value


Valid Values

Any integer greater than zero



The maximum number of a JDBC chunk size of data read during ETL (extract, transform, load). In some cases, a chunk size greater than insert size can improve the speed of the ETL process.

Default value


Valid Values

Any integer greater than zero



Specifies whether to retain contact history and response history records after they have been processed.

Default value




Specifies the absolute path to a script to run when the ETL is completed. If you specify a script, five arguments are passed to the completion notification script: start time, end time, total number of CH records processed, total number of RH records processed and status. The start time and end time are numeric values representing number of milliseconds elapsed since 1970. The status argument indicates whether the ETL job was a success or failure. 0 indicates a successful ETL job. 1 indicates a failure and that there are some errors in the ETL job.

Default value




Allow you to set the JDBC fetchSize when retrieving records from staging tables.

On Oracle databases especially, adjust the setting to the number of records that the JDBC should retrieve with each network round trip. For large batches of 100K or more, try 10000. Be careful not to use too large a value here, because that will have an impact on memory usage and the gains will become negligible, if not detrimental.

Default value




Limits the records that are searched during response history queries to those within the past specified number of days. For databases with a large number of response history records, this can reduce processing time on queries by limiting the search period to the number of days specified.

When the value for daysBackInHistoryToLookupContact is greater than zero, a date constraint is added to the RH join query. This is useful when the UA_DtlContactHist table is date partitioned. The date constraint limits the records searched within the date constraint."

The default value of 0 indicates that all records are searched.

Default value

0 (zero)