Creating an interactive channel to coordinate your interactive campaign resources
Use an interactive channel to coordinate all the objects, data, and server resources that are involved in interactive marketing. You specify a security policy for the channel. You can create a security policy or you can use the default security policy.
Before you begin
- The name of the interactive channel.
- The description for the interactive channel.
- The security policy for the interactive channel. If you did not create any security policies, the default global policy is selected for you, and you cannot change it. You cannot edit the security policy for the interactive channel after you create the interactive channel.
- The parent interactive channel for the interactive channel to reuse marketing objects. By default, [No Selection] is selected.
- The server group for the interactive channel.
- The production server for the interactive channel.
- The maximum number of times you want to show an offer to a visitor in a single session on this interactive channel.
About this task
You create an interactive channel to coordinate the resources for your interactive campaign strategy. You create the interactive channel before you create any of the other resources for the interactive campaign strategy. You can edit or delete any interactive channels that you created.
To edit the interactive channel, click the Edit summary icon on the Summary tab.
Select Interact > Interactive channels.
The All interactive channels page opens.
Click the Add interactive channel icon on the All interactive
channels page.
The Interactive channel summary dialog opens.
- Enter a Name and Description for
the interactive channel.The name and description you enter here are for your reference, and is displayed in windows and reports.
- Select the Security policy for the interactive channel.
- To reuse marketing objects, select the parent interactive channel for the interactive channel. By default, [No Selection] is selected.
Select the server groups that you want to associate with this interactive channel from the
Runtime server groups list.
You can select multiple server groups by using Shift+Click or Ctrl+Click.
- Select the production server from the Production runtime server groups list.
- Enter an amount for the Maximum # of times to show any offer during a single visit field.
- Click Save and return.
What to do next
To delete an interactive channel, select the check mark next to the interactive channel on the All interactive channels page, and click the Delete icon. When you delete an interactive channel, you delete all interaction points and events that are associated with it. Whether you can delete the interactive channel depends on the deployment status of the interactive channel.
To search for an interactive channel, use the Search in Interactive channels field.