Designing the Unica Interact API integration
Building your Unica Interact API integration with your touchpoint requires some designing before you can begin implementation. You need to work with your marketing team to decide on where in your touchpoint you want the runtime environment to serve offers (define your interaction points) and what other kind of tracking or interactive functionality you want to use (define your events).
In the design phase, these may be mere outlines. For example, for a telecommunications web site, the customer's plan summary page should display one offer regarding plan upgrade and two offers for phone upgrades.
Once your company has decided where and how they wish to interact with customers, you need to use Unica Interact to define the details. A flowchart author needs to design the interactive flowcharts that will be used when re-segmentation events occur. You need to decide on the number and names of interaction points and events, as well as what data needs to be passed along for proper segmentation, event posting, and offer retrieval. The design environment user defines the interaction points and events for the Interactive Channel. You then use those names as you code the integration with your touchpoint in the runtime environment. You should also define what metric information is required, to define when you need to log offer contacts and responses.