Filtering by time
You can filter the following reports by time: Interactive Cell Performance Over Time, Interactive Offer Performance Over Time, Channel Event Activity Summary, and Channel Interaction Point Performance Summary
About this task
To filter a report by date, select end date for the last 7-day range and click Refresh. You can enter a date or select one from the calendar list.
To filter a report by time, select end time for the last 24-hour range and click Refresh. The default is 12:00 AM. This displays yesterday's data. If you clear the check box, the report uses the current time on the Cognos® report server.
If there is no data for a particular date or time, the graph does not display any data. In line graphs, if there is no data, the trend goes across dates that contain data only. For example, you have the following data points: 6/1 (100), 6/2 (no data), and 6/3 (50). The line goes from 100 on 6/1 to 50 on 6/3. The line may pass through ~75 on 6/2 but that is not an actual data point. Also, if there is only one data point, no line displays, as there is nothing to connect.