List Workflow page
You use the Workflow page to define the workflow for an Advanced List.
When using this page, you should understand:
- Lists
- Workflows
- System tasks
- User tasks
- Milestones
- Date dependency calculations
- Schedules
- Design for multiple drops, lots, waves, and offers
- Workflow task status
- Task dependencies
From this page, you can perform the following tasks:
- Editing workflow spreadsheets
- Creating a flowchart run task
- Creating a List Review system task
- Enabling permanent updates to a list
- Creating a Subscription task
- Adding roles and members to tasks
- Filling data into a range of cells
- Adding an attachment to a task
- Adding rows to the workflow spreadsheet
- Adding rows below a locked approval task
- Calculating workflow dates automatically
- Calculating date dependencies above a locked task
- Creating a multi-offer On-demand Campaign or List
- Setting the first column width
Refer to the following topics for more information: