Opening and editing a List, On-demand Campaign, or Corporate Campaign
You can open a List, On-demand Campaign, or Corporate Campaign from the Dashboard or from the page listing that object.
Before you begin
You must have the required permissions to open and edit a List, On-demand Campaign, or Corporate Campaign. For more information, see your administrator.
About this task
After you open a List, On-demand Campaign, or Corporate Campaign, you can edit any of its tabs.
- Click the name of the List, On-demand Campaign, or Corporate
The Summary tab for that object opens.
- Click the name of the tab you want to edit, or remain on
the Summary tab to edit it.For example, if you edit the Workflow, you must open the Workflow tab before you click Edit.
- Near the top of the page, next to the object's name, click
the Edit icon (
- Edit the contents of the tab as necessary.
- Click Save Changes.
Edits that you made to the tab are saved.