New features
The following are the new features or changes in existing features implemented in release 12.1.7:
- Email Copies
- The Email Copies feature retains records of bulk mailers sent by Deliver users. The records are in PDF format and you can only access records that are not older than 30 days. You can make these copies available for an external archiving system. Copies would be made available for Batch Emails, transaction Emails and Batch SMS mailers.
- Execution of deliver mailings from deliver process box
- This feature will allow users to execute the deliver emails directly from the deliver process box. There will be an option to select the particular mailing which can be executed along with the process box.
- Postgre DB support
- Unica Deliver On premise application now supports the Postgre as system DB.
- Configuring viewing as a web page
- This feature allows user to select any text in Quick View and have an option to convert it to a link which opens the email in a browser as a webpage.
- Support for <br> tag
- With this new enhancement user can now use <br> (new line) tag inside an <a> tag along with the other allowed tags.
- SMS character length calculations improvements
- SMS character counting logic has been enhanced and made more robust. Character counting logic now also considers the extra control characters which was reserved by SMS vendor.
- HTTP Proxy Support for RLU and RCT
- From 12.1.7 release, Unica Deliver will support HTTP proxy for RCT and RLU utility.