Working with zones in a document
Personalized email, SMS, WhatsApp, and landing pages include specific areas where you can add images, videos,PDFs, text, and hyperlinks without directly accessing the underlying HTML code. The Message Editor refers to these areas as zones.Each zone is identified by a name that is unique within the document. The name of the zone corresponds to the ID element in the HTML code of the email or landing page template that defines the document layout.
In addition to images, text, PDF, video and links, you can add personalization fields to zones to incorporate recipient-specific information into the document. Zones can contain multiple content elements of different types. You can define personalization rules within zones to conditionally display content contained in a zone according to specific characteristics of the recipient.
Understanding how to find and work with zones is a key aspect of composing personalized email and landing pages. The Message Editor provides several ways to identify zones and to describe what each zone contains.