Adding content that contains variations
Content variations become available in a communication when you add a content element that contains variations to a zone, or when you add the content by reference in a snippet or text block. When you use multiple content variations in a communication, you can view and edit the different variations directly in the communication editor.
When you add content with variations to the communication, the Message Editor toolbar changes to include a field that indicates which variation field is enabled for the communication and the possible content variation values. The multiple content indicator does not display in the communication until you add a content element that contains multiple variations.
A communication may contain different content elements that are each configured to use different variation fields to control content variations. For example, some of the content elements in a communication might vary by language and others by brand. However, you can enable only one variation field at a time in a communication.
In the communication editor, you can change the variation value to see the different versions of the communication in the communication editor. Changing the variation value changes the content controlled by the variation field that is currently enabled. Content variations controlled by other variation fields display their default variation in the editor.
The preview in the communication editor simultaneously changes all of the content elements that are controlled by the enabled variation field. For example, if the entire content of an email or SMS communication is composed of content elements that vary by language, you can change the variation value in the preview to quickly see the email or SMS translated into a different language.
If the communication contains links to hosted landing pages whose content and appearance are controlled by the same variation value, the preview also updates the links to point to the appropriate target page. For example, you might create a communication that varies by language and also contains a link to view the email as a web page. When you change the variation value, the preview displays the link in the selected language and changes the links to target the hosted landing page version of the email in the appropriate language.