Installing a clustered listener environment
Follow these instructions if you want to install a clustered listener configuration. A listener cluster is a set of two or more listeners that act as a unit to provide load balancing and high availability. Unica Campaign listener clusters are Active-Active; meaning each node serves requests using the load-balanced approach. Each Unica Campaign listener provides an interface between front-end clients (such as the Unica Campaign web application) and back-end analytical server processes.
- Confirm that you have met the prerequisites listed separately in Supported listener clustering configurations. For example, it is important that a shared file location is already configured and that you have prepared separate machines for each node in the cluster.
Follow the instructions below to install a clustered listener configuration.
Step Description A. Start the installer. Go to the folder where you saved the Unica installer and run the installer. This invokes all of the product installers that are in that location (Unica Platform, Unica Campaign). B. Install Unica Platform if necessary. If you have not already done so, complete the screens that install Platform, and click Done on the Installation Complete window. If you need help, see the "Install Platform using Console mode" topic in the Platform Installation Guide. C. Install Unica Campaign in a clustered listener configuration, optionally including the first listener. The Unica Campaign installer opens. In this installer, you must configure Unica Campaign for a clustered configuration and, optionally, install the first listener in the cluster as well. One listener in the cluster may be installed on the Unica Campaign web application server; however, each subsequent listener must be installed on its own standalone server. To install Unica Campaign in a clustered listener configuration, complete the following screens: - Introduction
- Software License Agreement
- Installation Directory
- Components: Select the desired options and be sure to select Unica Campaign Server, which is the option to install the listener.
- Single or Multiple Listeners: Select Clustered listener configuration (two or more nodes)
- Listener Node Properties: Select Run Campaign or Run Optimize or both to install Campaign Analytical Server to serve Campaign or Optimize or both.
- Complete the following screens to install the first listener:
- Shared Network File Location. The clustered listener configuration requires that certain files and folders are shared and accessible to all of the listeners in a cluster. Use this screen to specify the path to the shared file location. Use a mapped Microsoft™ Windows™ server path (such as Z:\Campaign_Shared ) or a mounted UNIX™ path (such as /mnt/Campaign_Shared). This location is known as the campaignSharedHome.
- Listener Node Properties. For each listener node that you install in a cluster, you must specify properties such as a unique name for the node, the node's network host and port, and so on.
- Master Listener Priority. The priority determines which node in the listener cluster is the master listener and which node to use in the event of failover.
- Load Balancing Weight. The weight determines how much listener traffic the node can support to share processing with the other nodes. Specify any value other than zero, because a value of zero prevents the node from handling any listener connections.
From this point in the installation process, the remaining screens are essentially the same as for a single-node install. When you complete the Pre-installation Summary screen, click Install to complete the installation of Unica Campaign and the first listener node in the cluster.
The Unica Campaign installer runs with the specified options.
D. Deploy and package the EAR file For the first installer node in the cluster, which you might be installing on the Unica Campaign web application server, the installer displays screens to deploy and package the EAR file, the same as for a single-node installation.
Continue with the process of deploying and running Unica Campaign in your web application server, and running the listener on the Unica Campaign server, as described in Configuring Unica Campaign and Unica Optimize before deployment.
E. Install the second node in the cluster. Important: Each listener node must be installed on a separate machine.If you have not already done so, copy the Unica master installer and the Unica Campaign installation files onto the server where your next Unica Campaign installer node will run, and launch the Unica installer. Complete the screens as described here:
In the Unica installer, provide the information necessary to connect to the Unica Platform database, exactly the same way as for the first listener you installed. Each listener in the same cluster must use the same Unica installer configuration.
When the Unica Campaign installer appears, complete the screens as described here:
- Introduction
- Software License Agreement
- Installation Directory
- Campaign Components: Select only Campaign Server, because you are only installing the listener on this system.
- Single or Multiple Listeners: Select Clustered listener configuration (two or more nodes)
- Complete the following screens to install the second listener:
- Shared Network File Location. The clustered listener configuration requires that certain files and folders are shared and accessible to all of the listeners in a cluster. Use this screen to specify the path to the shared file location. Use a mapped Microsoft™ Windows™ server path (such as Z:\Campaign_Shared) or a mounted UNIX™ path (such as /mnt/Campaign_Shared). This location is known as the
campaignSharedHome.Note: The value that you enter here must be the same for every listener in the cluster.
- Listener Node Properties. For each node that you install in a cluster, you must specify properties such as a unique name for the node, the node's network host and port, and so on.
- Master Listener Priority. The priority determines which node in the listener cluster is the master listener, and which node to use in the event of failover.
- Load Balancing Weight. The weight determines how much listener traffic the node can support for sharing the processing with the other nodes. Specify any value other than zero, because a value of zero prevents the node from handling any listener connections.
- Shared Network File Location. The clustered listener configuration requires that certain files and folders are shared and accessible to all of the listeners in a cluster. Use this screen to specify the path to the shared file location. Use a mapped Microsoft™ Windows™ server path (such as Z:\Campaign_Shared) or a mounted UNIX™ path (such as /mnt/Campaign_Shared). This location is known as the
From this point in the installation process, the remaining screens are essentially the same as for a single-node install. When you complete the Pre-installation Summary screen, click Install to complete the installation of Unica Campaign and the first listener node in the cluster.
The Unica Campaign installer runs with the options that you specified.
F. Restart the web app server and listeners. When the installation is complete, restart the web application server and then start all listeners which are installed.
G. Install each subsequent node in the cluster. Repeat the installation steps that you performed for the second listener node for each additional node you want to install. Remember that each node must be installed on a separate system from the other nodes. Restart the web application server and the listener on each node as you complete its installation. H. Optionally, adjust configuration settings. Log in to Unica Campaign to view or modify any of the configuration settings. See the Unica Campaign Administrator's Guide for instructions.