Cloud Native Unica upgrade
To upgrade an earlier version of Cloud Native Unica to a newer version, complete the following steps:
- Unica support team will roll out the Helm Charts after you specify the offering related details and requirements. Please contact Unica support team to get a Helm chart.
- Download the required version image and push it to the Docker registry.
- Update the image URLs in the helm charts.
- Back up the Database and the file system before you start the upgrade.
Run the following helm upgrade command:
helm upgrade hcl unica -f ./unica/values-local.yaml --set --set service.applicationDomain='' --set ingress.enabled=true
- Add upgrade related parameters in the common-configMap.yaml file when upgrading to version 12.1.4. In case you are upgrading from version to version 12.1.4, there are two more paramters that you must add in the common-configMap.yaml.
Edit the helm chart platform-deployment.yaml. In the file,
args: ["chmod 755 /docker/unica && ./"]
with the following entry:args: ["chmod 755 /docker/unica && echo 'find /opt/ -type f -print0 | xargs -0 sed -i \"s/export DB_URL=\\$/#export DB_URL=/g\"' > /docker/unica/ && chmod 777 /docker/unica/ && ./"]