An introduction to offer templates
Offers can be created using offer templates and if required, without templates. Offer templates include standard attributes, such as Offer name and Channel.
An offer template defines the structure of an offer. You can create offer templates, as required, to manage the different types of offers within the business. When defining an offer template, specify the relevant offer attributes and how they will be used.
Offer templates provide the following benefits:
- By creating offer templates, you simplify offer creation for users because only the relevant offer attributes for an offer is shown.
- By providing default values for offer attributes, you speed up the offer creation process.
- By specifying which offer attributes are parameterized in an offer template, you control when new offers are created and when an offer version can be used instead.
- By using custom attributes to capture specific data (for example, the discount percentage or bonus points associated with the offer), you enable better reporting and analysis of campaigns.
Administrators can also create custom attributes and add them to offer templates. Any offers that are based on that template will include custom attributes.
An example of a custom attribute is a drop-down list of Interest Rates, which the users can select when they create an offer.