Audience Central Overview
In the Unica 12.1.4 release, we have introduced a new application name Unica Audience Central
As the name suggests, Audience Central is a centralized application that you can use to create and manage audience levels.
Audience level is a way to broadly categorize or classify the target audience. In Unica
Audience Central, a set of attributes is required to uniquely identify individual
audience. For example, an audience level named Prospects
can be used to
deal with all prospects, wherein mobile number and/or email address attributes can be
used to uniquely identify each prospect.
Audience Central is delivered with a single audience level called Customer. You can define any additional audience levels that you need. You can use Audience levels to target specific groups, such as Households, in marketing campaigns.
If you require additional audience levels, you must create and map the equivalent set of system tables to support them as you did for the default Customer audience level.
Before you create a new audience level, you must create four tables in the Unica Campaign system table database.
For an audience level, if required, you can map the following with system tables:
- A contact history table
- A detailed contact history table
- A response history table
- A segment membership table
Audience Central administrators can perform the following tasks:
- Create the audience levels needed for your company's marketing campaigns.
- Map system tables to the supporting database tables for the new audience levels in the Unica Campaign system database.
- Map audience levels to associated user database tables.