
Configuration and Rules for uploading files for base tables

There are certain configurations that you must perform and certain rules that you must follow before uploading files for base tables:

  • You can only upload files of type CSV.
  • In case of From the server option, you can browse files only from the Audience Central home location.
  • You can set the Date configuration path in Unica Platform at the following location: Affinium|AudienceCentral|partitions|partition1|configuration.
  • For base table creation from a file, you cannot reorder columns.
  • You can set the Data type configuration for the CSV columns in the numRowsReadToParseDelimitedFile field at the Affinium|Campaign|partitions|partition1|server|internal location.
  • You must have the necessary permissions to map the delimited file to create base table mapping from file. If you do not have the necessary permissions, contact your Unica administrator.
  • Audience Central supports only UTF 8 (without BOM) format for the CSV file.
  • If you modify the Platform configuration for Enable Audience Central management or Enable Segment Central management, restart the server if Platform uses cache.
  • You cannot use SQL keywords in table names and column names.
  • If you use the timestamp date format, the timestamp must be in milliseconds.
  • If data fields, like address, contains commas in the data, enclose such data within double quotes. For example, "Pune,Maharashtra,India".