Unregistering a SametimeCommunity Server cluster

If you will uninstall an entire cluster of IBM® Sametime® Community Servers, you must unregister the cluster from the Sametime System Console before you uninstall Sametime on the individual servers.

Before you begin

Start the Sametime System Console. Also start the Sametime Community Server on which you plan to run the utility. You can run the cluster unregistration utility from any server in the cluster.

About this task

Complete this task only if you want to remove the entire cluster of Sametime Community Servers from the Sametime System Console.


  1. Navigate to the Community Server's Install_location/console directory.
  2. Update the following values in the console.properties file before saving and closing the file:
    Table 1. console.properties settings
    Property Value
    SSCHostName Provide the fully qualified host name of the Sametime System Console server.
    SSCHTTPPort Specify the HTTP port used for the Sametime System Console server if SSL is not enabled and the value for SSCSSLEnabled is "false."

    To determine the correct HTTP port, open the AboutThisProfile.txt file for the Sametime System Console Application Server Profile and use the setting specified for the "HTTP transport port." The default profile name is STSCAppProfile.

  3. Run the removeClusterRegistration registration utility:
    1. Run the following command to start the utility:
      • AIX®, Linux™: removeClusterRegistration.sh
      • Windows™: removeClusterRegistration.bat
    2. When you are prompted for the cluster name, provide the same name that you used to create or register the cluster.

    The utility unregisters the cluster from the console, and then registers each of the individual servers instead, generating a log file called ConsoleUtility.log and storing it in the console/logs directory. If the cluster unregistration is successful, the console.pid will be removed.