Downloading the Sametime Meetings Remote Client SDK

The MeetingRoomsMembershipSynchroniser.jar file synchronizes Community owners to the meeting rooms owner list. This MeetingRoomsMembershipSynchroniser.jar file has dependencies on libraries contained within the IBM® Sametime® Meetings Remote Client SDK. Use this procedure to include the required libraries from the Sametime Meetings Remote Client SDK.


  1. Download the Sametime Meetings Remote Client SDK.
  2. Extract the contents of the zip file to the computer hosting the IBM Connections server.
  3. Copy the following jar files from the lib directory to the WAS_HOME/optionalLibraries/Meeting Rooms SPI directory.
    • commons-logging-1.1.jar
    • httpclient-4.0.1.jar
    • httpcore-nio-4.0.1.jar
    • httpmime-4.0.1.jar
    • meeting.client.core.jar