Enabling single sign-on between Sametime and Connections for the Meetings Rooms widget

Complete these steps to enable single sign-on between the IBM® Sametime® Meeting Server and IBM Connections so that users can enter meeting rooms without needing to authenticate again with theSametime Meeting Server.

About this task

Perform this procedure on all WebSphere® Application Servers in the SSO domain to enable SSO among those servers. The Domain Name setting determines the cookie domain of the LtpaToken.


  1. Log on to the WebSphere Application Server, Integrated Solutions Console as an administrator.
  2. Click Security > Global Security.
  3. In the Authentication section, expand Web and SIP Security. Click Single sign-on (SSO).
  4. On the General Properties page, complete these steps:
    • Select Enabled to enable SSO between servers.
    • In the Domain Name field, enter the domain name for all SSO hosts. Add a leading dot before the domain name, for example, .ibm.com. You can also specify a UseDomainFromURL value, on which the application server sets the SSO domain name value to the domain of the host that is used in the Web address.
    • Select Interoperability mode to provide backward interoperability if you have a WebSphere Application Server version earlier than version 5.1 and a Domino® version earlier than 7.0 in the SSO domain.
    • Ensure that the option Web inbound security attribute propagation is NOT selected. (If you change it now, click Apply to save the change you are making.)
    Click OK.