Installing the event logging application

To view the event log, you must install the event logging application included in the Sametime® Gateway Server samples EAR file. While Sametime Gateway Server does ship with an event logger that sends events to a database, you must install a sample EAR file to view those events.

Before you begin

The Sametime Software Development Kit includes a sample EAR file (rtc_gatewaySamplesEAR.ear) that you install as a regular J2EE application in WebSphere® Application Server. Once the EAR file is installed and the event logger is enabled, Sametime Gateway Server event logger can then send easy to read output to the trace.log file. For complete details regarding installation, configuration, and the functionality of the sample Logger Event Consumer, see the Sametime Gateway Server Integration Guide included with the Sametime SDK.

About this task

The sample application sends the name and value pairs of extendedDataElements in any event that is captured with extensionName RtcGatewayLoggerEvent to the trace.log file. The sample Logger Event Consumer distributed with the SDK writes information only when diagnostic trace is enabled. Review the topic Setting a diagnostic trace on a WebSphere Application Server for more information. Logging for the samples must be enabled and set to All Message and Trace Levels for

The installation of the sample application on a node in a cluster binds the application to the cluster. There's no need to install the rtc_gatewaySamplesEAR.ear file on every node.

For additional information about default paths, see Directory conventions.


  1. From the Integrated Solutions Console, click Applications > Install New Application.
  2. Browse to the Sametime Software Development Kit and locate the file:
  3. Accept the defaults provided by WebSphere Application Server and click Next.
  4. Click Next again to go to the Bind listeners for message-driven beans panel.
  5. Select the EJB module.
  6. Select Activation Specification.
  7. In the Target Resource JNDI Name field, type:
  8. For the Destination JNDI Name, type:
  9. In the Activation spec authentication alias field, type one of the following entries:
    • Single server installations: type your primary administrative user name that you created when you enabled administrative security.
    • Cluster installations: type CommonEventInfrastructureJMSAuthAlias.
  10. Click Next.
  11. Check the summary, click Finish.
  12. Click Save.
  13. From the Integrated Solutions Console, click Applications > Enterprise Applications.
  14. Select rtc.gatewaySamplesEAR.
  15. Click Start.
  16. If you are installing the sample EAR file on a cluster, complete the following substeps, otherwise skip this step:
    1. Install the rtc_gatewaySamplesEAR.ear on the deployment manager node.
    2. Synchronize your changes to all nodes in the cluster. Click System Administration > Nodes.
    3. Select all nodes in the cluster, then click Full Resynchronize.
    4. Open a command window.
    5. In the command window, stop the deployment manager and wait for the command to finish, and then restart the deployment manager. Use the user name and password that you provided when you enabled administrative security to stop the deployment manager. Open a command window and navigate to the profile_root\bin directory and use the following commands:

      AIX®, Linux™.

      ./ -username username -password password


      stopManager.bat -username username -password password
    6. Restart the node agents.
      1. Log into the Integrated Solutions Console (http://localhost:9060/ibm/console) on the deployment manager node.
      2. Click System Administration > Node agents .
      3. Select all node agents, and then click Restart.
  17. Click Sametime Gateway > Message Handlers.
  18. Select the Event logger, and click the Move Down button to make the event logger the last message handler in the list.
  19. Select the User locator message handler and click the Move Up button to make the user locator the first message handler in the list.
  20. Select the newly installed Event logger and click Enable.