The ifxdeployassist command
Use the ifxdeployassist command to create and customize a snapshot. If you do not pass any options on the command line, the deployment assistant runs in GUI mode.
Command options
Option | Purpose | Key Considerations |
-a archive_format |
Specifies the archive format and compression type to save the snapshot. The following values can be used in the place of archive_format:
If you do not pass the -a option
in the command, the snapshot is saved as a tar archive with Gzip compression.
If you use the standard Gzip format to create snapshots of data spaces,
each data chunk must be less than or equal to 4 GB. |
-f path_name |
Specifies the path and file name of the snapshot to be created. | If
you do not specify the -f option, the default file
name of the server snapshot is:server_name_yymmdd-hhmm.tar.gz The server_name is the name of the server. The yymmdd-hhmm is the time the snapshot is taken. The default file name of the data snapshot is: server_name_yymmdd-hhmm_db.tar.gz The
archive and compression selection set by the value in the |
-i connectivity_information |
Specifies the connectivity information for
the template instance from which to create a snapshot. If you do not
use the In the place of connectivity_information,
indicate specific connectivity settings for the snapshot to use after
it is deployed. Set values for the following variables, separated
by colons without spaces:
The only valid values for the protocol information
are The connectivity information here is contained in the sqlhosts file. Example: ifxdeployassist -i hrapps:oscar:40:DRDA |
-c |
Directs the deployment assistant to run in a command-line interface. | The -c option is required only
if you are taking a snapshot of an instance that you do not want to
customize (that is, accept all features of the template instance),
but want to capture the snapshot in a scripting environment. |
-d |
Includes the data associated with the instance in the snapshot. | |
-n |
Captures a snapshot without the HCL OneDB database server instance installation. | You must run the -d option
in the command in order to use the -n option. |
-h |
Displays the online help for the ifxdeployassist command. | |
-v |
Runs the ifxdeployassist command in verbose mode. |
If you run the ifxdeployassist command without any options, the deployment assistant starts in GUI mode instead of as a command-line interface.
Examples of script-based usage of the deployment assistant
The examples of snapshot creation and modification below are based on a Windows™ environment in which:
- An installation of the HCL OneDB database server exists in C:\informix.
- The ifxdeployassist command is run in C:\informix\bin.
- The ONEDB_SERVER environment variable is set to informix1.
- The template instance has data associated with it.
- Snapshot containing only the data space for the server
The following command creates a snapshot of the server only at C:\informix\bin\informix1.tar.gz.
ifxdeployassist -c
- Snapshot containing the server and data, with specified archive type and full path name, from a template instance outside the current environment variable setting
The following command creates a snapshot of the database server at C:\temp\ and of the associated data at C:\temp\ The value
directs the deployment assistant to take a snapshot of the informix2 instance, which is configured for localhost, and to set the service port to 9090. Because neither DRDA® nor SQLI is specified after 9090, the connectivity port of the snapshot is set to use the SQLI protocol.ifxdeployassist -c -d -i informix2:localhost:9090 -a zip -f C:\temp\snapshot_1
- Snapshot in specified archive type capturing only the data associated with the instance, running in verbose mode
The following command creates a snapshot of data at C:\Informix\bin\informix2_db.tar. The template instance, host computer name, and connectivity information used are the same as described in the previous example.
ifxdeployassist -cvndi informix2:localhost:9090 -a tar