Privacy policy considerations

IBM Software products, including software as a service solutions, ("Software Offerings") may use cookies or other technologies to collect product usage information, to help improve the end user experience, to tailor interactions with the end user or for other purposes. In many cases no personally identifiable information is collected by the Software Offerings. Some of our Software Offerings can help enable you to collect personally identifiable information. If this Software Offering uses cookies to collect personally identifiable information, specific information about this offering's use of cookies is set forth below.

Depending upon the configurations deployed, this Software Offering may use session cookies that collect each user's name for purposes of session management or single sign-on. These cookies can be disabled, but disabling them will also eliminate the functionality they enable.

If the configurations deployed for this Software Offering provide you as customer the ability to collect personally identifiable information from end users via cookies and other technologies, you should seek your own legal advice about any laws applicable to such data collection, including any requirements for notice and consent.

For more information about the use of various technologies, including cookies, for these purposes, See IBM's Privacy Policy at and IBM's Online Privacy Statement at the section entitled "Cookies, Web Beacons and Other Technologies" and the "IBM Software Products and Software-as-a-Service Privacy Statement" at