Creating a shard cluster with MongoDB commands
You create a shard cluster by adding shard servers with the The MongoDB sh.addShard shell command or the db.runCommand command with the addShard syntax.
Before you begin
To create a shard cluster from the MongoDB shell:
- Run the mongo command to start the MongoDB shell.
Run one of the following commands with the host name and port that is specified for the
Informix® server that you want to add. The
specified port must run the Informix®
network-based listener, for example the onsoctcp protocol.
- Run the sh.addShard command.
- Run the db.runCommand with the addShard command syntax. You can include the fully qualified domain name of the server instead of the host name. You can specify multiple servers.
. For example, the default Enterprise Replication group name for a database server that is named
myserver is g_myserver.Examples
- Add a server to a shard cluster with addShard
- The following command adds the database server that is at port 9202 of to a shard
> sh.addShard("")
- Add a server to a shard cluster with db.runCommand and addShard
- The following command adds the database server that is at port 9204 of to a shard cluster.
> db.runCommand({"addShard":""})
- Add multiple servers to a shard cluster
- This example adds the database servers that are at port 9205 of,
port 9206 of, and port 9207 of to a
shard cluster.
> db.runCommand({"addShard":["", "",""]})