Using notes.ini file settings to enable widgets, embedded experiences, live text and OpenSocial features

These notes.ini file settings are server wide settings, whereas policies are used per user on every server. If you need to disable embedded experience or live text on a server, uses these notes.ini file settings.


Add these notes.ini files settings to your server's notes.ini file as needed:
Table 1. Notes.ini settings that enable embedded experience, live text, widgets and OpenSocial features

Server wide notes.ini file settings

Parameter Acceptable Values Description
iNotes_WA_EnableEE 0|1

Default Value = 0

Set to 1 to enable embedded experiences in iNotes®.
iNotes_WA_LiveText 0|1

Default Value = 0

Set to 1 to enable live text in iNotes®.
iNotes_WA_Widgets 0|1

Default Value = 0

Set to 1 to enable widgets in iNotes®.

If iNotes_WA_Widgets is disabled, embedded experiences, live text, and OpenSocial are all disabled (regardless of other settings) because widgets is the core of all of those features.

iNotes_WA_OpenSocial 0|1

Default Value = 0

Set to 1 to enable OpenSocial Widgets in iNotes®.

If iNotes_WA_OpenSocial is disabled, embedded experiences is disabled (regardless of the embedded experiences setting) because embedded experiences uses OpenSocial widgets.