Customizing Notes® install or upgrade on Linux

Use this procedure to add custom features to a Notes® install or to remove features from a Notes® install for the Linux platform client.

About this task

In this example, the install manifest is /etc/ibm/platform rpm/deb name/install.xml and the platform rpm/deb name is ibm_notes. This example illustrates using the Notes® 9.0 ibm_notes-9.0.i586.rpm or ibm-notes-9.0.i586.deb package and the default install directory /opt/ibm/notes. The deb and rpm kit names change with each Notes® release.

For related information, and for rpm and deb package names for all Notes® releases, see Installing and upgrading Notes® on Linux.


  1. Copy a valid install.xml file in the existing /etc/ibm/ibm_notes/ directory.

    The contents of install.xml in the install kit override the contents of /opt/ibm/notes/framework/rcp/deploy/install.xml.

    The install.xml file must contain all features, including the IBM® supplied features already in rpm or deb package plus any customized features you want to add to the installer. Use the install.xml provided with the Notes® install kit for formatting.

    For the rpm or deb platform (ibm_notes-9.0.i586.rpm or ibm-notes-9.0.i586.deb) the Notes® install manifest is located at /opt/ibm/notes/framework/rcp/deploy/install.xml or externally as an override to the default location at /etc/ibm/platform rpm/deb name/install.xml.

  2. Put a valid updatesite folder in the /etc/ibm/ibm_notes/ directory.

    The new updatesite folder should contain customized features and corresponding plugins. For the features already in rpm or deb package, you do not need a new updatesite folder. All JAR files in the updatesite/plugins and updatesite/features folders must be signed.

  3. Optionally customize the supplied plugin customization file.

    You can customize the plugin_customization.ini file to set default preferences for plug-ins. This file is a format file. The plugin_customization.ini file can be in the rpm/deb kit as /opt/ibm/notes/framework/rcp/plugin_customization.ini or externally at /etc/ibm/platform rpm/deb name/plugin_customization.ini.

    Note: The supplied plugin_customization contains the following statements because the Notes® installer requires that all features be signed by certain Notes® trusted signatures.
  4. Provide keystore files for signing.
    Note: Features and plug-ins installed as part of the Notes® install kit must be properly signed.

    The security keystore files can be located in the rpm/deb at /opt/ibm/notes/framework/rcp/deploy/.keystore* or externally at /etc/ibm/platform rpm/deb name/.keystore*. Keystore files can be updated using Platform rpm/deb.

  5. Put the customized plugin_customization.ini (if used) and /.keystore* files in the /etc/ibm/ibm_notes/ directory.
  6. Run the customized rpm or deb Notes® installer.
    run '# rpm -i ibm_notes-9.0.i586.rpm"
    run '$ sudo dpkg -i ibm-notes-0.0.i586.deb"

Addon rpm or deb packages

About this task

You can use the same process flow used to install Notes® for Addon rpm and deb packages. The install manifest (install.xml file) can be located in the rpm or deb kit as /opt/ibm/notes/framework/rcp/deploy/install. addon name.xml and /opt/ibm/notes/framework/rcp/deploy/uninstall.addon name.xml or be located externally as an override to the default location at /etc/ibm/Addon rpm/deb name/install.addon namexml and /etc/ibm/Addon rpm name/uninstalladdon name xml.

This example uses Notes® Addons (ibm_activities-9.0.i586.rpm or ibm-activites-9.0.i586.deb, for example, name=ibm_activities).
Note: The deb and rpm kit names change with each Notes® release.


  1. Put a valid file and file in the /etc/ibm/name/ directory on the computer on which you'll be installing.

    The new files will override the existing, installed files in the /opt/ibm/notes/framework/rcp/deploy directory.

    The and files should contain name features. The features include those already in a supplied rpm or deb package plus any third party or custom features you want to install or uninstall now.

    Note: For an example of an file, see the /opt/ibm/notes/framework/rcp/deploy/ file.
    Note: For an example of an file see /opt/ibm/notes/framework/rcp/deploy/ file.
  2. Put a valid updatesite folder under the /etc/ibm/ibm_notes directory.

    The new updatesite will contain your third party or custom features and corresponding plugins.

    Note: You do not need a new updatesite folder for features already in a supplied rpm or deb package.

    As part of this step, you'll need to do the following:

    1. Create a custom plugin_customization.ini file.
    2. Provide keystore files.
  3. Put your plugin_customization.ini /.keystore* under /etc/ibm/ibm_notes, if you want to override the one in the rpm or deb package.

    The plugin_customization.ini file in the install kit will be merged with the plugin_customization.ini file currently in the /opt/ibm/notes/framework/rcp/deploy/ directory on the computer on which you'll be installing.

    Note: Your custom or third party features must be signed with a Notes® trusted signature or you must manually remove the following two lines from the plugin_customization.ini file in your custom kit before install and then add these two lines back to the deployed plugin_customization.ini file after installation is complete. 
  4. Install the rpm or deb using the following sample as reference.
    run '# rpm -i ibm_activities-9.0.i586.rpm'
    run '$ sudo dpkg -i ibm-activities-9.0.i586.deb'
    Note: Using an external location override allows the deployer to define the set of features to be installed or enabled during installation.