Integrating iNotes® with IBM® Docs

Provide IBM® iNotes® users the ability to view documents with IBM® Docs. You can allow users to view all supported document file types or you can specify which of the supported file types users are allowed to view with IBM® Docs.

Before you begin

Set up SSO between the IBM® Domino® server, the IBM® Connections server, and the IBM® Docs server.

About this task

If you specify notes.ini file settings that correspond to the settings on the mail policy settings document, IBM Docs Integration section, the mail policy settings are overridden by the corresponding notes.ini file settings. The corresponding notes.ini file settings are described here in the notes.ini settings topic. Be careful not to unintentionally override the settings in the mail policy settings document.


  1. From the mail policy settings document, click IBM iNotes, and then click Configuration.
  2. In the IBM Docs Integration section, in the Allow IBM Docs Integration field, click Enable.
  3. In the URL to IBM Docs service field, enter the URL that points to the server on which IBM Docs is installed.
  4. In the Viewable file types field, select the types of files viewable to the user. Use this setting to control the types of files that can be viewed in IBM® Docs. The default is to leave this field blank, allowing users to view all file types that IBM® Docs can handle. If a file type is selected, users can view that file type; if a file type is not selected, users cannot view files of that type. You can manually add other file types that are supported by IBM® Docs.
    Table 1. Viewable file types and their descriptions
    File Type Description
    ots (Not yet supported) IBM® Symphony® spreadsheet template
    xls Microsoft Excel
    odt IBM® Symphony® documents
    xlsx Microsoft Excel
    docx Microsoft Word
    ott (Not yet supported) IBM® Symphony® document template
    pptx Microsoft PowerPoint
    ods IBM® Symphony® spreadsheets
    otp (Not yet supported) IBM® Symphony® presentation template
    odp IBM® Symphony® presentation
    ppt Microsoft PowerPoint
    csv (Not yet supported) Comma separated value file of exported Microsoft Outlook contact names in ASCII format with .csv file name extension.
    doc Microsoft Word
    pdf Adobe Reader
  5. Click Save and Close.
  6. Complete these steps to designate the proxy settings in the security policy settings document:
    1. From the security policy settings document, click Proxies. In the Add white list rule for proxy servlets field, click Edit List. The White list rule to add or modify fields display.
    2. In the Context field, enter /xsp/proxy/ViewerProxy/
    3. In the URL field, enter the URL pointing to the IBM DOCs server.
      1. If you entered an https: URL, import the Connections certificate into Domino® JVM CACERTS file by entering this command from the system prompt:

        keytool - import -file location of certificate file -trustcacerts -alias friendly name to identify the certificate -keystore domino install dir\jvm\lib\security\cacerts

        For example, enter C:\Domino\jvm\bin>keytool -import -file c:\temp\ -trustcacerts -alias connectionsSWG -keystore C:\Domino\jvm\lib\ security\cacerts

        The default password is changeit

    4. Click Add/Modify Value. The Context and URL values are added to the Add these white-list rules for proxy servlets field.
    5. In the Actions field, specify any combination of GET, POST, and HEAD.
    6. In the Cookies field, enter * (asterisk).
    7. In the Mime Types field, enter * (asterisk).
    8. In the Headers field, enter * (asterisk).
    9. Click OK.
    10. Click Save and Close.